This was arranged by Basil II well before the marriage of Romanus III Argyrus to Zoë. However, consulting the bibliography, the history of du Cange is in Latin; and, whether in Latin or French, du Cange would not have been using forms like "Komnene" and "Porphyrogennete." Meanwhile, Augustus had secured the Rhine-Danube frontier, and Claudius conquered most of Britain. The result has the look of a nice balance of power, but there is no telling how long that might have lasted. Bosnia It is to represent the phonology and/or orthography of a language in its own terms while basically using the Latin alphabet. Isaac ComnenusEmperor It is hard to see that Mary Beard means anything else. On April 5, 1106, an event of serious ill omen occurred. mosaic from Ravenna. In katakana this will look like , or Konsutanchinosu, as Japanese itself can be conventionally transcribed into the (dedicated) Latin alphabet. For us, it reveals the education of the Constantinopolitan Court, in perhaps the only city in Europe in the 11th century where Homer was going to be read and taught [note]. The small holdout of pagan Lithuania, not yet evident on this map, but later holding extensive conquests, will only become Christian in an interesting political deal by the Duke Jagiello, which effected a reversal of alliances, whereby Poland abandoned its Christian ally, the Teutonic Knights, and added its power to its former enemy, Lithuania. In the Red Monastery and San Vitale in Ravenna we see constructions of dome upon dome, or half dome upon half dome. Neville's instincts and habits in the usage, or non-usage, of Πορφυρογέννητος reveal questionable judgment, which unfortunately is reinforced in at least one more matter when we look through the rest of her book. The Roman Army, c.408 AD Thus, we find her quoting from the 1680 Byzantine history of Charles du Fresne du Cange, including the phrase, "Anna Komnene, Porphyrogennete" [p.154]. Athôs that was believed, one way or another, to be the Blachernitissa. However, this does not count the Auxilia, units like cavalry and others that consisted of those who are not Roman citizens (though they gained citizenship from service). The Latin Church had no problem with serial marriages, just with divorce. He arrived back in Norway to claim the throne in 1047. Anatasius rode this out; and its principal interest for us may be the use of the word Ῥωμανία, which is thus attested in popular language at the time. This led to the murder of Anthemius and probably to the coup of Basiliscus in 475. Ἐγκλινοβάραγγος, Egklinováraggos -- Enklinobarangi in Latin, sing. Finally, we see another term used in the Thousand and One Nights. Thus, Venice, which had done so much to destroy the power and civilization of Romania, nevertheless played a significant role in preserving its heritage. It is noteworthy that in my sources on the Severan Army, the Legions are named by Jones and by Adrian Goldsworthy in The Complete Roman Army [Thames & Hudson, 2003], but neither Goldworthy nor the other sources cited on the map give the locations of the Severan Legions. The role of Süleyman and the presence of the rebels, who were troubling to all, does mean that there is a substantial Turkish presence in Anatolia after Manzikert, so the traditional picture of many Turks overrunning the area cannot be entirely abandoned. But Constantine was still a bastard, so Leo brought Zoë back and got a priest to marry them and legitimize the Heir. Again, the motive for such a construction may have been the hostility for the Comneni of Nicetas Choniates, compounded by a misogynistic hostility for Anna herself, with her "unnatural" occupation with history, philosophy, and literature transformed into a desire to actually replace her brother as the heir and "man" of the family. In 1354 Demetrius Cydones, Δημήτριος Κυδώνης (1324-1398), a convert to the Latin Church, even translated the Summa Contra Gentiles of St. Thomas Aquinas into Greek as the Θωμᾶ Ἀκινάτου Σοῦμμα κατὰ Ἑλλήνων, ἐξελληνισθεῖσα, Summa of Thomas Aquinas against the Hellenes, "made Greek" [note]. Alexius knew that the Empire was in a bad way, but that had happened before. It was painstakingly reassembled by Jack Lupic, but then his site has disappeared also. And Romanus IV Diogenes became the only Roman Emperor besides Valerian to be captured in battle by an external enemy. Even the sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade, which we could say vindicated Anna's fears, nevertheless looks more a matter of the folly of Alexius IV, with unrealistic promises, drawing in an opportunistic and unprincipled Venice. This seems to involve the judgment that Constantine was essentially a gangster, to whom religion was really no more than a cynical