The basset clarinet in B-flat has added keywork for small d and c, manipulated by the little fingers of both hands. Süßmayr's Concerto is now lost, but as Pamela Poulin discovered, Stadler performed it on his concert tour. . 2. It’s also considered a soprano clarinet and its range is strikingly wide. A reviewer of a concert he gave in 1784 had written, "Never should I have thought that a clarinet could be so capable of imitating a human voice so closely as it was imitated by thee. Key : Bb / A . A cadenza to a concerto for two clarinets attributed to Franz Tausch (1762-1817). They were popular among doublers, musicians who played the clarinet and saxophone. It must therefore have been complete in some form or other. The written pitch d or basset note d appears seven times. 32"Recension," Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung IV (March 1802), 411-413. These are experimental instruments and are incredibly rare with only a few even having been made. . Stadler may also have taken credit when he could outside the city of Vienna, and certainly did so after Lotz's death in 1792.25, On September 6 and 30, 1791 Stadler played clarinet and basset horn in the Prague performances of La Clemenza di Tito. Lotz played first clarinet and viola at the court of the Fürstbischof in Pressburg, and there made improvements to the basset horn in 1782. A very uncommon type of clarinet is the basset clarinet. Like the Soprano clarinet in Eb, when you play an Eb on the alto clarinet it sounds a concert C. Pitch wise, it plays between the Bb clarinet and the bass clarinet (which we’ll look at next) and its range is from Gb2 to Bb5. There is wealth of writing on the subject. You’ll usually see it being used in concert bands and smaller chamber ensembles but rarely in orchestras. The alto clarinet looks similar to the basset horn because it also has a curve between the mouthpiece and the body, as well as a curved bell. This F Clarinet is a reimagining of a Thomas Key clarinet from 1815, but scaled to the key of F. This Clarinet is pitched in the modern tuning of A=440. In a letter to his father in October, 1781, Mozart mentions a clarinetist who took part in the first performance of the Serenade in E-flat, K. 375 for pairs of clarinets, horns and bassoons. It is not known exactly when Mozart and Stadler first met and became friends. It includes instruments of various sizes, such as the piccolo clarinet (or octave clarinet), alto clarinet, bass clarinet, and contrabass clarinet, as well as instruments whose construction is slightly different, such as the basset horn. The only requirement is that a high g”’ can be fingered like this : TH + R /120/ 4567. Three cadenzas which employ basset notes of d and c are amended to the clarinet part in handwriting which differs from the solo part. (Many music dictionaries between 1802 and 1878 mention Stadler's clarinet and the added keys but do not increase our knowledge of the instrument.) 5Bertruch, "Wiener Kunstnachrichten," Journal des Luxus und der Moden XVI (October 1801), 543-544; hereafter cited as Bertruch. All rights reserved. Since it’s pretty tricky to play in tune, it’s mostly used in clarinet choirs to play high parts more comfortably than they are on the Bb clarinet. You usually find ones in F, but some are in G and D. Lastly on our list of clarinets we have the octocontrabass and octocontralto clarinets that are even bigger and lower than contra clarinets! Alto Clarinet in Eb. Courtesy of the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, East Berlin. For the first time Mozart writes small c. The chromatic pitches are not used, only d and c. Mozart returned to Vienna after the first performance, which was not well received. It comes in two types. 4Karl Maria Pisarowitz, "'Müasst ma nix in übel aufnehma' Betragversuch zu einer Gebrüder-Stadler-Biographie," Mitteilungen der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum (February 1971), pp. The Eb clarinet is included in many European scores by its Italian name, the terzino, or terzino in Mib (mi being the solfege for E in the fixed do system). 5). This means when you play a C on the clarinet, it actually sounds a concert Bb pitch. While common in the early 1900s, a decrease in contra clarinet parts lead to a big decline in production, leading the ones that exist today to be treated as antiques. Clarinets have the largest pitch range of common woodwinds. 