So, as the world’s data has grown, we’re now talking about data in terms of zettabytes. Data. Try this: according to. According to ID, f you were to store 175 zettabytes on DVDs, your stack of DVDs. In just one minute: In short, all of the world’s data is the result of our increasingly digitised way of life. ‘Wow, that’s a LOT of storage!’ we all thought at the time. Please consult our full legal disclaimer. Yet all those books combined make up a maximum of 6 percent of the sum total of all human data. (Not all of this data is being stored and kept, though.). As the amount of data in the world has increased. The US alone is home to 898 exabytes (1 EB = 1 billion gigabytes)—nearly a third of the global total. Data. It would stretch 280,707.5 miles (451,755 km). One way to put it all into perspective is to hypothetically plug all that data into physical objects we all recognize. How Much Data Is There In The World? Picture every book in every library, school, home, and company in the entire world – it’s a lot of books. Find Out So long, gigabytes. In fact, IDC predicts the world’s data will grow to 175 zettabytes in 2025. Most of that gold has come from just three countries: China, Australia, and South Africa. Facebook revealed some big, big stats on big data to a few reporters at its HQ today, including that its system processes 2.5 billion pieces of content and 500+ terabytes of data each day. He is a frequent contributor to the World Economic Forum and writes a regular column for Forbes. These days, we’re talking terabytes, petabytes, exabytes and zettabytes. Every day, 306.4 billion emails are sent, and 5 million Tweets are made. He is the author of 18 best-selling books, writes a regular column for Forbes and advises and coaches many of the world’s best-known organisations. If you attempted to download 175 zettabytes at the average, internet connection speed, it would take you 1.8 billion years to download. For example, one oft-repeated claim is that the world’s data centers emit as much CO 2 as the global aviation industry (Pearce 2018), which is roughly 900 billion kilograms of CO 2 (Air Transport Action Group 2020). See our, Moving from ‘Working From Home’ To A Hybrid…, CES 2021The Top 5 Consumer Technology Trends…. Web, SEO & Social Media by 123 Internet Group, the same age as me, you might remember buying a laptop in the 2000s, Now, even the most basic smartphone comes with around 30, But the days of being impressed by gigabytes are long gone. Michael Lesk has taken a nice shot at answering this question here: Page on Hal Varian, now Google's chief economist, did some nice work in this area when he was an economist at UC Berkeley (Reprint: How Much Information?) The cheapest country for data around the world is India, which only charges $0.26 for 1 GB. More than 42.5 million households in the US have ownership of either one or more dogs.The population of pet dogs in Canada is estimated to be over 6 million. How many zettabytes have been created so far? According to GSMA real-time intelligence data, there are now over 10.22 Billion mobile connections worldwide, which surpasses the current world population of 7.83 Billion implied by UN digital analyst estimates. A. hese devices are constantly gathering and transmitting data. Let’s dwell on that for a second: 175 zettabytes. Here at LinkedIn and at Forbes I regularly write about management and technology trends. All other material, including data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data, is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. But the days of being impressed by gigabytes are long gone. Two-thirds of the world’s population now own a mobile phone. Google processes more than 40,000 searches every second, or 3.5 billion searches a day. It’s mind-boggling to think that #humans are #creating so much #data. Try this: according to a Cisco estimate, the world’s collective internet usage reached one zettabyte in 2016. European countries have a great degree of variation in cost for mobile data. Our World In Data is a project of the Global Change Data Lab, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1186433). Accordingly, as of September 2020, the total number of vegans in the world is approx 78 million. Based on the most recent United Nations estimates the world population in 2020 is 7.8 billion. Q. data is the result of our increasingly digitised way of life. According to market intelligence company IDC, the ‘Global Datasphere’ in 2018 reached 18 zettabytes. In data transmission systems, the byte is defined as a contiguous sequence of bits in a serial data stream representing the smallest distinguished unit of data. Even if you, enlisted every person in the world to help with the download. Rural population (% of total population) from The World Bank: Data. At this stage, it becomes hard to comprehend what any of this means in real terms. Ninety percent of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. But we're not just talking about web browsing.Social networks, downloading apps, uploading photos, streaming music and videos, instant messaging and many other things use data too. Bernard Marr is an internationally best-selling author, popular keynote speaker, futurist, and a strategic business & technology advisor to governments and companies. 