device in power politics. The idea that Latin, or English, is obliged to use names that are actually unpronounceable in Latin or English would have struck anyone, before recent times, as ridiculous. The statement in its own terms is peculiar in the use of an epithet, "Monomakh," that echoes that of the Roman Emperor, in the name of a Russian leading an attack on that very Emperor. A similar structure can be seen at Jerash in Jordan (although missing its columns). A Viking kidnapping and carrying off a princess would not be so remarkable, but we are then told that before crossing the Black Sea, Harald dropped her off with a guard to escort her back to Constantinople. The complete texts of the Mediaeval manuscripts of Venice and Florence would have been written in Constantinople on parchment, where papyrus has otherwise been replaced after the 8th century by paper, which itself was still more perishable than parchment. We see the title in Latin; and if we open the volumes to the title pages, what we see is all Latin. No wonder. homage to Manuel I, 1158 Diocletian had begun creating a very different kind of Army in the Late Empire. This intially gave me the impression that the stelae were a recent discovery. Nevertheless, the demonology of blame has some modern significance. None of the established systems of transliterating Greek is perfect, and each has its advantages. They can be examined on a popup page. Instead, it is more reasonable that the marriage that produces Vladimir Monomakh was the result of the peace that followed the defeat of the Russian attack. It does occur in Românian, but, among many writings, using a specifically Românian version of the Cyrillic alphabet, "România" would have been something like Рȣмѫниа (), where we get ѫ in place of ы, with the equivalent phonetic value. Within the dynasties, we find as in-laws the names Vatatzes, Βατάτζης, among the Lascarids, and Cantacuzenus, Καντακουζηνός, among the Palaeologi. Before any engagements, Bailleul deserted with his Frankish contingent. After the Schism of the Eastern and Western Churches (1054), there came to be growing religious hostility between Venice and her metropolis. Although sacked by Frederick Barbarosa on the Third Crusade (1190), Konya was lost forever to Romania. We see other things in other languages. [James Brundage, op.cit., pp.109-111] Physician, heal thyself. So that's what it is! The Kingdom of Lesser Armenia was the last independent Armenian state until the former Soviet Republic of Armenia became independent in 1991. Indeed, allowing titles to escape "standarization" means that the French "Alexis Comnène" (i.e. For the list of those who have worn the purple [purpuratorum] from Augustus to the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian is contained in the public records. She can't even continue the story herself. The units of the Eastern Mobile Army all are commanded by their own Master of Soldiers, with two units as "Soldiers of the Emperor's Presence." Dante refused, and he then wrote the entire Divine Comedy in exile. "the Messenger") went to Norway (to King Sverre), Pétr illska went to Denmark (to King Canute VI the Pious), and Sigurðr grikker ("the Greek") Oddsson went to Sweden (to Knut I or Sverker II). The Excubitors had been created by Leo I with Isaurian recruits as part of his plan to purge the Army of Germans. Rome and Romania Index. The Celtic Languages Indeed, perhaps Rome did "fall" in the Third Century, if by the "Roman Empire" we mean a state ruled, controlled, and centered in the City of Rome. I do not know who this would be. This was less than half of the Augustan Army and not even a quarter of Constantine's; but considering that the Empire is reduced to the lower Balkans and Anatolia, about a quarter of its Late Antique size, it is proportionally still robust, especially in an Age when a paid military establishment was impossible in most of Europe. Why we get a central "a" instead of "o" in the Latin version, I cannot say. Enklinobarangus) [cf. Scholars, on the other hand, in both history and philosophy, seem to prefer "Augústin," with a short "i" and the accent on the second syllable, contrasting with the first syllable for "Aúgusteen." He therefore knew what was going to happen the next day. One way, the most logical but the least familiar, is to give the closest equivalent to the Byzantine pronunciation, which was roughly the same as in Modern Greek. JULIO-CLAUDIANS ("XXXIV" Dynasty of Egypt) The Excubitors had been created by Leo I with Isaurian recruits as part of his plan to purge the Army of Germans. This will improve again later, but the coinage will never have the photo-real quality that we expect in modern coinage and that was often present