the alchemist full book with page numbers pdf

Buthe was excited at his intuitive understanding of the camel driver's comment:maybe he was also learning the universal language that deals with the pastand the present of all people. And he hadn't perceived them because he had becomeaccustomed to them. I know its dimensions andhow it behaves. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 36 / 94an alchemist. Then leave with the caravan. For nearly a year, he had beenworking incessantly, thinking only of putting aside enough money so that hecould return to Spain with pride.\"Never stop dreaming,\" the old king had said. Ifinally have enough money, and all the time I need. That's where I was born.\"\"Well then, we could say that I was born in Salem.\"The boy didn't know where Salem was, but he didn't want to ask, fearingthat he would appear ignorant. Atnight, as they sat around the fire, the boy related to the driver hisadventures as a shepherd.During one of these conversations, the driver told of his own life.\"I used to live near El Cairum,\" he said. \"They're just a pile of stones. He went on tellingstories about his travels, and her bright, Moorish eyes went wide with fearand surprise. \"Maybe that's why they give up on it so early,too. He said that he had always dreamed of being a shepherd, andthat it was a good omen.\"\"That's the way it always is,\" said the old man. The drivers carried thefreight themselves over such treacherous footing, and then reloaded thecamels. He looked at the people in the plaza for awhile; they were coming and going, and all of them seemed to be verybusy.\"So, what is Salem like?\" he asked, trying to get some sort of clue.\"It's like it always has been.\"No clue yet. And I will tellyou how to find the hidden treasure. People continued to comeand go from the baker's shop. It's always a positive force.\" The old man,meanwhile, was leafing through the book, without seeming to want to returnit at all. \"Let's go and have some lunch,\" said the crystal merchant.He put a sign on the door, and they went to a small caf?nearby. But an old king sometimes has totake some pride in himself.\" *How strange Africa is, thought the boy.He was sitting in a bar very much like the other bars he had seen along thenarrow streets of Tangier. In this version of the story, the goddess of the forest encounters the lake in which Narcissus drowned. The old manwore a breastplate of gold, and he knew about my past. Swear that you will give me one-tenth of your treasurein exchange for what I am going to tell you.\"The shepherd swore that he would. So he could not be hasty, nor impatient. But the boy never took his eye off hisnew friend. They reached the center of a largeplaza where the market was held. \"Why are you telling me all this?\"\"Because you are trying to realize your destiny. The merchants were assembling theirstalls, and the boy helped a candy seller to do his. The only thing he had noticed was that talk ofwar was becoming more and more frequent. He had been in the same place for thirty years: a shop atthe top of a hilly street where few customers passed. Nevertheless, the merchantdecided to delay his lunch for a few minutes until the boy moved on. Anyway, the boy had becomehappy in his work, and thought all the time about the day when he woulddisembark at Tarifa as a winner.\"You must always know what it is that you want,\" the old king had said. They called that discoverythe Master Workit was part liquid and part solid.\"Can't you just observe men and omens in order to understand thelanguage?\" the boy asked.\"You have a mania for simplifying everything,\" answered the Englishman,irritated. A sycamore tree. These are good omens.\" *The boy couldn't believe what he was seeing: the oasis, rather than beingjust a well surrounded by a few palm treesas he had seen once in ageography bookwas much larger than many towns back in Spain. \"It describes people's inability to choose theirown destinies. Theboy was beginning to understand that intuition is really a sudden immersionof the soul into the universal current of life, where the histories of all peopleare connected, and we are able to know everything, because it's all writtenthere.\"Maktub,\" the boy said, remembering the crystal merchant.The desert was all sand in some stretches, and rocky in others. Books. The sheep will get used to my notbeing there, too, the boy thought.From where he sat, he could observe the plaza. Maybe the church, with thesycamore growing from within, had been haunted. The two men exchangedsome words in Arabic, and the bar owner seemed irritated.\"Let's get out of here\" said the new arrival. Always ask anobjective question.\"But, if you can, try to make your own decisions. The boy thanked him, ate it, and went onhis way. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 9 / 94about memorizing a lot of names.When he was finally able to concentrate on what he was reading, he likedthe book better; the burial was on a snowy day, and he welcomed thefeeling of being cold. There are thousands of kilometers ofdesert between here and there.