These tremors are normally located in a certain part of the body, in the case, it will mainly be the hind legs that are affected. While tremors that affect the jawline may appear to be more noticeable, these tremors can impact any part of the body. My dog is drinking a lot of water, back legs shaking nearly contsantly and urinating a lot which isextremely unlike him. Other possible symptoms that may indicate that your dog is experiencing pain include limping, restlessness, and behavioral changes e.g hiding and suddenly becoming anti-social. Since dogs of any size can suffer from shaky rear legs, you’ll be glad to know that the K9 Carts Rear Support Dog Wheelchair is highly customizable and adjustable. Cold cause whole body tremors/shaking, which we know as shivering. These conditions mostly have a genetic link and develop … Hip dysplasia, while present from birth, may take years to start affecting your dog’s steadiness. It is most commonly found in older large dogs and dogs with weak rear legs may have trouble standing up, climbing stairs (but not going down) and the legs may suddenly give way causing the dog to collapse. Why Is My Dog Shivering? The scenario usually goes as follows. Antibiotics are also often used to treat secondary bacterial infections that may be present as well. While it is common for dogs to develop tremors in their hind or front legs as they get older, shaking can also indicate that the dog is in pain, excited, nauseous, or suffering from a more serious illness. He doesn't seem to be in pain, and seems to be happy enough. Take action by contacting your veterinarian, getting a confirmed diagnosis, and starting your dog on whatever treatment plan might do him good. In other cases, the tremors are more generalized in n… We’ll be happy to advise you on the most sensible choice for your beloved pet. He is 10 this month (July 14) He seems to be loosing weight a lot of weight. Your veterinarian will explain how to get your pet vomit using dilute hydrogen peroxide, Ipecac or salt water. However, if it an older dog, usually surgery may be recommended or medications to manage the symptoms may be prescribed. This targeting hinders mobility and will explain why your dog is trembling, falling and cannot hold itself up normally. Certain breeds of dogs-those with unusually long backs such as Dachshunds and Bassett Hounds-are more prone to back spasms. As a loving dog owner, you may feel understandably worried, confused, or alarmed by the sight of tremors in your dog’s rear legs. Regular doses of Vitamins B, C, and E, N-acetylcysteine, and epsilon-aminocaproic acid may slow the progression of degenerative myelopathy when combined with the steroid prednisone. It is important to understand that the part of the body that is impacted does not indicate a worsening of the condition. Required fields are marked *. Causes of Hind Leg Weakness in Dogs Injury to the spinal cord or nerves supplying the hind legs. Dogs are VERY good at hiding their pain, so don’t always expect your dog to cry or whine when he’s hurt. If you’ve ever exercised so much your legs shook, then you know what this feels like. Arched back. A dreaming dog may move his legs in a running motion. Dogs too are susceptible to certain neurological disorders such as motor neuron disease and will display signs and symptoms. That wild body … Some dogs may also become shaky if they have been standing for too long in public. The shivers may also be due to an underlying medical condition, side effect of medications, environmental factors such as cold or due to idiopathic (unknown) reasons. Some dogs shiver when they're happy or excited. Often, dogs will shake or shiver if they are in pain or suffering from some kind of sickness — just like we might tremble due to a cold or fever. Nutritional therapy may also prove helpful. Treatment of hind legs tremor will depend on the age and health of the dog. Even so, regular exercise can still help to reverse or reduce atrophy in weakened leg muscles. Sodium overdose; Amphetamines and caffeine; Low blood calcium; Stress; Low blood sugar; Epilepsy/seizure; Pyrenthrin toxicosis; Tremorgenic molds; Possible Treatment Options For Dog’s Back Legs Shaking. A few of the more common causes of weakness or lethargy in dogs include the following: Infection. Typically, a dog might tremble when fearful, confronted with something stressful, or when coping with injury or muscle weakness. Gallery The #1 Guide to Choosing a Dog Wheelchair Arthritis in Cats: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment Options. The problems of pain either in the joints, hip, muscle or due to nerves issues require diagnosis by a veterinary orthopedic surgeon. It is also important to note that some dog breeds and older dogs take longer to recover from anesthesia and may be lethargic for up to 24 hours. Another possible cause of sudden back leg weakness in a dog is intervertebral disc disease, says Dr. Benson. Your dog may have trouble walking, standing still, or standing up after lying down. Panting on its own If your dog is hyperventilating, gasping for air or panting heavily but is not tremoring and shaking, this can be indicative of simple exertion that will ease off when your dog calms down. These tremors usually don't affect how your dog moves or walks. A defensive dog might be annoyed with those around him and tuck his tail between his legs to indicate that he wants to be left alone. For example, my father’s 15-year-old Lab’s back legs generally tremble a bit when she gets up from lying