in the best work of the First Empire. Modern Latin dictionaries generally don't use "j." One might even say that all this was a dress rehearsal for the later invasions. Two sieges led to the fall and the sacking of the City, first by the Fourth Crusade in 1204, and finally by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. This implies that authors like Ammianus Marcellinus (d.395), Orosius (c.418), Boethius (d.524), and Cassiodorus (d.585), and Jordanes (c.551), were insignificant -- likewise for Isidore of Seville (d.636), who nevertheless is quoted by Wheelock (pp.211-212). ...certain worms are the manufacturers of silk, nature being their teacher and compelling them to work continually. One way, the most logical but the least familiar, is to give the closest equivalent to the Byzantine pronunciation, which was roughly the same as in Modern Greek. An intellectual revival took place in the time of the Severans. Ravenna It could be assumed that educated readers at least knew the Greek alphabet. Some "chief men" of Henry's own Norman nobility were drawn to the Guard. Perhaps it is indeed just racism. It is remarkable that something of the sort had not happened earlier (as Howard Carter was lucky in 1922 that he did not drop the candle he held up, in the last days before electric flashlights, to first look into Tutankhamon's Tomb). Theophano Scleraena, Θεοφανὼ Σκλήραινα, was no Porphyrogenita (though some sources can be found referring to her as John's own daughter, or even as a daughter of Romanus II). Recalled from exile and married to the Empress Zoë (with the third marriage rule waived), in a marriage that may have been in name only, Constantine eventually brought Maria, with Zoë's consent, right into the palace and lived with her rather openly the rest of her life (she predeceased Zoë). Where this all comes from is what piques our interest. We also hear that there was a complaint over some Russian merchants being killed in a fight in the marketplace in Constantinople. Nevertheless, the Empire, restricted to Greece and Anatolia, rode out the flood. Since the last of the Leonines is Anastasius, who reforms the coinage and is one of the candidates for the beginning of "Byzantine" history, Michael Sommer seems to have his own, well informed ideas about the periodization of the sweep of Roman history -- something that Norwich presupposes and that apparently does not interest Beard in the least. As the Duke is being killed in battle, Uther is disguised by Merlin as Gorlois with a glamour, and lies with Igraine, who thinks he is her husband. I have never seen why no other marriage was ever arranged. Unlike Bede, Orosius sometimes discusses the nature of his numbering, for instance that Constantius II was the 35th Emperor "along with his brothers, Constantine and Constans," but they receive no number in their own right. ["A Note on Transliteration," Streams of Gold, Rivers of Blood, The Rise and Fall of Byzantium, 955 A.D. to the First Crusade, Oxford University Press, 2017, p.xxxv, boldface added] Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon This is of great interest because their son, Володимѣрь Мономахь, Vladimir II Monomakh, was the grandfather of Ingeborg of Novgorod, who married (1118) Knut Lavard Eriksson, the father of King Valdemar the Great of Denmark (1157-1182). While what can be done transcribing Greek with basic HTML code is limited, Unicode characters make up for some deficiencies. An escort job would thus nicely coincide with the period of his transit home; and it would involve an actual Roman princess, whose part in the matter could easily be garbled in the Saga. Reportedly kept in the Temple of Peace (, A curious footnote to the period of the Antonines is an entry in the Chinese. Through the intermarriages of the subsequent royalty of Denmark, we get connections to many of the rulers of Europe. Such are the servile conditions in which the Greeks hold the land which French strength liberated when the Franks conquered Jerusalem. If the Menôrâh was there, any Jew of Constantinople certainly would have recognized it quickly and easily. Animated History of Romania It produces a form of words that didn't exist before 20th century scholarship and that serves no pre-modern intelligible purpose -- they are "neither fish [Greek] nor fowl [Latin]" as words. The list of Bulgarian rulers is from various Byzantine sources, including the only source of the genealogy here, which is the Erzählende genealogische Stammtafeln zur europäischen Geschichte, Volume II, Part 2, Europäiche Kaiser-, Königs- und Fürstenhäuser II Nord-, Ost- und Südeuropa [Andreas Thiele, R. G. Fischer Verlag, Part 2, Second Edition, 1997, pp.162-163]. John VIIHenry IV1402 This was less