416.2 terawatt hours of electricity world’s data centres used last year was far … I have also written a new book about AI, click here for more information. What percentage of data is in digital format? In 2012 it reached 2.8 zettabytes and IDC now forecasts that we will generate 40 zettabytes (ZB) by 2020. The Mind-Blowing Stats Everyone Should Read. Every #interaction with your #computer or #phone creates data. At this stage, it becomes hard to comprehend what any of this means in real terms. Also feel free to connect with me via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Slideshare or YouTube. The connectivity of modern smart devices – not just smart phones, but smart TVs, smart thermostats and so on – also plays a huge role. By the year 2018, the digital world had been generating jaw-dropping amounts of data. Data. That may be far beyond the kind of data storage the average person needs, but industry has been dealing with data in these sorts of quantities for quite some time. That’s a lot of cat videos being viewed! ), Let’s dwell on that for a second: 175 zettabytes. The amount of data in the world was estimated to be 44 zettabytes at the dawn of 2020. This data means there are 2.39 billion more mobile connections than people worldwide. By using this site, you agree to this use. Governments regularly collect all sorts of data from census data to incident reports in police departments. What does that even mean? In fact, way back in 2008, Google was said to process around 20 petabytes of data a day (Google doesn’t release information on how much data it processes today). Scaling up from there, a petabyte is just over 1,000 terabytes. – not just smart phones, but smart TVs, smart thermostats and so on –. If you’re roughly the same age as me, you might remember buying a laptop in the 2000s that came with around 40GB of data. Two-thirds of the world’s population now own a mobile phone. (Not all of this data is being stored and kept, though. This is the total of all data created, captured or replicated. Whether we’ll hit that vast number of 175 zettabytes in 2025 remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure: we’ll be generating a heck of a lot more data than we already are. By contrast, Western Europe has 19% and China has 13%. It was the year when people used over 3.1 million gigabytes of internet data, and 1.25 new bitcoins were mined every minute. When you look at stats like these, it’s not hard to see how the world’s data has exploded in recent years and will continue to grow at an incredible rate. That is 1.2 million terabytes (one terabyte is 1,000 gigabytes). In fact, it’s estimated that, by 2020, 1.7MB of data will be created every second for every person on earth. And that figure excludes other big providers like Dropbox, Barracuda and SugarSync, to say nothing of … Whether we’ll hit that vast number of 175 zettabytes in 2025 remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure: we’ll be generating a heck of a lot more data than we already are. These days, we’re talking terabytes, petabytes, just over 1,000 terabytes. A terabyte is just over 1,000 gigabytes, and is a label most of us are familiar with from our home computers. Think of how much data you’re #generating in an average day. would be long enough to circle Earth 222 times. In the United States, for instance, the number of dogs is estimated to be over 73 million. To put that in context, if you took all of the information from all US academic research libraries and lumped it all together, it would add up to 2 petabytes. Every time you buy something with your contactless debit card? Global warming: Data centres to consume three times as much energy in next decade, experts warn. There are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day at our current pace, but that pace is only accelerating with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). Several decades ago, Saudi Oil Minister Sheikh Yamani gained recognition for his insight into global development: “The Stone Age did not end for lack of stone, and the Oil Age will end long before the world runs out of oil.” Today, we live in what many call the Information Age, and we are in absolutely no danger of running out of information, particularly in data form. Data is what you use whenever you use the internet on your phone. Extreme Tech claimed daily data totals were half an exabyte in 2012. By 2007, 94 percent of information was digital, meaning that the world's digital information alone would overshoot the moon if stored on CD-ROM. According to market intelligence company IDC, the ‘Global Datasphere’ in 2018 reached 18 zettabytes. There is a general perception that we are overwhelmed with data, making the abilit… 3. 463 exabytes of data will be generated each day by humans as of 2025. According to market intelligence company IDC, the ‘Global Datasphere’ in 2018 reached 18 zettabytes. That’s one-fifth of the world’s population. Research shows that more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day, and this deluge of data is growing fast. Current data shows that the number of vegans continue to … By the end of 2020, 44 zettabytes will make up the entire digital universe. Or is it? “A TB, or terabyte, is about 1.05 million MB. In fact, way back in 2008, Google was said to process around 20 petabytes of data a day (Google doesn’t release information on how much data it, the information from all US academic research libraries and lumped it all together, it would add up to 2 petaby, Scaling up again, you have exabytes (roughly 1,000 petabytes) and zettabytes, (a little over 1,000 exabytes). A transmission unit might include start bits, stop bits, or parity bits, and thus could vary from 7 to 12 bits to contain a single 7-bit ASCII code. About 244,000 metric tons of gold has been discovered to date (187,000 metric tons historically produced plus current underground reserves of 57,000 metric tons). If you would like to know more about data, check out my articles on: Bernard Marr is a world-renowned futurist, influencer and thought leader in the field of business and technology. That’s 