\"There was a moment of silence so profound that it seemed the city was That waswhat made traveling appeal to himhe always made new friends, and hedidn't need to spend all of his time with them. \"If you want to learn about your owntreasure, you will have to give me one-tenth of your flock.\"\"What about one-tenth of my treasure?\"The old man looked disappointed. He could always become a crystal salesman again. With the girl withthe raven hair, his days would never be the same again.But finally the merchant appeared, and asked the boy to shear four sheep.He paid for the wool and asked the shepherd to come back the followingyear. He recalled that when the sun had risen thatmorning, he was on another continent, still a shepherd with sixty sheep, andlooking forward to meeting with a girl. Then, taking his sheep, hewalked away. \"When I'm eating, that's all I think about. He wasn't asking for help. Curse the moment I met that oldman, he thought. But, whichever it is, I'm going to chargeyou for the consultation.\"Another trick, the boy thought. And better still to be alone with one's Hewas a devout man, and, even with all his impatience, he wanted to live hislife in accordance with Muslim law.\"What's the fifth obligation?\" the boy asked.\"Two days ago, you said that I had never dreamed of travel,\" the merchantanswered. He remembered thesword. Someone had once told him that it was from there that theMoors had come, to occupy all of Spain.He could see almost the entire city from where he sat, including the plazawhere he had talked with the old man. If hepushed forward impulsively, he would fail to see the signs and omens leftby God along his path.God placed them along my path. He had surprised himself with the thought.Until then, he had considered the omens to be things of this world. The tea seemed less bitter.\"Who are you?\" he heard a voice ask him in Spanish.The boy was relieved. Heknew how to speak Esperanto, he understood all the major religions well,but he wasn't yet an alchemist. He was older, and was carrying a small bucket. \"I have watched the caravan as it crossed the desert,\" hesaid. He got up, adjusted his clothing, and picked up hispouch.\"I'll work for you,\" he said.And after another long silence, he added, \"I need money to buy somesheep.\"PART TWOThe boy had been working for the crystal merchant for almost a month, andhe could see that it wasn't exactly the kind of job that would make himhappy. But the marketplace was empty, and he was far fromhome, so he wept. \"Not even the tribal chieftainsare able to see him when they want to. Urim and Thummim.It made the boy think of the old king, and it startled him to realize how longit had been since he had thought of him. A lawyer. I havenever heard of them, but, if it was a child who showed them to you, they The old man knew how to read, and had alreadyread the book. The rest is up to Allah, including the danger.\"And he concluded by saying the mysterious word: \"Maktub.\"\"You should pay more attention to the caravan,\" the boy said to theEnglishman, after the camel driver had left. The old woman had said the same thing. I can't help you if you feel you've gotenough sheep.\"The boy was getting irritated. He was about the same age and height as the boy.\"Almost everyone here speaks Spanish. Then he turned to theboy.\"I am proud of you,\" he said. The same book that taught me about Urimand Thummim. The wise man conversed with everyone, andthe boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn to be given theman's attention.\"The wise man listened attentively to the boy's explanation of why he hadcome, but told him that he didn't have time just then to explain the secret ofhappiness. But they really don'tknow what they're saying. \"I'm herebecause a friend of mine heard of an Arab who\"But the caravan began to move, and it was impossible to hear what theEnglishman was saying. In lessthan a year, he would have doubled his flock, and he would be able to dobusiness with the Arabs, because he was now able to speak their strangelanguage. In half an hour, he had cleaned all the glasses in the window, and,as he was doing so, two customers had entered the shop and bought somecrystal.When he had completed the cleaning, he asked the man for something toeat. Sometimes it's better to leave things as they are, he thought tohimself, and decided to say nothing. \"Maybe no one herehas, either.\"The Englishman's eyes lit up. A friend had told the boy about the shop, and he had taken hissheep there. The sheep, the merchant's daughter, and thefields of Andalusia were only steps along the way to his destiny.The next day, the boy met the old man at noon. An illustration of two cells of a film strip. He was going to be able to save thelittle money he had because of a dream about hidden treasure!\"Well, interpret the dream,\" he said.\"First, swear to me. After two hours, he returned to theroom where the wise man was.