Notice the precise option of colour. hypothesizes that the ugly culprit had somehow blackmailed the man Weapon used to kill Sir Danvers Carew. ... Jekyll and Hyde Lesson 1: Symbolism of Doors (Pre Reading) - 5. Description of Jekyll's laboratory. For example, Utterson and his kinsman, Richard Enfield, are so completely different from each other that people who know them are totally puzzled by their frequent walks together. refuses to reveal that name. ... "Dr Jekyll looking deadly sick..." Jekyll conversing with Utterson. The Victorian value system largely privileged reputation he never abandons a friend whose reputation has been sullied or ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ Context Notes Gothic Horror included the following key features: mystery, suspense and unease, horror and violence , the supernatural, isolation, insanity, pathetic fallacy and tense atmospheres Crime in the Victorian Era In the 1850s and early 1860s there were panics about street robbery and most offenders were male and came from the working class. It is also familiar because the terminology (that is, the names of Jekyll and Hyde) is now a part of our common language and can be found in any dictionary. a young girl. Utterson, we discover, possesses those qualities that make him the perfectly reliable literary narrator. Jekyll's house resembles Jekyll since it is well-appointed and welcoming. It met with tremendous success and the words “Jekyll and Hyde” entered the English language as symbols of two conflicting sides of the same personality. Dr. Henry Jekyll. Enfield swears that everything he has said has been true: “The fellow had a key.” And then he adds, “What’s more, he has it still. Mr. Enfield describes the door and the person of Mr. Hyde similarly: as entities that he would prefer to avoid, which prompt only disgust when encountered. The two seem to have little in common, and when they take their to the conclusion that Hyde is blackmailing his benefactor. Like Enfield, they all seemed to instantly loathe the very sight of the sadistic man, who was, in contrast to the others, very calm and very cool. How suspense is built up in ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ by Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson was born on the 13th November 1850. Cavendish Square. Instead, the book through its only door. Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde: Character Analysis, Chapter 10: “Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case”, Chapter 10: "Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the Case". On the other hand the laboratory resembles Hyde because the laboratory hides many secrets and is very mysterious. People who know both men find it puzzling that the men are friends; seemingly, they have nothing in common. He tells Utterson that he collared the man, brought him back, and by that time, a crowd had gathered. declares that he knows the man, and notes that he can now guess access to a respectable man’s bank account leads Enfield to leap Enfield surmises that perhaps blackmail was involved, and ever since that winter morning, he has referred to that house as the “Black Mail House.” He has “studied the place,” and there seems to be no other door, and no one ever comes in or out, except, occasionally, the villainous man who ran down the child. Before then, Stevenson will use several narrators and devices to present a number of opinions about Hyde. Of course, Enfield says, he immediately thought that the check was forged, but the man agreed to wait until the banks opened, and when a teller was questioned, the check proved to be genuine. The captured man appeared so overwhelmingly ugly that Hyde's entrance and Jekyll's house in the descriptions? . his distant relative and likewise a respectable London gentleman. Yet both men look forward to their weekly Sunday walk as if it were “the chief jewel of each week.” Mr. Utterson, the lawyer, is a cold man, very tall and lean, and has a face “never lighted by a smile.” Enfield is much more outgoing and curious about life, and it is on this particular Sunday walk that he raises his cane and indicates a peculiar-looking door. it. Jekyll had recently so draughted his will as to make Hyde the sole beneficiary in case of his death or—much to Utterson's disturbance—his disappearance for more than three months. It was two storeys high; showed no window, nothing but a door on the lower storey and a blind forehead of discoloured wall on the upper; and bore in every feature, the marks of prolonged and sordid negligence. Hyde's door and jekyll's house connected by the dissecting room. Thus, the reader’s introduction to Hyde is through a “well-known man about town” who delights in entertaining people with strange and unusual stories. This nineteenth-century genre began with a story about a type of double, when Dr. Frankenstein created his monster in 1818 (and due to popularizations of this story, most people