down. If your dog suffers from shaky or trembling rear legs, your veterinarian can run various tests and diagnostic procedures to determine the underlying cause. Labrador dogs are more at risk for fibrocartilaginous embolisms. If your dog needs even more help than our rear support dog wheelchair can provide, take a look at our full support dog wheelchair options. A veterinary neurologist or surgeon can often diagnose this by excluding other causes. Dogs that eat a diet rich in grains and sugars are at greater risk for diabetes. Old age, pain, poisoning, neurological disorders, excitement, kidney failure, and adrenal gland diseases can all cause shaking in old dogs. Conservative options for treating degenerative joint problems include anti-inflammatory drugs and foods, massage therapy, light exercise, and ergonomic changes around the house. Sometimes, the tremors may be in the front legs, as well. Shaking of the back legs can also be a symptom of liver, kidney as well other diseases. This could be caused by muscle weakness that develops with age and is therefore common in senior dogs. Other possible treatment options may include surgery, use of immunosuppressant drugs, hypnosis and high-dose intravenous immune globlin. Muscle Weakness or Injury. Check with your vet if shaking is limited to a given area (say, the right hind leg), started after some heavy exercise, or is accompanied with a decrease in activity level. Check with your vet if shaking is limited to a given area (say, the right hind leg), started after some heavy exercise, or is accompanied with a decrease in activity level. The reasons behind a weakness in your dog’s back legs can vary. Sometimes the shaking is limited to one region of the body; in other cases, a dog’s whole body can tremble. Other less Common Causes of Shaking of back Legs in Dogs. Looks like he is quivering but does not affect him. Often, we will receive calls of panic when a pet owner notes that his or her pet is shivering and/or shaking uncontrollably. Inner ear infections are a common cause of dogs losing their balance. More importantly, dogs that have been diagnosed with and are recovering from distemper should be separated from other dogs for at least two weeks after they have stopped showing clinical signs. Canine illnesses associated with trembling include distemper, generalized tremor syndrome (GTS), kidney disease, Addison’s disease, poisoning, nausea, seizures, and inflammatory brain diseases. Let’s take a closer look at the problem of rear leg tremors in dogs, from the reasons for these abnormalities to the many potential remedies available to pet owners. As your dog gets older, you may notice that he develops tremors in his legs. It's easy to assume that symptoms like shaking legs are due to your dog "just getting older." Dog limping on back leg. Still loves his walks and chasing a ball although not as far as he used to. While obvious trauma can weaken muscles and tissues, and age can contribute to the degeneration of muscles and joints, other conditions can wreak havoc on the spinal cord, nerves, and hormones. But trembling can also be a sign of other issues such as pain. Joint problems will most likely appear on X-rays, while analysis of laboratory samples can detect toxins, electrolyte imbalances, or metabolic problems such as hypoglycemia. Extreme cold can cause the whole body to shake which is commonly referred to as shivering. It is also important to note that canine distemper is preventable with the appropriate vaccination schedule. Your vet may also schedule a CT scan or MRI. What it looks like: A senior dog might shake while standing up or while resting. Your puppy need to be vaccinated when its  7 to 9 weeks of age and then every four weeks until it reaches 23 weeks of age. Though this is normal and shouldn’t be a cause for concern, however, if symptoms of like trembling continue beyond 1 day then you will need to call your veterinarian.,,,, {"cart_token":"","hash":"","cart_data":""}, Muffin’s Blind Dog Halo with a Harness Vest. Other possible causes of electrolyte imbalance in a dog’s body are: Certain medications may cause an electrolyte imbalance, they include: Always ensure that your dog eats quality foods or foods that have been fortified with mineral elements and vitamins. According to Wide Open Pets, dogs that sleep like this are showing a combination of submission and vulnerability.With all four legs in the air, a dog’s stomach and … If this problem goes unaddressed, your pet might have to give up all his favorite activities. So, always talk to your vet if your aging pet develops tremors. It could be a number of things, i have 3 dog and my chihuahua had shaking/shivering back legs, some one told me it could be low sugar and when he does it to give him a bit of honey, and i does work! My dog's hind legs are twitching/spasming. The #1 Guide to Choosing a Dog Wheelchair. Give activated charcoal or Endosorb for poisons such as chocolate or brothethalin. Treatment of canine hind leg tremor will vary drastically depending on the underlying cause. Also, snail baits containing metaldehyde can also cause severe muscle tremors and convulsions. Weakness and trembling in the rear legs. Take it slow, give him a chance to grow familiar with his wheelchair, without necessarily going anywhere at first. Spasm of the rear legs in dogs refers to uncontrollable and hyperactive tendon reflexes caused by a neurological syndrome. Along with groggy behavior, you may notice your dog seems to have a clumsy or unsteady gait as they