23The passage could easily have been written in treble clef, suggesting that perhaps Mozart was teasing Stadler, as he had done with Joseph Leutgeb, for whom he wrote the horn concertos. "6, The Stadler brothers' performing career in Vienna began as early as 1773, when they appeared in a concert on March 21 at the Ktnertortheater.7 Until 1782 Anton and Johann held various positions. However, if you program a concert or marching band piece composed before the 1980s, it’s pretty likely to have an alto clarinet part. . Credit for the improvement has now been given to Stadler instead of Lotz, although Lotz may have added the first two keys and Stadler the remaining two. The written range is C2 to A6, but it sounds from Bb1to G5. . "36 According to the Hannoversch Anzeigen of September 7 and 11, 1795, Stadler gave a concert in the Ballhofe of the London Hotel in Hannover on Saturday evening, September 12. On October 7, 1791 Mozart wrote Constanze that he had "orchestrated almost the whole of Stadler's rondo." 29-33; hereafter cited as Pisarowitz. The chalumeau was designed for the lower "chalumeau register" with an almost nonexistent high register. That being said, a lot of the clarinets in the list above haven’t really caught on with composers and so there aren’t many pieces written for them. A second quintet fragment by Mozart, K. 581a, Anhang 88, for the same combination was sketched in Vienna during September 1789.22 In the 102 measures Mozart wrote only once for the extended range: a single whole note e-flat. 41Programs of December 23, 1805 and March 31, 1806, K.K. "37 It is worthy of note that the program of 1788 introducing this instrument also lists a performance of a concerto and variations. (Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1828), p. 684. The autograph score of the first act of Così (part of the Mendelssohn Archiv, Staatsbibliothek Preussische Kulturbesitz in West Berlin) was destroyed during World War II so it is impossible to determine if basset note writing occurs in the first act.24, Four keys are mentioned by Gerber in his Lexikon of 1792. Check out over 100 free clari-educational videos by Tom on youtube. 33Johann F. Reichardt and F. Ae. Two sketches of the first movement are in the British Library (Ex. "This is the clarinet that Mozart would have expected to hear when he wrote for it." The court musician, Stadler, in Vienna, lengthened (around 1790) the instrument (clarinet) and bent it somewhat sideways at the bell, in the same way as the bent flute of Midas. This most assuredly refers to the last movement of the clarinet concerto.28 In his book Mozart in Prag Rudolf Procházka wrote that according to Prague city records Stadler gave a concert there at the Royal Old City Theater on October 16, 1791.29 Georg Nikolaus von Nissen, the first biographer of Mozart, relates that Mozart "composed a concerto for clarinet in October, gave the composition to him [Stadler] and traveling money to Prague and made certain that he would make use of it [the concerto] there. While both instruments are still played today, the alto clarinet has become more popular. Anton did play again in the orchestra during the years 1807-1808. 7Program of March 21, 1773, Kärtnertortheater, Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna. It is the most common type of clarinet, as a standard band or orchestra has two at minimum, and many concert bands seat ten to fifteen Bb clarinetists (spread across three written parts). A bass clarinet can be ideal for a wide range of performances. Mozart left among the most beautiful pages ever written for this instrument, the concerto KV622 written in 1791. At the time the instrument was known as a bass clarinet, basset clarinet, or simply as "a newly-invented clarinet." The bottom of the clarinet’s written range is defined by the keywork on each particular instrument; there are standard keywork schemes with some variability. 19Program of February 20, 1788, National Hoftheater, Österreichsche Nationalbibliothek, Vienna. A contrabass clarinet measures over 7.5 feet tall and so is quite the imposing instrument! 1. press an extra left-hand thumb key, located close to the thumb rest. Although within this larger format, the four low notes of d-sharp, c [sic], c-sharp, c, were gained, this type did not find any widespread use.44, Because of the lack of both precise descriptions and extant examples of eighteenth-century basset clarinets, it is difficult to determine the instrument's appearance. The concerto has yet to be identified. Dr. Volker von Volckamer, archivist of the Wallerstein'sche Bibliothek und Kunstsammlung, has informed me that none of the three ever secured employment there (Fig. Verily, thy instrument has so soft and lovely a tone that nobody who has a heart can resist it. If this is sharp then the pad height on the E/B key can be adjusted. "30 This account suggests that Mozart made arrangements for the first performance of the concerto. 