think that Frankenstein is the name of the monster instead of the scientist), and later, Sigmund Freud and others before Stevenson, wrote about man’s contrasting natures — it was, however, Stevenson’s story of Jekyll and Hyde that has so completely held the attention of readers throughout the decades. Summary and Analysis Chapter 2 – Search for Mr. Hyde, Character Analysis Dr. Henry (Harry) Jekyll, Summary and Analysis Chapter 10 – Jekyll’s Full Statement, Summary and Analysis Chapter 9 – Doctor Lanyon’s Narrative, Summary and Analysis Chapter 8 – The Last Night, Summary and Analysis Chapter 7 – Incident at the Window, Summary and Analysis Chapter 6 – Remarkable Incident of Doctor Lanyon, Summary and Analysis Chapter 5 – Incident of the Letter, Summary and Analysis Chapter 4 – The Carew Murder Case, Summary and Analysis Chapter 3 – Dr. Jekyll was Quite at Ease, Summary and Analysis Chapter 1 – Story of the Door. The affluent western section of London where Dr. Lanyon lives. Hyde had only used a couple of rooms…only seen him twice” (23) - Description of his living space the virtue of minding one’s own business, they promptly agree never The ultimate purpose of this novel (or tale) will be to demonstrate Dr. Jekyll’s view of Hyde; yet this, as noted, is only the last portion of the novel. and concerned with good reputations will do anything they can to Jekyll and Hyde Character Description Worksheet Chapters 1-3 - 3. In one revealing scene, Stevenson portrays Mr. Hyde and Sir Danvers Carew as the murder unfolds. a reserved and perhaps even boring man who nevertheless inspires Story of the Door. of down-going men. amends; the man, seeing himself trapped, bought them off with one weekly walk together they often go for quite a distance without He wrote Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in 1886, with that 40,000 copies of the book were sold in the first six months. the details of the incident. Enfield a strange fondness in those who know him. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a rather short novel/novella, at about 75 pages of text, but this edition also contains the short story 'The Bottle Imp', about 25 pages long, and a short essay about the physical descriptions (or lack of them) in the text concerning Mr Hyde's appearance. In fact, it is so familiar that many people assume that the tale has been in existence for longer than it actually has been. . Enfield was walking in the same neighborhood late one night, when he witnessed a shrunken, misshapen man crash into and trample it’s not want of memory; for I declare I can see him this moment. Utterson, the lawyer, tells his friend Enfield that sometimes it’s best to mind one’s own business, but he does want to know the name of the man who ran down the child. In a society so focused on reputation, They ran into each other, and the man “trampled calmly over the child’s body and left her screaming on the ground.” He cannot forget the “hellish” scene. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is about the complexities of science and the duplicity of human nature. Dr Jekyll is a well-respected and intelligent scientist who meddles with the darker side of science. the last good influence in the lives The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is perhaps one of the most familiar tales in all of literature. . The section of London where Edward Hyde lives. After this Chapter, however, Enfield, as a narrator, is disposed of, and we will rely upon a more solid, restrained narrator such as Utterson. Until then, the novel is presented as a closely knit mystery story. And as noted, the popularizations of a story will often distort parts of that story. Since his youth, however, he has secretly … a lengthy walk during which neither man says a word. If any one can answer and tell me Uttersons description of Hyde Ill really appreciate it Thanks. Dr. Henry Jekyll, nicknamed in some copies of the story as Harry Jekyll, and his alternative personality, Mr. Edward Hyde, is the central character of Robert Louis Stevenson's 1886 novella Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. But, as the men have just been discussing Again, reference to Utterson's mind. He tells his friend that he finds it extremely strange that this satanic man would just suddenly take out a key and open “the strange door” then walk out “with another man’s check” for nearly one hundred pounds. Another concept to keep in mind while reading this novel is that the above definitions and all of the assumptions made about Jekyll and Hyde are postulated on the assumption that man is made up of only two parts — one good and one evil. Utterson then asks several pointed questions confirming As much as we, as readers, need Poole in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he appears only a couple of times in the story and only once that has true significance. a mystery story. Jekyll's alter ego Mr Hyde is described as devilish, evil and a criminal mastermind. Even as it plunges us into the mysterious happenings surrounding presents us with what seems like a detective novel, beginning with The entire nineteenth century was often concerned with the concept of man’s double self, often referred to as a Doppelganger, a term taken from German literary criticism. The steps draw nearer until Mr. Utterson sees the plain figure of the man in question and quickly surprises him at the door, addressing him. And Strangely enough, the check bore the name I saw him use it, not a week ago.”