walk. Other symptoms include head shaking and scratching, eye flicking, walking in circles. If the tremors come on suddenly and seem to affect the entire body, suspect toxin ingestion, epilepsy, or some other systemic issue that calls for emergency veterinary care. If the poison is on the pet’s skin, bathe the pet and rinse it thoroughly. This video shows “Peggy dog,” a dog whose shaking is a result of Cushing’s disease: What Causes Cushing’s Disease in Dogs? Antioxidants, herbs, homeopathics and liver supplements may be used to help damaged kidney and liver heal faster. Healthy, happy dog shakes. Cold (hypothermia) If your dog suddenly starts to shiver while out in the yard and the mercury has … After diagnosis, some of the possible treatment options for some of the underlying causes of hind legs tremor in pets may include: When it comes to neurological disorders your veterinary neurologist will determine which treatment option is best for your dog based on any of the following factors: Treatment for many neurological disorders involves medication to control pain, grade exercise therapy and cognitive behavior therapy. However, larger breeds of dog are also particularly vulnerable to these conditions. The specially-designed harness can even slow the advance of progressive neurological problems afflicting the spine and rear legs. Unusual posture, such as extending the neck or arching the back. 1. Here are some of the reasons why your dog might be shaking and what to do if you suspect a medical condition. Nerve dysfunction, joint problems, painful chronic conditions, and biochemical imbalances can make a dog of any age wobbly, insecure, and unable to have much fun. Once you’ve selected the ideal wheelchair for your dog, you’ll need to get him acquainted with it. Your veterinarian may recommend a special diet to combat obesity, which can aggravate the condition by placing additional stress on the rear legs. Next is vertebral instability (“wobbler syndrome”), in which “the spinal canal narrows, placing pressure on the nerves affecting hind limb motor function,” says Dr. Benson. Severe joint issues may respond to more invasive techniques such as joint replacement or fusion surgery. Leg Tremors in Dogs: Are Your Dog’s Back Legs Shaking or Quivering? Both humans and dogs have a stage of sleep known as rapid-eye-movement sleep, or REM sleep. Chronic back spasms can be treated with pain medication, surgery, chiropractic or acupuncture. My dog is drinking a lot of water, back legs shaking nearly contsantly and urinating a lot which isextremely unlike him. Quivering is a common symptom of pain, injury, or weakness. A dog that has gotten used to pain, weakness, and instability may need some convincing to give this strange beast a try. If your dog is shaking, he may be suffering from pain. However, it makes some dogs so unstable that even a slight push from a standing position might knock them over, at which point they might find it exceptionally hard to get back up again. The behavior will first appear in just one rear leg and progress until both rear legs are affected. It’s how they work out energy, dry themselves off, and get moving after a nap. As dogs get older, some develop tremors in their hind legs. This includes lack of coordination, head tilt, leaning, circling, or falling to one side. Treatment of canine hind leg tremor will vary drastically depending on the underlying cause. This degeneration typically causes hind leg weakness and tremors, first in one rear leg, then in the other (it does not affect the front legs). Your vet may recommend surgery in some cases while in other cases; he may prescribe medications that reduce symptoms such as pain, inflammation, stress and seizures. A dog sweater or coat can also help them stay warm and ease shivers. Shaking or quivering in your dog’s rear legs may stem from pain caused by degenerative joint problems. Sometimes, the tremors may be in the front legs, as well. In some cases, such as quivering jaw, the tremors are highly localized, which gives the appearance of greater intensity from a visual perspective. Contact us today for more information! How to Help a Dog With Arthritis: Pain Relief for Hips & Hind Legs, How to Tell If Your Paralyzed Dog is Happy. Leg muscle spasms can appear suddenly in any dog. Why is Your Dog Shaking? Fear can also cause these whole body tremors and again these will resolve when the dog is removed from a stressful situation or placed in a safe environment. Toxin ingestion may also cause neurological irregularities that result in tremors. A good shake is as natural to a dog as chewing your slippers. Hind Leg Weakness: Are Your Dog’s Back Legs Giving Out? Sharing food and water bowls, coughing and sneezing are also possible ways through which the virus can spread. Recommended to you based on your activity and what's popular • Feedback Just like humans, dogs might shake or tremble if they’re in serious pain. Just like in humans, the pet’s nervous system is incredibly complex and carries signals from the brain to the rest of the body to control function and activity. Older dogs are more likely to have conditions such as arthritis, which can cause weakness in their back legs. If your dog’s back legs are weak, please see your veterinarian to learn the cause. So, if you’ve noticed your dog’s hind legs started quivering, take him/her to the vet, it is better that way. However, you need to consult your vet for examination and possible treatment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Also, pain killers