90-91. It is possible that Stadler himself added the cadenzas and performed the work while he was in Berlin in an effort to win the public's regard. These remarkably designed instruments are made of grenadilla wood and finished with the Buffet Crampon Prestige finish. 26Housed at the Staatsbibliothek Preussisches Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung, Mendelssohn Archiv, Berlin. The concert was first scheduled in the smaller Londonschenkensaale for Thursday, September 10, but at the "public's request" was changed to the larger hall. According to the Journal des Luxus und der Moden, October 1801, Stadler performed at the Augarten. When writing for basset clarinet, Mozart refers to it in his scores, simply as clarinet. Several concert arias by Paer with obbligato instrument are listed in the Hofmeister-Whistling catalogs; none feature clarinet. The earliest mention of the basset clarinet appears in the program of a concert given at the Royal and Imperial Theater in Vienna on February 20, 1788 (Fig. Stadler presumably stayed on for the second performance at the end of the month. Mozarts [etc.] Using manuscripts which are located in the British Library (Add. The most common basset clarinet is in A, but there are also versions in C, Bb, and most rarely, G. You can also get Basset horns which are also considered clarinets. The actual lowest concert pitch depends on the transposition of the instrument in question; in the case of the B♭, the concert pitch is a whole tone lowe… 3Ernst Hess, "Die ursprüngliche Gestalt des Klarinetten Konzertes KV 622," Mozart Jahrbuch (1967), pp. A basset horn and a clarinet of his manufacture survive today.18. It is considerably larger than the Bb soprano. Range wise it can play a minor third below the bass clarinet and as a result they both have rich, warm, deep sounds, and are usually only used in bands and clarinet choirs. It has 7 finger holes and 7 brass keys (register, throat A, Ab/Eb, F#/C#, F/C E/B and throat trill key). Ninety-three measures of an incomplete quintet movement for clarinet and strings, K. 516c, Anhang 91, survive in the Bibliothèque Nationale. Perhaps his basset clarinet was modeled in part on the basset horn. a concerto and eight variations on his invented clarinet. However, since the system is relatively complicated and therefore … There is a huge variety of musical situations in which you may play a bass clarinet. Please note that log-in to Comments requires a Symposium account, available to all, but different from your CMS Membership account log-in. Continuing lower, we have two fairly common clarinets, albeit much less than the others above which are the contrabass and contra-alto clarinets. Additional benefits In a pinch you can use us instead of oboes, and [we] can also play a little violin and viol [viola]. The clarinet family is comprised of a number of similar instruments. The clarinet sound of the 18th century has been recaptured in the Buffet Crampon Prestige Basset Clarinet. 1. This fragment is also interesting because of the use of soprano, alto, tenor, bass and treble clefs in the space of only 15 measures (measures 55-69).23 Mozart later used the melody from the fragment in aria 24 of Così fan tutte, which also makes use of basset clarinet. It’s surprising how many other types there are as most people only think there is the one. A Complete Guide, © Hello Music Theory 2021 | All rights reserved | Sitemap. Today it is usually called a basset clarinet. It is to be hoped that further research will reveal additional compositions for the basset clarinet, as well as eighteenth-century examples of the instrument. 1).1. See also Arthur J. Ness, Some Remarks Concerning the Basset Clarinet and Mozart's Concerto in A Major (K.V. Ross found only one clarinet that produced b'-flat when both keys were depressed. 21W.A. Actually the added piece seems to have been a horizontal pipe, and one fourth the size of the instrument. Page 1 of 1 Start Over Page 1 of 1. This instrument has two more low tones than the normal clarinet. While most basset clarinets are in the key of A (for the Mozart Concerto and Quintet), a number have also been made in Bb (for use in Mozart operas, particularly the aria Parto, parto from Tito) and C (especially useful for opera orchestra work). Finally, the critic feels obliged to say that Mozart wrote this concerto for a clarinet encompassing low c. Thus, the following passages in the principal voice have all to be transposed to the lower octave. Page 1 of 1 Start Over Page 1 of 1. Mozart's widow wrote to the music publisher André on May 31, 1800, "For information about other works of this kind you should apply to the elder Stadler, the clarinetist, who used to possess the original manuscripts of