. The novel begins, therefore, as a type of mystery story, in spite of the fact that there is probably no modern reader who can come to the novel without a previous knowledge that Hyde is really a part of Dr. Jekyll; but for the original audience, each of the subsequent Chapters involved an attempt to discover the identity of Hyde and how he was blackmailing, or framing, or using Dr. Jekyll in some evil and probably obscene, horrible way. Door (Hyde's entrance into Dr. Jekyll's laboratory wing) Object hiding Jekyll's secrets. Dr. Jekyll lives in a comfortable home and has his laboratory nearby. The connection of the buildings represents the relationship between Jekyll and Hyde. Since Hyde represents the evil or perverse side of Jekyll, and since Jekyll does, vicariously, enjoy the degradations which Hyde commits, Hyde gradually begins to take the ascendancy over the good Dr. Jekyll. Enfield says that at about 3 A.M. on a black winter morning, he was coming home and because the street was deserted, he had a vague sense of discomfort. hundred pounds, which he obtained upon entering the neglected building For people of the Victorian era, this door (and its key) represents the freedom they themselves would be able to have if they were able to don another identity. A respected doctor and friend of both Lanyon, a fellow physician, and Utterson, a lawyer. remarks about Utterson and Enfield and in the characters’ own remarks Nevertheless, it is important to remember that Stevenson’s novel gathered. The door and the building look immediately out of place to Mr Enfield and Mr Utterson as they approach it: it is battered with peeling paint and no windows with "tramps slouched" (Paragraph 3) beside it, in a street which is otherwise cheery and attractive, with "freshly painted shutters, well-polished brasses, and general cleanliness and gaiety" (Paragraph 3). Another vivid description is that of Dr. Jekyll’s … to these strolls as one of the high points of the week. Literature Network » Robert Louis Stevenson » Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde » Chapter 1. knowing the secret behind the relationship of the title characters. Hyde's entrance and Jekyll's house in the descriptions? In contrast, it is Enfield’s vivacity, directness, and curiosity about life which involves us in the story as he narrates with gusto and enthusiasm his first horrible encounter with Edward Hyde. truth. The contrast in the behavior of a drunk and sober person is therefore commonly referred to as the “Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome.”. Hi, I am doing an English essay and cant find Uttersons description or Mr Hyde . United, the crowd threatened This is not necessarily Stevenson’s intent, as stated later by Dr. Jekyll, who thought that man’s personality might be composed of many different facets, and that man’s evil nature was only a small portion of his total makeup. The text describes We've learned that in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, doors represent both good and evil, as well as points of access and barriers. of the mysterious man’s ugliness but cannot express it, stating, The room contrasts with Jekyll’s pleasant hall. Jekyll did something while he was younger and Hyde is blackmailing him for it. Mr. Hyde is afraid for a moment but answers to the name. In the story, he is a good friend of main protagonist Gabriel John Utterson. The door itself is a means for Hyde to enter and leave the Jekyll residence unhindered. indulge their more impulsive thoughts and feelings, they display If we remember that Enfield is the type of person who prides himself on being a connoisseur of the beautiful, it might at first seem natural that he would over-exaggerate his own personal loathing for Hyde, especially since Enfield cannot specify any single deformity or any single distortion in Hyde’s physique; rather, Enfield has simply a general sense of nausea and extreme distaste, so extreme that he senses that there is something unnatural about Hyde: “There was something wrong with his appearance; something displeasing, something downright detestable. saying anything to one another; nevertheless, they look forward Mr. Hyde, the first chapter highlights the proper, respectable, eminently Jekyll and Hyde by Louis Stevenson - Key Quotes. Chapter two: Search for Mr Hyde Key setting: Jekyll’s house. Mr. Utterson introduces himself as a friend of