than half of the Augustan Army and not even a quarter of Constantine's; but considering that the Empire is reduced to the lower Balkans and Anatolia, about a quarter of its Late Antique size, it is proportionally still robust, especially in an Age when a paid military establishment was impossible in most of Europe. So Alexius bundled them as quickly as possible into Asia, where they defeated the Turks, making it possible to drive them out of western Anatolia together. On the east edge of the map is the Khanate of the Khazars, also Turkic, who actually converted to Judaism. Centuries of visitors, often from places with no stone buildings, like Northern Europe, found themselves awestruck. Earlier popularizing authors may have shied away from the extremes of the behavior of Elababalus, who did things that used to be taboo in polite conversation; but that is no excuse now, when that should be one of the most appealing things about him. Although much of Arrian survives, and his Anabasis Alexandri is the best account of the campaigns of Alexander, all we have of A History of Events After Alexander is Photius' summary. The cultural unity there is not of the Roman Empire, but of Christendom, Χριστιανοσύνη, Christianosýnê. Philip IIItitular Emperor 1364-1373 The Theodore buried in Cornwall could very well have simply gotten confused about his genealogy. Romanus I almost derailed the dynasty; but John I and Nicephorus II were extremely vigorous and successful in retrieving Roman fortunes and territory, progress finally to be sealed by the adult Basil. Instead, Beard likes the idea that the Germans inherited Roman civilization, which means, in a way, that they weren't quite barbarians and that the (Western) Roman Empire didn't quite really "Fall." The Dicephalic Eagle Charles not only arranged key marriages for them, but had ironically, as a Catholic sympathizer himself, required that they be raised and married Protestant, thereby securing a Protestant succession in Britain after the inevitable disaster, which he anticipated, of his foolish Catholic brother, James II. However, as with "Inuit," it turned out that the !Kung were only one of several Bushmen people. Fans of Robert E. Howard's (1906-1936) classic pulp fiction character Conan the Barbarian, will find the name of the Bulgar Qaghan Krum (Крум in Cyrllic, which didn't exist yet in his time) somewhat familiar -- it is rather like Conan's own personal god, "Crom." It is a shame that this marvelous scene has not been reproduced in a movie or documentary. And if Neville (or Kaldellis) protests, "No, no, it's Greek, and Greek 'spelled correctly' at that!" The abyss of the deep was laid open; various types of marine creatures could be seen stuck in the slime, and huge mountains and valleys which had been hidden since the creation in the depths of the waves then, one must suppose, saw the light of the sun for the first time. Eventually this allowed a large city to rise on the Rialto. It is not at all difficult to imagine that Sancta Sophia was built with secret passages or chambers. The extent of Bulgaria is open to question. The murder of Aëtius was masterminded by the plotter Petronius Maximus, who then plotted to have Valentinian murdered, and Petronius himself declared Emperor. After the First Crusade had driven the Seljuks back from their high water mark, the borders began to settle and they did not seem to pose the same kind of threat. The Empire decentered and turned inside out, something that popular discourse and even many historians have failed to either recognize or acknowledge. But he thereby engages in the same fallacy and distortion as those Germans (and the Popes). As a rule, I transliterate Byzantine names from the Greek (e.g., Ioannes and Theodoros) rather than Latinize or Anglicize them, which is a mildly offensive practice that persists almost uniquely in the case of Byzantium. Kilij Arlsan III ʿIzz ad-Dîn1204-1205 Sadly, it’s increasingly rare to see Adi de Vito on Romanian TV these days but at one time he was the universally acclaimed Emperor of Romania. Marriages of the Comneni The presence of the Venetians and the web of foreign marriages both attest to closer ties and increasing traffic, and not just of Crusaders, between Constantinople and the West. Justus replied dubiously: Even if it has been diminished a little, we hope that it will rise again, because the Christ must come first, while the fourth beast, that is Romania, stands. As it happened, the Norsemen were rather less successful against the Romans than they were against the Franks, and bouts of attacks were usually followed by treaties -- where such reconciliation was rarely necessary in the West.
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