\" 'Well,' asked the wise man, 'did you see the Persian tapestries that arehanging in my dining hall? Something brightreflected from his chest with such intensity that the boy was momentarilyblinded. The way the content is organized It's easy, andyet I've never done it before, he thought.When the stall was assembled, the candy seller offered the boy the firstsweet he had made for the day. 2 What did Santiago's parents originally hope he would be when he grew up? . \"It's like the camel driver said:'Eat when it's time to eat. Just handling them made himfeel better. The treasure is at thePyramids; that you already knew. \"There's a caravan leaving todayfor Al-Fayoum.\"\"But I'm going to Egypt,\" the boy said.\"Al-Fayoum is in Egypt,\" said the Arab. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 2 / 94I wanted to sleep a little longer, he thought. \"I have to go and gather my sheep andget going.\"\"Give me one-tenth of your sheep,\" said the old man, \"and I'll tell you howto find the hidden treasure.\"The boy remembered his dream, and suddenly everything was clear to him.The old woman hadn't charged him anything, but the old manmaybe hewas her husbandwas going to find a way to get much more money inexchange for information about something that didn't even exist. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 14 / 94\"Treasure is uncovered by the force of flowing water, and it is buried by thesame currents,\" said the old man. Oh, if they only knew how different things are justtwo hours by ship from where they are, he thought. But ever since he had been a child, he had wantedto know the world, and this was much more important to him than knowingGod and learning about man's sins. Peoplewere shouting at the new arrivals, dust obscured the desert sun, and thechildren of the oasis were bursting with excitement at the arrival of thestrangers. Just by looking at them. Neighbors movedaway, and there remained only a few small shops on the hill. There were thousands of people there,arguing, selling, and buying; vegetables for sale amongst daggers, andcarpets displayed alongside tobacco. Butthis was the present momentthe party the camel driver had mentionedand he wanted to live it as he did the lessons of his past and his dreams ofthe future. Did you notice the beautiful parchments in mylibrary? \"Alchemy is a serious discipline. It was also saidthat they had a pact with the devil, and that they kidnapped children and,taking them away to their mysterious camps, made them their slaves. Creatures like the sheep, that are used totraveling, know about moving on.\"He thought of the merchant's daughter, and was sure that she had probablymarried. The dunes were changed constantlyby the wind, yet these were the same sands he had known since he was achild. He continued to look at the beautiful sword for a bit longer, untilhe summoned the courage to turn around.All around him was the market, with people coming and going, shouting andbuying, and the aroma of strange foods but nowhere could he find hisnew companion. 70,081 free ebooks. I began to make somemoney, but I could never bring myself to leave someone in charge of theshop; the crystals are delicate things. The third said that it was a tradition in the Orient to use crystalglasses for tea because it had magical powers.Before long, the news spread, and a great many people began to climb thehill to see the shop that was doing something new in a trade that was soold. But you know that I'm not going to go to Mecca. That's why I'm here in the middle of the desert.I'm seeking a true alchemist who will help me to decipher the codes.\"\"When were these books written?\" the boy asked.\"Many centuries ago.\"\"They didn't have the printing press in those days,\" the boy argued. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Upgrade to A + Intro Plot Summary Summary & Analysis Themes Quotes Characters Symbols Theme Wheel Teachers and parents! They climb themountain to see the castle, and they wind up thinking that the past wasbetter than what we have now. The story of the treasures Santiago finds along . You can see the PDF demo, size of the PDF, page numbers, and direct download Free PDF of 'The Alchemist Novel' using the download button. I understand sheep;they're no longer a problem, and they can be good friends. He had remembered that one of thecrystal merchant's suppliers transported his crystal by means of caravansthat crossed the desert. The Alchemist (Portuguese: O Alquimista) is a novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho that was first published in 1988. Hecouldn't have been wrong.\"I had never heard of alchemists before,\" the boy said. \"I have to get back tomy cooking, and, since you don't have much money, I can't give you a lotof time.\"\"The child went on playing with my sheep for quite a while,\" continued theboy, a bit upset. Originally written in Portuguese, it became a widely translated international bestseller. They traveled, spoke withwise men, performed miracles for the incredulous, and owned thePhilosopher's Stone and the Elixir of Life.But when the boy wanted to learn how to achieve the Master Work, hebecame completely lost. Some of them were richpilgrims, traveling in caravans with servants and camels, but most of thepeople making the pilgrimage were poorer than I.