may be prescribed to help bring down symptoms of pain. If you have a dog, you’re familiar with the wet dog shake. Many dogs that have a mild to moderate case of IVDD will get feeling back in their legs and be able to walk again if you closely follow your veterinarian's recommendations. But trembling can also be a sign of other issues such as pain. If your dog is just shaking, shivering or trembling, that opens up another range of other possibilities. For instance, many Maltese and West Highland White Terriers (as well as other breeds) can develop a condition called generalized tremor syndrome, or GTS, for no obvious reason. Your email address will not be published. Dog Weakness and Lethargy: Common Causes and Treatments. If he is climbing uphill or up the stairs, his weight may shift to the hind legs causing him to shake. Signs of nausea such as swallowing, smacking, restlessness, yawning and vomiting can occur along with shaking of the back legs. Nystagmus is a condition where dogs' eyes move rapidly and involuntarily. The dog’s back legs can also shake whenever he settles in an awkward position. however, it can also affect a wide range of other breeds such as: Degenerative myelopathy involves a progressive thinning of the protective myelin sheath that provides insulation for painal nerves. … But trembling can also be a sign of other issues such as pain. However, it is important to note that it is your vet who will determine the best treatment option for your pet. The vet will carry out the right examination and diagnosis and suggest the best treatment option. Shaking of the back legs in your dog is relatively straightforward. Symptoms of Spasm of the Rear Legs in Dogs At the onset, a dog will hold one leg up, bent, while standing. on Leg Tremors in Dogs: Are Your Dog’s Back Legs Shaking or Quivering? Dog’s just like human beings get nauseous from eating too much, medication and motion sickness. Thankfully, this condition does not cause pain. Fear can also cause these whole body tremors /shaking, and again these will resolve when the dog is removed from a stressful situation or placed in a … The same can happen to your dogs! Start by taking four simple measurements of your dog’s height, length, girth, and width. This can be a frustrating experience, but your vet will be able to prescribe medications that reduce severity of some of the symptoms. Canine distemper is a virus that affects a pet’s respiratory, gastrointestinal and central nervous systems as well as membranes of the eye. Disc disease is a frequent cause of a dog’s back legs suddenly not working. Any shaking or quivering in your dog should prompt a certain degree of concern. Be forewarned, if you get a very small dog, you will likely observe a trembling very small dog from time to time. Also, give them a warm place to curl up; a dog bed near a heating vent with a warm blanket can do just the trick on a cold night. What if my dog or cat is shivering/shaking? An idiopathic illness is one with unknown cause. Pain relieving medications such as Rimadyl and Deramaxx may be helpful in getting rid of pain and other symptoms. If your dog is shaking its back legs and suddenly vomiting, you need to call your veterinarian for examination, diagnosis and onward treatment. You even have the option of installing added front support. 10. In this condition, malformed hip joints become unstable, contributing to joint damage, chronic pain, and resulting in shaky legs and tremors when the dog tries to use the afflicted joints. Muscle weakness is a biggie. Fever Some dogs are sensitive to low-temperature; so, keeping your dog warm is things you have to make sure of, especially if you can feel cold, too. Shaking of the back legs in dogs can be due to pain from muscle, bone, joint or nerve issues as a result of trauma, chronic condition such as degenerative joint disease or spinal disc disease.Usually shaking is visibly noted when the dog has stood for a given period of time. These tremors are normally located in a certain part of the body, in the case, it will mainly be the hind legs that are affected. Pets may shiver or shake for many reasons—pain, fear, anxiety, nerves, or simply being too cold. Older or ill dogs might shake or quiver as they struggle with their balance. This targeting hinders mobility and will explain why your dog is trembling, falling and cannot hold itself up normally. It's easy to assume that symptoms like shaking legs are due to your dog "just getting older." It is considered a benign condition. They’re good at sucking it up and moving on. Any kind of infection -- including serious ones such as parvovirus, distemper, kennel cough, leptospirosis, and heartworm disease -- can make your dog lethargic. While obvious trauma can weaken muscles and tissues, and age can contribute to the degeneration of muscles and joints, other conditions can wreak havoc on the spinal cord, nerves, and hormones. Before you assume that your dog has a debilitating chronic problem, bear in mind that tremors can occur for a variety of reasons, not all of which present cause for alarm. You will observe your dog, and seemingly out of nowhere, the shakes start. The movements may be small or massive. If it is a puppy, treatment will involve aggressive systemic medications. Some of the treatment options include: Veterinarians commonly use a variety of prescription medications to help dogs with nausea; however, you can give your dog natural remedies that can be equally as effective. 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