This in most societies is best brought out by religion. We think that’s an important part of what is happening on the ground. Average: 0. Some remedies are used to prevent gonorrhea in humanity with weak immune systems caused by diseases such as AIDS. Each day is filled with numerous experiences, some new and some repetitive. The Peace Education Network, based in the United Kingdom, is an organization dedicated to promoting peace precisely because they believe it is of paramount importance. Inner peace is more than finding silence in your life. I wanted to make more money to improve my lifestyle. In addition, internet is the apposite method to order any type of medications as it provides the pleasure of purchasing through your own personal computer. Importance Of Peace For Development Peace is the state of being free form any kind of human conflict and violence. The division of work, feeling of association, togetherness, and cooperation – all these help in establishing a healthy atmosphere filled with unity, harmony and friendship. Peace, as we all know, is very important in our lives and it is essential to our overall well-being. Inner peace or peace of mind is generally associated with bliss, happiness, and contentment and leads to enhanced decision-making power and outlook towards life. Christ said to his disciples in this same passage, “The prince of this world cometh” (John 14:30). Fourth, it is important to provide youths with training opportunities to take an active part in peacebuilding. All the activities of the country run smoothly in the situation of peace. Got billions in bank balance - still unhappy - life is hectic - so much of workload - tension - bizarre health issues - life is too much noisy and you don’t have time to introspect or even ask yourself how was your day. It has been hindered by war, conflicts and disagreements throughout human history, which has left our world and the many people in it in a deplorable emotional and physical state. The importance of peace. The importance of safety, security and justice Priorities for citizens A number of studies, notably the World Bank’s Voices of the Poor report (a survey of poor people in 23 low and middle-income countries conducted over a period of years; Narayan et al., 2000 ), show that safety, security and justice are major concerns for citizens. Jesus gives us another reason why we need his peace: Satan comes to attack the righteous. The importance of safety, security and justice Priorities for citizens A number of studies, notably the World Bank’s Voices of the Poor report (a survey of poor people in 23 low and middle-income countries conducted over a period of years; Narayan et al., 2000 ), show that safety, security and justice are major concerns for citizens. /Public Release. The basic reason of living is deriving happiness which can only result from physical wellness and a relaxed sober mind. Factors affecting peace and harmony: Many powerful and influential people understood the importance of peace and harmony. Any kind of violence, even in its lowest form can be a huge hindrance to peace, and that is why we must stamp it out in order to preserve peace and the lives of millions of innocent people. In any case, conflict is senseless and accomplishes nothing for us but rather, it creates more problems. Thankfully, there are Bible verses that can help to navigate all these perils. It might be hard, but we must all learn to do it. If this continues, then any chance of peace will be lost, so we should try as much as possible to raise the future generations that will replace us one day to value peace above all else so that this world will be a better place. The theme for 2017 is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.” Education is a core element of peace. A sense of community is important to establish peace and harmony among the society. Living together in peace means to accept people with their difference like race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, nationality, ethnicity, disability, and other status. Peace is the sign of development and prosperity. Numerous companies describe it as “undefined”. The importance of Inner Peace for a Peaceful State. In fact, it is a big factor contributing to revenge, which is one of the biggest hindrances to peace. If we look at our life as a series of experiences, we will appreciate the importance of our thoughts and emotions as we go from one day to another. Peace is as much as per nature’s arrangement as brutality is against it. You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. As Albert Schweitzer said, “Until man extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.” We are connected, not just to each other, but to all of life. For FREE! "The Importance of Living in Peace" "The Importance of Living in Peace" Skip navigation Sign in. Want To Start Your Own Blog But Don't Know How To? This … Needless to say, Pakistan occupies a geostrategic position of importance where maintaining peace will help create conducive conditions for economic prosperity and well being of a majority of people living in the region. However, this is something that has, regrettably, eluded us for years and years in this world. Required fields are marked *. “You destroy your enemies when you make peace with them.” -Proverb. Why is inner peace important. Through some trial and error, I've come to understand the importance of my home being a temple. Peace keeps us grounded and assist to take one step at a time towards our goals and even our fears. Read this essay and speech to find out. The division of work, feeling of association, togetherness, and cooperation – all these help in establishing a healthy atmosphere filled with unity, harmony and friendship. How Important is it for you, to have something that you really want? If we do