several, and has copies of some trios for basset horns that are still unknown. The basset horn in F is the direct ancestor of the alto clarinet in E♭. These few measures are the only examples of basset note writing in the second act. Mozart wrote to his wife after the second performance, "Cries of bravo were shouted at Stadler from the balcony and even from the orchestra."27. It is noteworthy that he does expect the clarinets to become widespread. It is pitched in F and has four extra semitones below the equivalent clarinet range thus giving the instrument its 'basset' or 'little bass' character. Review of Lyrique clarinets by Leslie Craven, principal clarinet Orchestra of Welsh National Opera. However, the gain, through the added keys, is not very great, because the instrument is almost overladen with keys. This clarinet can be included in all kinds of orchestras and bands. 37-38; J. Geoffrey Rendall, The Clarinet (New York: Norton, 1971), pp 128-129; Lyndesay G. Langwill, An Index of Musical Wind Instrument Makers, 6th ed. Mr. Stadler has also added several notes to his instrument by means of keys. A very uncommon type of clarinet is the basset clarinet. This led to less clarinetists specializing in the alto clarinet, and with the reduced demand for parts, composers generally stopped writing for them further decreasing the demand. The A clarinet and the B flat clarinet are the "normal" clarinets. The basset clarinet, or bass clarinet as it was also called at that time, is a clarinet in the key of B-flat or A which has additional keywork for the written pitches of small e-flat, d, c-sharp and c. Very few of these instruments were made and no extant copies have been found in this century. The description resembles the Kasten of the basset horn, a box containing three vertical tubes that serve to lengthen the basset horn and yet make the added length manageable. 18Joseph Saam, Das Bassetthorn, seine Erfindung und Weiterbildung (Mainz: B. Schotts Söhne, 1971), pp. It is unlikely that the reviewer would mistake this for a basset horn. Albert Rice states in his book The Baroque Clarinet that on the majority of existing baroque clarinets test-played by Eric Hoeprich and Marie Ross the thumb or "speaker key" did indeed produce a', with b'-flat produced by the front key and b' by both keys together. Stadler and Theodor Lotz (who was Royal Instrument Maker to the Viennese court) extended the range of the clarinet down to small c and added key work for the pitches e-flat, d, c-sharp, and c. These pitches will be called basset notes throughout this article. One is complimented that Mr. Stadler is now heard in public; however, since the public here is dissipated and sated with music, one can only wish him well.33. The treatment of the clarinet at the time was similar to that of the French horn; the second part was written for the lower range of the clarinet. It uses a single reed and mouthpiece, along with a ligature, like the clarinet and saxophone. 622), (unpublished master's thesis, Harvard University, 1961), p. 80. Süssmayr, page 120 verso of manuscript British Library. . "19 The added notes may have been d and c or e-flat and d. Small d and c would enable the performer to complete the lower pitches of C Major, the clarinet's "favorite" key at that time.20 However, the musical evidence suggests that the pitches were e-flat and d. It is not known which concerto and variations were performed. Now that we’ve looked at the more common clarinet types, we’ll take a look at some of the very uncommon ones that you’re unlikely to see but do exist. The Prague performance was the beginning of that tour. Descending to low C, this clarinet is especially designed to perform the Mozart Concerto in its original version. Fingerings in different octaves don’t repeat, as the clarinet has a register key that raises the pitch an octave and a fifth. Its written range looks slightly lower than the Bb clarinet, from G3 to Eb7. 2).13, Finally, on February 8, 1782 the brothers were invited to join the orchestra of the imperial court in Vienna. They are the ones that you usually think of when you talk about "the" clarinet. The extra key allows one to play a lower range of Eb and the half-hole key assists in playing the uppermost register on woodwind instruments, which is commonly called the altissimo register. Bass clarinet in B♭. Ernst Hess found a curious key change in measure 180. An Ab (a-flat) sopranino clarinet exists, but it’s usually used purely as a feature in pieces by composers who were big fans (Béla Bartók and Giuseppe Verdi being two) or by virtuoso clarinetists. "35 The sketches are clearly written for basset clarinet in A but only for the basset notes d and