1 billion terabytes worth of data, or 1 trillion gigabytes. : we’ll be generating a heck of a lot more data than we already are. Every time you walk down the street with a phone in your pocket, it’s tracking your location through GPS sensors – more data. Data, data, data. LinkedIn has ranked Bernard as one of the world’s top 5 business influencers. The United States ranked fourth in gold production in 2016.All of the gold discovered thus far would fit in a cube that is All the data in the American Library of Congress amounts to 15 TB.” LINK “One petabyte of data is equivalent to 13.3 years of high-definition video, or all of the content in the U.S. Library of Congress — by its own claim the largest library in the world … Please consult our full legal disclaimer. Figures from network hardware giant Cisco said the figure was 1.4 exabytes. Whether we’ll hit that vast number of 175 zettabytes in 2025 remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure. The vast majority of the world’s data has been created in the last few years and this astonishing growth of data shows no sign of slowing down. Scaling up again, you have exabytes (roughly 1,000 petabytes) and zettabytes (a little over 1,000 exabytes). As the amount of data in the world has increased exponentially, we’ve had to come up with new, unfamiliar words to describe data in numerical form. Think of how much data you’re generating in an average day. He has 2 million social media followers and was ranked by LinkedIn as one of the top 5 business influencers in the world and the No 1 influencer in the UK. words to describe data in numerical form. Gold mine production totalled 3,531 tonnes in 2019, 1% lower than in 2018, according to the World Gold Council. Find Out . That may be far beyond the kind of, storage the average person needs, but industry, . Every time you stream a song, movie or podcast? These devices are constantly gathering and transmitting data. This is the first annual decline in production since 2008. 95 million photos and videos are shared every day on Instagram. 4 petabytes of data are created on Facebook; 4 terabytes of data are created from each connected car; 65 billion messages are sent on WhatsApp; 5 billion searches are made; By 2025, it’s estimated that 463 exabytes of data will be created each day globally – that’s the equivalent of 212,765,957 DVDs per day! How Much Data Do We Create Every Day? This website uses cookies to improve service and provide tailored ads. When you look at stats like these, it’s not hard to see how the world’s data has exploded in recent years and will continue to grow at an incredible rate. Every time you read an article online? Every interaction with your computer or phone creates data. Population living in slums (% of urban population) from The World Bank: Data Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). Now, even the most basic smartphone comes with around 30GB of data storage, while a top-of-the-range iPhone has more than 500GB. As of January 2019, the internet reaches 56.1% of the world’s population and now represents 4.39 billion people—a 9% increase from January 2018." According to IDC’s ‘Data Age 2025’ paper: It’s mind-boggling to think that humans are creating so much data. Every day Bernard actively engages his 1.5 million social media followers and shares content that reaches millions of readers. This is the total of all data created, captured or replicated. Thank you for reading my post. (Not all … Every interaction on social media creates data. Or is it? Several countries pay more than $10 for 1 GB, such as Portugal ($13.98), Greece ($32.71), and Switzerland ($20.22). , the world’s collective internet usage reached one zettabyte in 2016. Are Vegans Taking Over? When you look at stats like these, it’s not hard to see how the world’s data has exploded in recent years and will continue to grow at an incredible rate. What does that even mean? He helps organisations improve their business performance, use data more intelligently, and understand the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchains, and the Internet of Things. IDC says that in 2011 we created 1.8 zettabytes (or 1.8 trillion GBs) of information. In fact, almost anything you might want to do on your phone other than call or text does.Typically, when it comes to smartphone data allowances, we talk about it in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). This is the total of all data created, captured or replicated. Our current output of data is roughly 2.5 quintillion bytes a day. Global Internet traffic will surpass one zettabyte in 2016, after increasing fivefold over the past five years. As an example, let’s look at social media usage in 2018. To read my future posts simply join my network here or click 'Follow'. Our World In Data is a project of the Global Change Data Lab, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1186433). All other material, including data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data, is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. 6 percent of the world Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 coronavirus! Though. ), storage the average, internet connection speed, it hard! Cisco said the figure was 1.4 exabytes storage the average, internet speed... Shared every day, 306.4 billion emails are sent, and is label. Every person in the United States, for instance, the ‘ Global ’. Much energy in next decade, experts warn as of 2025 Bank Group helping... Every second, or terabyte, is about 1.05 million MB the dawn of 2020 from home ’ a... # generating in an average day a frequent contributor to the world is India which! 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