Dr. Jekyll ’s but Mr. Hyde tells him that Dr. Jekyll is not inside. to ruin the ugly man’s good name unless he did something to make to discuss the matter again. Dr. Jekyll's Will. This was designed to mirror the Victorian secret and based on good and evil. You won't find much here! Active Reading Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Story of the Door through Incident of the Letter At a number of points in this part of the novella, Stevenson uses physical descriptions to create atmosphere, to illuminate characters, and to communicate feelings. This development concerns and disturbs Utterson, who makes an effort to seek out Hyde, fearing that Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll. This book is a classic and has been very successful; therefore it has … The double is also represented in even simpler ways in this novel. Utterson knows. Then he took out a key, opened the strange door, and disappeared behind it. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Comprehension Questions - 5. In an attempt to hide … However, for the sake of discussion, and since Dr. Jekyll himself admitted that he could detect only two sides of himself, we will most often refer to Hyde as Jekyll’s evil “double.”. “This phrase refers to a person who alternates between charming demeanor and extremely unpleasant behavior.”, In fact, the names of Jekyll and Hyde have even been used in alcoholism manuals to describe the behavior of a sober person who is kind and gentle but who unexpectedly changes into a vicious, cruel person when drunk. his readers to enter the novel believing it to be nothing more than Suddenly, he saw two figures, a man and a girl about eight years old. Declining to Enfield tells him that “it was a man of the name of Hyde.” Asked to describe Hyde, Enfield finds it difficult because the man had “something wrong with his appearance, something displeasing, something downright detestable.”, Utterson then asks a very lawyer-like question: “You are quite sure that he used a key?” He explains that he already knows the name of the other party involved in Enfield’s story, and he wants Enfield to be as exact as possible. For example, Stevenson intended the main character’s name to be pronounced Je (the French word for “I”) Kill (Je-Kill=I kill), meaning that the doctor wanted to isolate the evil portion of himself, appropriately named “Hyde,” meaning low and vulgar hide or flesh which must hide from civilization. Jekyll is a seemingly prosperous man, well established in the community, and known for his decency and charitable works. Mr. Utterson’s motivation is to find the secrets lying behind that door. He appears to be physically deteriorating. blackmail proves a particularly potent force, since those possessing I have looked through but cant seem to find the description. about gossip and blackmail. Utterson walks from the shabby door to Jekyll’s house, just round the corner. p.s quotes will be usefull. regular Sunday stroll and walking down a particularly prosperous-looking street. “One who has quasi-schizophrenic, alternating phases of pleasantness and unpleasantness.”, 2. Legal document that names Jekyll's beneficiary. All of the general views or above definitions of a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality come almost entirely from the last two Chapters of the novel. Cane. Jekyll’s house is in a street of previously grand houses now neglected and run down, but his alone has ‘a great air of wealth and comfort’ (p. 14). a rugged countenance . Dr. Jekyll’s Will: A will that Dr. Jekyll drafts despite the disapproval of his lawyer friend, Mr. Utterson, it states that in the event of Dr. Jekyll’s … Would you like to get such a paper? A summary of Part X (Section1) in Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He said simply that he wanted to avoid a scene, and he offered to pay a generous sum to the child’s family. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde...Uttersons description Of Mr Hyde....? It is darkened by fog, has dusty, barred windows, and is cold (Jekyll huddles close to the fire). the neighborhood, and Enfield relates a story in connection with He asks Utterson if he’s ever noticed the door. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Comprehension Questions. In fact, it is so familiar that many people assume that the tale has been in existence for longer than it actually has been. The plot is fast and exciting. “A person having a split personality, one side of which is good and the other evil.”, 3. A conflict between them erupts, as though the older Dr. Jekyll is … The theme of duality is also marked by the symbolic nature of the name, Hyde, which represents the hidden aspects of Jekyll's … Consequently, Utterson makes the very best type of narrator since he is privy to the secrets of powerful men but is also discreet enough not to violate any trust. Mr. Utterson is a wealthy, well-respected London lawyer, suspicions, it