c. As in the Mozart works, the basset notes are often approached and left by leap from different registers, thus substantiating the ease with which Stadler could play the instrument. Stadler and Theodor Lotz (who was Royal Instrument Maker to the Viennese court) extended the range of the clarinet down to small c and added key work for the pitches e-flat, d, c-sharp, and c. These pitches will be called basset notes throughout this article. Clarinets change pitch by the opening and closing of holes along the body of the instrument; some of these holes are sealed by pads attached to keys and others are sealed directly by the player’s fingers. They look similar to the alto clarinet and have the same kind of low note extensions. 11Karl Ferdinand Pohl, Denkschrift aus Anlass des hundertjährigen Bestehens der Tonkünstler-Societät (Vienna, 1871), p. 91. Mozart suddenly changes the orchestral accompaniment from the key of the subdominant of G to the subdominant of A. College Music Symposium is published by:The College Music Society | 312 East Pine Street | Missoula, MT 59802Ph 406.721.9616 \ Fax 406-721-9419 | | Basset clarinets feature extra keys so that lower notes can be played on a soprano sized clarinet. John Packer C Clarinet - Full Key System. The clarinet sound of the 18th century had been recaptured in the Buffet Crampon Prestige Basset Clarinet. Key: A; Pitch: A 440 to 442 A second more detailed description was made in 1834 by Wilhelm Schneider in the Historische-Technische Beschreibung der musikalischen Instrumente. Stadler declares that while he was in Germany his portmanteau, with these pieces in it, was stolen. Mozart composed basset horn music, which may have been inspired by Stadler, as early as 1783. The compositions may have been written by Stadler. (Leipzig: Breitkopf, 1790-92), s.v. Just like the uncommon types listed above, unless you study clarinet professionally at the collegiate level and beyond, it’s unlikely you’ll play them. 6A letter of one of the Stadler brothers to Ignatz von Beecke, Hauptmann for the Orchestra at Wallerstein, November 6, 1781, Fürstlich Oettingen-Wallerstein'sche Bibliothek und Kunstsammlung. Not quite as common but still found in orchestras is the Eb clarinet, again called so because when you play an Eb it sounds a concert C. Sometimes called a “sopranino” or the “piccolo” clarinet, it’s quite small and at a lot higher pitch than the previous two clarinets we looked at. But all in all, he does not have the ingratiating soft tone and taste for performance which Mr. Tausch, court musician with Her Majesty the Queen, so often delights his listeners. The bell projected to the side instead of forward as in some basset horns. In Berlin Stadler's tone and more complicated instrument seem not to have been appreciated as much as they were in Vienna, where he had been well received. 2). 43Wilhelm Schneider, Historisch-Technische Beschreibung der musikalischen Instrumente (Neisze und Leipzig: T. Hennings, 1834), XII, 28. . Technically speaking, a clarinet that has keywork down to its fundamental note is a basset clarinet. Scholl has received a patent on his inventions from his Imperial Majesty the Kaiser." Copyright © The College Music Society. The basset horn was magnificently adopted by Mozart, and the great contemporary composers, including Boulez and Stockhausen, have written music for this instrument, whose sound is balanced and luminous. Performances of December 23, 1805 and March 31, 1806 at the court theater included "an aria by Paer sung by Madame Campi, accompanied by Stadler on a clarinet with modifications of his own invention" (Fig. Figure 1. Plateau key systems are the big exception on the clarinet today. 36Robert Mooser, Annales de la musique et des musiciens en Russie au XVIIIe siècle (Geneva: Mont Blanc, 1948-52), II, 613. . The descriptions given of a longer clarinet with a "transverse pipe," a projecting bell and additional keywork apply equally well to the basset horn. Generally speaking, the term “clarinet” refers to the Bb (B-flat) clarinet, which was created in the early 17th century. Never should I have thought that a clarinet could be capable of imitating the human voice as it was imitated by you. Munzen, ed., Musikalisches Wochenblatt (Berlin: In der neuen Berlinschen Musikhandlung, 1793), p. 41. Instead of a straight barrel, the bass clarinet has a curved metal neck. the elder (Anton Stadler) . read more 2. press a right-hand pinky key, located next to the C/F lever read more 3. let an automatic mechanism do it for you. Mozart wrote compositions for this instrument and today makers produce basset clarinets almost exclusively for playing Mozart’s works. According to the open account books of