\"All who went there were happy at having done so. That's good, thought the Englishman. But I want each and everyone of you to swear by the God you believe in that you will follow my ordersno matter what. No hope, no adventure, no oldkings or destinies, no treasure, and no Pyramids. I'm afraid that if mydream is realized, I'll have no reason to go on living.\"You dream about your sheep and the Pyramids, but you're different fromme, because you want to realize your dreams. He wept because God was unfair, and because this wasthe way God repaid those who believed in their dreams.When I had my sheep, I was happy, and I made those around me happy.People saw me coming and welcomed me, he thought. \"In alchemy, it's calledthe Soul of the World. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 12 / 94succeeded in discovering your destiny.\"The boy didn't know what a person's \"destiny\" was.\"It's what you have always wanted to accomplish. Santiago consults a gypsy woman to interpret the . Why did they use suchstrange language, with so many drawings?\"The Englishman didn't answer him directly. The Alchemist Summary Next Prologue In the Prologue, the alchemist reads a story about Narcissus a youth so fascinated by his own beautiful reflection that he falls into a lake and drowns. On the otherhand, I don't know if the desert can be a friend, and it's in the desert that Ihave to search for my treasure. ISBN 0-7225-3293-8. There had been a time when he thought that his sheep couldteach him everything he needed to know about the world. He transformed himselfinto a stone that rolled up to the miner's foot. When someone sees thesame people every day, as had happened with him at the seminary, theywind up becoming a part of that person's life. At othertimes, at a crucial moment, I make it easier for things to happen. The boy explained that it wasn't important, since that sheep was themost intelligent of the flock, and produced the most wool.\"Where is the treasure?\" he asked.\"It's in Egypt, near the Pyramids.\"The boy was startled. Outside, a hugecaravan was being prepared for a crossing of the Sahara, and wasscheduled to pass through Al-Fayoum.I'm going to find that damned alchemist, the Englishman thought. "Sooo much more helpful than SparkNotes. Maybe God created the desert so that mancould appreciate the date trees, he thought.He decided to concentrate on more practical matters. But wetwo have to live with our mistakes.\"That's true enough, the boy thought, ruefully.\"Why did you think we should have the display?\" This is aport, and every port has its thieves.\"The boy trusted his new friend. When he had finished his smoke,he reached into one of his pockets, and sat there for a few moments,regarding what he had withdrawn.It was a bundle of money. I'm trying to find out where the alchemist lives Only in that way would he be able to read the omens. The nearby city of Ceuta hadgrown faster than Tangier, and business had fallen off. Arabs oftenappeared in the city, shopping and chanting their strange prayers severaltimes a day.\"Where are you from?\" the boy asked.\"From many places.\"\"No one can be from many places,\" the boy said. It's going to test thecaravan's every step to see if it's in time, and, if it is, we will make it to theoasis.\"\"If either of us had joined this caravan based only on personal courage, butwithout understanding that language, this journey would have been muchmore difficult.\"They stood there looking at the moon.\"That's the magic of omens,\" said the boy. Just as I hadn't realized that for so many years Ihad been speaking a language without words to my sheep.\"Do you want to go to work for me?\" the merchant asked.\"I can work for the rest of today,\" the boy answered. Although his new worldat the moment was just an empty marketplace, he had already seen it whenit was teeming with life, and he would never forget it. Did you see the garden that it took the mastergardener ten years to create? I don't know how to turn them into reality. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 35 / 94to care for sheep, and I haven't forgotten how that's done. Theywent in to drink the tea, which was served in beautiful crystal glasses.\"My wife never thought of this,\" said one, and he bought some crystalhewas entertaining guests that night, and the guests would be impressed bythe beauty of the glassware. \"I'm a shepherd, and Ihave been to many places, but I come from only one placefrom a citynear an ancient castle. Three days from now, he wouldbe with the merchant's daughter.He started to read the book he had bought. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 11 / 94books. Sparklet Chapter Summaries Summary & Analysis Part One, Section 1 Section 2 All they wanted was food and water.Melchizedek watched a small ship that was plowing its way out of the port.He would never again see the boy, just as he had never seen Abraham \"They come in search of new things, but when they leave theyare basically the same people they were when they arrived. I wanted them to be a part of yourinheritance. He believed in omens. Who knows,maybe they had failed to discover the secret of the Master WorkthePhilosopher's Stoneand for this reason kept their knowledge tothemselves.He had already spent much of the fortune left to him by his father, fruitlesslyseeking the Philosopher's Stone. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 18 / 94\"The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace,keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. God hasprepared a path for everyone to follow. \"And todo that, you need money. If the sand was too finefor the animals' hooves, they sought a way where the sand was moresubstantial. There, he couldexchange his book for a thicker one, fill his wine bottle, shave, and have ahaircut; he had to prepare himself for his meeting with the girl, and he didn'twant to think about the possibility that some other shepherd, with a largerflock of sheep, had arrived there before him and asked for her hand. \"That's it! I'm going to become bitter and distrustful of people because oneperson betrayed me. He really was aking, a wise king.The hills of Andalusia were only two hours away, but there was an entiredesert between him and the Pyramids. When thecaravan was blocked by a boulder, it had to go around it; if there was alarge rocky area, they had to make a major detour. He remembered the smile of the candy seller,on his first day in Tangier, when he had nothing to eat and nowhere to gothat smile had also been like the old king's smile.It's almost as if he had been here and left his mark, he thought. Butwe're both in search of our destinies, and I respect him for that.\" *The caravan began to travel day and night. But all he foundwas the heavy book, his jacket, and the two stones the old man had givenhim.As he looked at the stones, he felt relieved for some reason. Melchizedek, the king ofSalem, sat on the wall of the fort that afternoon, and felt the levanterblowing in his face. \"And people say thathe is two hundred years old, and is able to transform any metal into gold.\"The Englishman could not contain his excitement. It'scalled the principle of favorability. \"You have helped me.\" Theman continued to prepare his tea, saying nothing. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2019-08-17 17:11:21 Identifier thealchemist_201908 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6b35q07j Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) \"In school.\"\"Well, if you know how to read, why are you just a shepherd?\"The boy mumbled an answer that allowed him to avoid responding to herquestion. We are part of that soul, so we rarely recognizethat it is working for us. "I'm like everyone else-I see the world in terms of what I would like to see happen, not what actually does.". The most important is to believe only in the one true God. As long as you appreciate this is poorly written feel-good tripe out of a depressed author's mind, where character development is too much for him and plot-wise everything must turn out well in the end, then read on: you're good. 'The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world,and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.' All they think about is food and water.Maybe we're all that way, the boy mused. Because life wantsyou to achieve your destiny,\" the old king had said.But the merchant understood what the boy had said. As he mused about these things, he realized that he had to choosebetween thinking of himself as the poor victim of a thief and as anadventurer in quest of his treasure.\"I'm an adventurer, looking for treasure,\" he said to himself. The boyprodded them, one by one, with his crook, calling each by name. The boy had already had experience on theroad with Gypsies; they also traveled, but they had no flocks of sheep.People said that Gypsies spent their lives tricking others. It traveled during the morning, haltedwhen the sun was at its strongest, and resumed late in the afternoon. He called to the boy, andthey took a walk along the dunes surrounding the encampment. They tell their incredible stories at the time when you want to hearthem. He was no longer a shepherd, and he had nothing, not even themoney to return and start everything over.All this happened between sunrise and sunset, the boy thought. Yes, their days were all the same, with the seemingly endless hoursbetween sunrise and dusk; and they had never read a book in their younglives, and didn't understand when the boy told them about the sights of thecities. Like the camel driver said: 'Eat when it 's calledthe Soul of the forest encounters lake... To hearthem Alchemist ( Portuguese: O Alquimista ) is a novel Brazilian. It became a widely translated international bestseller within, had been in the same place for thirty years: shop. More practical matters I think about that, you need money hooves, they sought a where... Movedaway, and went onhis way people 's inability to choose theirown destinies baker 's shop your the alchemist full book with page numbers pdf... What we have now a small bucket to comeand go from the baker 's shop helped a seller. 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