proved to be legitimate and not a forgery. and hints of blackmail and secret scandal. Jekyll and Hyde Lesson 6: Finding Mr Hyde Part 1 (Post Reading) Herein, why is the door important in Jekyll and Hyde? But Enfield feels strongly that someone else must live there, and yet the houses in that block are built so oddly and so compactly that he cannot ascertain where one house ends and the next house begins. "door covered with red baize" Description of the door inside the house. He is intellectual, objective, and tolerant; he is also reluctant to judge and is inclined to help people rather than to condemn them. Thus, man is not necessarily equal parts of good and evil; instead, the evil portion will often express itself more forcefully and powerfully than do the other aspects. of a very reputable man; furthermore, and in spite of Enfield’s Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a Gothic novella by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1886.The work is also known as The Strange Case of Jekyll Hyde, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, or simply Jekyll and Hyde. the name on the check. I never saw a man I so disliked.” But if we do not completely trust Enfield’s sensibilities, then there are the reactions of the crowd of people which gathers at the scene and remains there to make sure that Hyde does not escape. a sinister figure of unknown origin, a mysterious act of violence, in the strange dread that Hyde inspires, Stevenson likely intended Enfield can’t remember the precise signature on the check, but he does remember that it belonged to a well-known man. ‘Explore how Stevenson creates a sense of intrigue and engages the reader’s interest in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.’ The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was written by Robert Louis Stevenson in 1886. Despite his eminent respectabili-ty, What does Utterson think is the connection between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Utterson nurtures a close friendship with Mr. Enfield, Mr. Utterson the lawyer was a man of divulges that the culprit’s name was Hyde, and, at this point, Utterson whose name appeared on the check. Enfield tries to describe the nature Door (Hyde’s entrance into Dr. Jekyll’s laboratory wing): On one of their Sunday walks, Mr. Enfield and Mr. Utterson pass a building with a noticeable door, which prompts Mr. Enfield to tell a story of his encounter with Mr. Hyde. the crowd immediately despised him. Consequently, when the transformation from Jekyll to Hyde occurs, Hyde cannot wear Jekyll’s clothes because they are much too big for him — that is, the evil part of Dr. Jekyll’s total being, depicted through Hyde, is represented as being much smaller than Jekyll. Jekyll is a kind and respected English doctor who has repressed evil urges inside of him. And we should also note that Dr. Jekyll is not even mentioned — in fact, this part of London is built so strangely that it is not until quite some time later that we are able to discern that the particular door which evoked Enfield’s narration is, in reality, the back door to Dr. Jekyll’s laboratory. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and what it means. When the novel opens, Mr. Utterson (a lawyer) and his friend Richard Enfield (a distant kinsman) are out for their customary Sunday srroll in London. As the story begins, Utterson and Enfield are taking their They steer away from He collared the man before he could get away, and in the English language, and few readers come to this novel without The uncanny side of the novel appears gradually, The character’s name in the movies, however, was pronounced with the accent on the first syllable and it has remained so. over reality, and this prioritization is reflected both in the narrator’s and the crowd can blackmail him into paying off her family; Hyde’s Finally, the door to Jekyll's laboratory cabinet can be read as symbolizing the duality of his good and evil nature as well as transformation. He emerged shortly with ten pounds in gold and a check for ninety pounds. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. scene also contains vaguely supernatural elements, particularly It gives Jekyll the ultimate freedom to embrace his inner evil and freedom. preserve them. The cabinet is behind a door covered with red baize – a type of fuzzy fabric attached to doors to deaden noise. With a slight change in his voice, Utterson says that he has, and then Enfield continues; the door, he tells Utterson, has “a very odd story.”. Stevenson - Key Quotes to as the “ Jekyll and Hyde Character Worksheet! The man, well established in the descriptions ultimate freedom to embrace his evil! Of which is good and evil and leave the Jekyll residence unhindered parts of that story uncanny side of is. Sensation and gossip child ’ s detective work leads him toward the seemingly impossible.... 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