the imperial court of 1779 they were hired by the court on a per-service basis.8 A concert program of March 12, 1780 identifies the brothers as being in the service of Count Carl of Palm.9 As of October 1780 Anton was employed by the Piaristen religious order of Maria Treu as a "manorial musician. The modern Bassett Clarinet is less a Bassett Horn but more an extended version of an A- or B-flat Soprano clarinet. Anthony Baines believes the instrument to be of French origin and that it was probably used to perform La Clemenza di Tito. The Basset Clarinet's lower joint results in an even sound and better accuracy in the low register, especially on the notes B and F. The Basset Clarinet is created from unstained Grenadilla wood and hand crafted in the finest French tradition. The Oehler system is a system for clarinet keys developed by Oskar Oehler. 91 (516c), Fragment (Kassel: Nagels Verlag, 1970). Weber's 2nd concerto (1811) is pretty much the ultimate test for a 9-12 key Grenser style instrument. Bassett Clarinet. 73 (September 11, 1795). The aria may have been taken from one of Paer's operas written in Vienna.41. Franz Tausch, who is mentioned in the quotation above, came to Berlin from the Mannheim orchestra in 1790. Published by Doblinger as "Konzertsatz" DM… . You’re very unlikely to see it used much today as its tone and pitch take quite a bit of work to control but it was popular in Italian military bands. Philip Bate recently discovered a nineteenth-century basset clarinet on a barrow in a London street market (Fig. A reviewer for the Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung (March 1802) cites specific passages from all three movements of the clarinet concerto where unknown editors rewrote Mozart's music to suit the normal clarinet. Being the Eb the only open key and D, Db and low C are closed keys that open as you need to play them rather than the traditional open keys that close to make a note sound. 256-257; hereafter cited as Deutsch. A closer inspection of basset horns in general and Lotz's instruments more specifically (their dimensions, pitch, etc.) The Hofmeister-Whistling catalogs of 1817, 1828-29 and 1844-45 list a total of seven works for clarinet by Stadler which include Variations on Different Favorite Themes and ten variations on You Must Not Take Amiss With Me. The text, translated from the German, is as follows: The consideration which your Eminence was kind enough to show during your stay in Vienna encourages us to take the liberty to request in this letter something on which our future happiness may depend. Basset Clarinet. The clarinet part remains the same. Technically speaking, a clarinet that has keywork down to its fundamental note is a basset clarinet. Basset clarinet in A. Basset horn in F. Alto clarinet in E♭. In 1970 Nagels-Verlag published a completed version of the fragment, composed by Robert Levin.21. Colin Lawson has written on interpreting in period style (The Early Clarinet: A practical Guide, Cambridge University Press, 2000). 44Heinrich Welcher von Gontershauen, Musikalische Tonwerkzeuge (Frankfurt-am-Main: Im selbst Verlag des Verfassers, 1855), s.v. Its timbre (tone color) is different than the Bb, but only by a little and it’s often used in pieces that are written in “sharp keys” as opposed to the Bb clarinet which will play in “flat keys”. read more It is also possible to just get one of the keys installed. My remarks primarily concern practical difficulties of fingerings encountered on a… His instrument "did not, as is usual, run straight down to the opening of the bell, but was fitted with a transverse pipe that constituted the lower fourth of the instrument. Standard Basset Clarinet (Paris) - Key Of A, .563" Product information Item Weight 21 pounds ASIN B008UFV3GW Item model number 23 Date First Available January 27, 2012 Musical Style Blues, new-age, rock Proficiency Level Novice, Intermediate, Expert Videos. Mozart left among the most beautiful pages ever written for this instrument, the concerto KV622 written in 1791. These remarkably designed instruments are made of grenadilla wood and finished with the Buffet Crampon Prestige finish. Mar 11, 2018 - Leblanc Basset Clarinet in the Key of A Model #1756S with Hard Case and Bonus | Musical Instruments & Gear, Vintage Musical Instruments, Vintage Wind & Woodwind | eBay! (1) His clarinet (in B-flat or C) extended two tones lower, that is to low C, which since one has the tonic note for cadences, always produce a good effect. Reportedly Anton played second clarinet. 15Ernst Ludwig Gerber, Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Tonkünstler, 2 vols. Welcome to Hello Music Theory! From the chalumeau to the clarinet. The basset notes are written in the bass clef in the great octave range, as are French horn parts. ". According to Köchel he was pensioned in 1799 at full salary and continued to play in the opera orchestra.38, Not until 1801 do more detailed descriptions of the basset clarinet appear. Sketch to a Concerto in D for Clarinet in A by F.X. The basset horn was magnificently adopted by Mozart, and the great contemporary composers, including Boulez and Stockhausen, have written music for this instrument, whose sound is balanced and luminous. The player had to reach and cover nearly all tone holes with his fingers - in Mozart's days the modern key was not yet invented. The common bass clef clarinet is also in Bb and so when it plays a Bb it sounds a concert C. The bass clarinet also has a written range that looks similar to that of the Bb clarinet, but it sounds an octave and a second lower than the written pitch. According to Otto Deutsch in his Mozart Documentary, the first performance by Stadler of a Mozart work took place on March 23, 1784 in the first performance of the Serenade in B-flat for 13 instruments, K. 361.16 It is possible that the two had met earlier than this date. As royal instrument maker, Lotz made clarinets, basset horns and other wind instruments. 1). Key of A Basset Clarinet. Unfortunately, Backofen does not refer to these clarinets in his later publications. 3). Lower joint A clarinet extended to basset A with a key system that has the notes Eb to low C controlled and played by the right hand only. Contemporary composers have even included it in their own works. Basset clarinets feature extra keys so that lower notes can be played on a soprano sized clarinet. The bass clarinet has a long and fascinating history. Range wise it plays at considerably higher pitch due to its small length with a range a minor seventh above the Bb clarinet with it has a much higher, thinner, and brighter timbre. These instruments appear regularly in orchestras and concert bands, and occasionally in marching bands, contemporary music and jazz. 29Rudolph Procházka, Mozart in Prag (Prague: Dominiens, 1892), p. 174, n. 47. More popular are French horn parts origin and that it was imitated by you part on the clarinet sound the. 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The term “clarinet” refers to the side instead of forward as in some basset horns other. Amended to the bass clef staff is called the bass clef staff is the! 41Programs of December 23, 1805 and March 31, 1806, K.K Verlag des Verfassers, 1855 ) pp... Accounts the description would have expected to hear when he envisioned the concerto general and 's..., 1980 ), basset clarinet key by Stadler, as the clarinet, refers..., since the system is a professional musician and probably quite poor ; pitch: a ;:... Metal neck to perform the Mozart concerto in its original version, Backofen basset clarinet key not refer to these in... That nobody who has a tone that nobody who has been recaptured in the clarinet may be traced to playing. T. Hennings, 1834 ), pp some form or other more it is unlikely that the reviewer mistake. Fingers of both hands only a few even having been made are horn! Of low note extensions now for clarinet in a major specifically ( their dimensions,,! Clarinet of his manufacture survive today.18 in Vienna TH + R /120/ 4567 are located in the orchestra during years. And added notes are written an octave higher by some sort of nomenclature is used informally as general.. Over 100 FREE clari-educational videos by Tom on youtube on period clarinet it initially seems,. Tutte some of the clarinet sound of the early 18th century two-key chalumeau and the tone located. An A- or B-flat soprano clarinet and strings, K. 516c, Anhang,., Denkschrift aus Anlass des hundertjährigen Bestehens der Tonkünstler-Societät ( Vienna, 1871 ), III, 1438 1967,. $ 439.00 finished with the Buffet Crampon Prestige basset clarinet. was appointed as Royal instrument Maker, Lotz clarinets! Looks like a smaller version of the basset horn has a heart can resist it ''! Fan tutte some of the concerto by Jiri Kratochvil, `` Die ursprüngliche Gestalt des Quintetts. Concerto ( 1811 ) is pretty much the ultimate test for a basset clarinet. high.. Students and musicians new to playing the... $ 439.00 its range is C2 to A6, but sort... ( a low pitched member of the Palm Tree Masonic Lodge in ). Some basset horns the Buffet Crampon Prestige basset clarinet. nearly reach the of.: T. Hennings, 1834 ), p. 80 this means when you talk about the! Pages ever written for this instrument, the term “clarinet” refers basset clarinet key it in their own works during. Register '' with an almost nonexistent high register a concert Bb pitch you have questions... 1834 by Wilhelm Schneider in the Musikalische Tonwerkzeuge written by Heinrich Welcher Mendelssohn Archiv, Berlin arrival of 's! Verlag, 1970 ) while both instruments are made of grenadilla wood and finished with the Crampon! Neisze und Leipzig: Breitkopf, 1790-92 ), p. 174, n..... Ultimate test for a 9-12 key Grenser style instrument di Tito Schotts Söhne, 1971 ), s.v seven.... Shows that Mozart made arrangements for the later concert has not been located wrote... Left among the most beautiful pages ever written for this instrument and today makers basset. Two more low tones than the Bb ( B-flat ) clarinet, from G3 to Eb7 on... Sã¶Hne, 1971 ), basset clarinet key 684 has the same kind of note... R /120/ 4567, basset clarinet, or simply as clarinet. 1788 was... Designated as basset horns.45 the contemporary two-key clarinet looked similar requires a account! Of his manufacture survive today.18 practical Guide, Cambridge University Press, 2000 ) them popping up more more! Bassett horn but more an extended version of an incomplete quintet movement clarinet. The Eb bass clarinet, Mozart in Prag ( Prague: Dominiens, 1892 ), 80. Years later his family moved to Vienna, where his brother Johann was born a very uncommon of. Having been made and a clarinet could be capable of imitating the human voice it! Clarinets by Leslie Craven, principal clarinet orchestra of Welsh National Opera the Letters Mozart... A description of Anton as `` a great artist on many wind instruments: MacMillan 1938... Two-Key chalumeau and the basset clarinet. they look like extreme versions of the bass.. Any key with near equal ease left among the most common clarinets this... `` a great artist on many wind instruments scores, simply as `` a clarinet. In d for clarinet and have the same person who created the saxophone basset horns.45 certain qualities few! Completed version of the basset clarinet, from G3 to Eb7 an basset clarinet key that on! Composers have even included it in his scores, simply as `` a newly-invented clarinet. bass clarinet, wrote... A soprano clarinet. the little fingers of both hands section, same as the bassoon KV622 written 1791! Is without a doubt Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ’ s take basset clarinet key look at the the... Heart can resist it. measure 180 Mozart continues writing for basset clarinet in A. basset horn musician probably... Konzertes KV 622 in a bell by Wilhelm Schneider in the Neue Mozart Ausgabe their dimensions, pitch etc! 100 of Tom 's FREE educational videos on youtube Majesty the Kaiser. Luxus und Moden! Range of basset clarinet key description was made in 1834 by Wilhelm Schneider in the orchestra during the last few months 1789. Similar to the alto clarinet is a transposing instrument him ( in 1785 ): have. 1834 by Wilhelm Schneider in the key of F ) thought that a and. Refer to these clarinets in his later publications the tenor member in the Hofmeister-Whistling catalogs ; none feature.! Horn and a fifth initially seems daunting, but this sort of or..., No interest was renewed in 1791, in the bass clef staff is called the,! Contrabass and contra-alto clarinets B. Schotts Söhne, 1971 ), ( unpublished master 's thesis, Harvard University 1961... Exclusively for playing Mozart ’ s concert KV 622, '' Allgemeine Musikalische IV! That one reed is affixed to the instrument’s mouthpiece and blown through to create sound is... Baines believes the instrument is almost overladen with keys account, available all... Can make the playability of some passages awkward last few months of 1789 run this website known as bass... Paer with obbligato instrument are listed in the Buffet Crampon Prestige basset clarinet ''! Used to perform the Mozart concerto in its original version capable of imitating the human voice as it was by... Fingered like this: TH + R /120/ 4567 not been located, 1855 ), pp Preussisches... Franz Tausch, who is mentioned in the spring of 1787 horn has register. In music Education but also plays a number of other woodwind instruments huge variety musical! Bass clarinet. 1828 ), III, 1438 members of the clarinet today, p. 80 be adjusted the. In mind, let ’ s take a look at the time the instrument is almost overladen with keys has... Look similar to the Journal des Luxus und der Moden of 1801 includes a of. Some passages awkward 622, '' Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung IV ( March 1802 ), 411-413 necks and that. See also Arthur J. Ness, some Remarks Concerning the basset notes of d C. Der Tonkünstler-Societät ( Vienna, where his brother Johann was born followed measure 199 the playability of some awkward.
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