not root it out, then we will be seeing full scale wars a lot more often and more lives will be lost. Imagine all the positive developments we could make if we were to have lasting peace throughout the ages. No, that is a need. Needless to say, Pakistan occupies a geostrategic position of importance where maintaining peace will help create conducive conditions for economic prosperity and well being of a majority of people living in the region. There were some bad experiences for me in some days due to various reasons. Want to know a little more about me? How Important is it for you, to do something that you like? Problems within a community can prevent people from living safe, happy, and productive lives. The importance of peace By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan Peace is a product of a positive mental attitude, while violence is the result of negative thinking. Peace keeps us grounded and assist to take one step at a time towards our goals and even our fears. Several people take more drugs later in living and some have sexual side effects that result in impotency. To simply answer these two questions, I would say; peace is important because it gives us freedom, strength and hope to live. In an essay on the importance of peace and harmony, one might use the natural world as an example or a metaphor. If I want to take a crucial decision, it is essential to analyze various aspects of the problem clearly from various perspectives. Outwardly: living in peace is a way of life in which we respect and love each other in spite of our cultural, religious, and political differences. Living in Peace with People Who Drive You Crazy - Mike Bechtle - Duration: 24:56. By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. With the right training, and with desire, motivation, patience and perseverance, you are sure to attain at least some degree of inner peace. Peace of mind will enable you to manifest calmness and tranquility in your daily life, and also in difficult and trying situations. Through caring, generosity, and fairness we provide a cornerstone for attaining a sustainable, just, meaningful, vibrant, and fulfilling personal and community life. Peace is a result of a positive mental disposition, while brutality is the aftereffect of negative considering. Perhaps it was living in a mice-infested dump with a … Inner peace is the state of being at peace, mentally and physically. Inner peace also helps me improve my physical health and thus help me improve my overall lifestyle I lead. Peace is the sign of development and prosperity. Peace is a product of a positive mental attitude, while violence is the result of negative thinking. When I hurried up all my activities and went to bed, sometimes I didn’t even get good sleep because of my bad lifestyle. The Peace Education Network, based in the United Kingdom, is an organization dedicated to promoting peace precisely because they believe it is of paramount importance. But the most important thing is one’s inward peace. I'll Help You Setup A WordPress Blog. Peace is one of the most important thing in life. About the Writer: Ezugo Obuekwe is a 16-year-old high school student. Many maintain the importance of establishing peace within oneself in order to bring about peace in the world. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony. Nothing could be more important for coming generations than peace on earth. Therefore, urgent measures are required to establish peace … Watch Queue Queue. A perfect Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands mankind is safe. Perhaps it was living in a mice-infested dump with a … Through some trial and error, I've come to understand the importance of my home being a temple. This should not be the case. As the former UN Secretary General said: “Education is, quite simply, peace-building by another name." This is also important in fostering a feeling of intra-national as well as international brotherhood. Peace enriches our communities and individual lives, as it directs us to embrace diversity and support one another to the fullest extent possible. Let me put it this way. These factors have important systemic and societal benefit for other drivers of peace. All the activities of the country run smoothly in the situation of peace. Read on…. How humor can reduce the tensions in life. If we do all these, less lives will be lost, and there would not be as much chaos and destruction as we have it today. Living in peace is about living harmoniously with yourself, others, and all sentient beings around you. Historical experience has shown that a society can obtain continuous and steady development only when it truly loves peace and place importance upon harmony. Building peace together: Local voices — promotes the importance of peacebuilding and places a focus on local peacebuilders who are making a real difference in … Earlier, I was one among them. Tweet. A peaceful life is yours when you remove ego and desires completely and visualize yourself as a peaceful being. The idea that peace is important is exemplified by the large number of organizations like the Peace Education Network that strive for peace across the world. I began getting my mood swings under control when I felt restless. However, this is something that has, regrettably, eluded us for years and years in this world. Watch Queue Queue. “Imagine all the people living life in peace. The Peace Education Network cites the General Assembly of the … What do you have to read about “buy pill organizers“? Loading... Close. Activities and Programs on International Day of Living Together in Peace Actions and programs are encouraged on this day to promote the importance of the day. function get_style639 () { return "none"; } function end639_ () { document.getElementById('bce639').style.display = get_style639(); }. As Maria Montessori had articulated so appropriately, those who want a violent way of living, prepare young people for that; but those, who want peace have neglected their young children and adolescents and that way are unable to organize them for peace. Without it, the destructive tendencies of our species will continue to inch us closer to catastrophe. I am the owner and editor of this blog on Personal Development. All Rights Reserved. I also realized that attaining mental peace is also inevitable to take my life towards the spiritual path and help me get deep spiritual awareness. Inner peace also helps me improve my physical health and thus help me improve my overall lifestyle I lead. And of course, security is an absolutely crucial component of that. Facebook. To develop inner peace you need to understand and thoroughly know yourself. Peace is the common condition of society; viciousness is an unnatural state. Twitter. A sense of community is important to establish peace and harmony among the society. On the other hand, I didn’t take proper care of my mental and physical health. To achieve this kind of movement I believe that it is important to know the source of where peace comes from. The Importance of Peace to Community Building. Linkedin. Importance Of Peace For Development Peace is the state of being free form any kind of human conflict and violence. Quelling the tendency to be at war with oneself, and with those closest to us, can be among the most rewarding, if difficult, accomplishments. Finding Peace Within . And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. People have differences between them as religion, culture, education, color, etc. I had understood that nothing is more important than my mental peace. email. It has been hindered by war, conflicts and disagreements throughout human history, which has left our world and the many people in it in a deplorable emotional and physical state. Get All Lesson Plans, Lesson Notes, Scheme of work, Examination Questions and Other Resources And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. It is important that peace education students see the potential for a future without violence. Peace, as we all know, is very important in our lives and it is essential to our overall well-being. . People can walk freely from one place to another without having any fear in their mind. Like, I had a lot of work in my to-do list, I didn’t get enough time to finish all my pending work or I made some blunders at work. A healthy lifestyle is quite simple to achieve – one does not need to do anything “crazy” to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This video is unavailable. Therefore, urgent measures are required to establish peace in the country. His interests include writing, playing video games, learning about history, computers and playing Basketball. I would like to hear your comments on how important it is to you, to have peace and harmony in our life. As the famous saying of Lao Tzu’s goes like – “If you want to establish peace in the world, there also must be peace among and in the nations. Inwardly, each of us needs to cultivate peace. What is the importance of peace for an individual the nation. Everyone has to understand the power of peace and harmony, art of living and tranquility in their life one day or the other. I didn’t even get some leisure time to spend with my beloved ones. Peace is the natural state of society; violence is an unnatural state. © 2021. Path to the realization of peace and harmony Ever since the 21st century, cultural problems have aroused world-wide concern. Peace is the natural state of society; violence is an unnatural state. It is not easy living in such a chaotic world filled with all kinds of conflict and danger. . Observation of the day is importance as now the peace, tolerance, harmony, acceptance, etc. However, it does not have to be this way as there is still hope for us to become peaceful. I too recognized that ego, guilt and shame are the things that can prevent an individual from attaining mental peace. In a world where stress, strain, rush and restlessness abound, peace of mind is of paramount importance. Peace has many benefits if we give it a chance, and it is a far more favourable option than conflicts. Peace is as much in accordance with nature’s plan as violence is against it. Even in the places where the guns are silent, there is still some form of conflict going on in many homes, which is obviously going to have negative effects on the future society and spark more wars and conflicts in this world. But finally, to join others in noting the importance of the two-State solution, but also the importance of Palestine and Israel living in peace, living in mutual respect side by side as equal and sovereign states. Enlightenment Inner peace facilitates serenity and such a person or soul founds himself more connected to the beauty of nature and all the wonderful creations of God rather than just being a complicated part of the … The Gulf oil spill is but one example. Mutual understanding is an element that is crucial to the development of peace in this world, because without it, we would not be able to resolve our differences and they would remain in place, which would give rise to more misfortunes. These feelings can be nurtured by you or may be a result of some wrong advice or guidance. The importance of Israel and Palestine living in peace HM Government HM Government. New experiences and difficulties can challenge and disturb the foundation of peace and harmony we have created. A solution to these conflicts is finding some sort of common ground or understanding from the neutral point of view of a mediator. In today’s competitive world, everyone likes to take a step ahead in their career and want to earn more. Get All Lesson Plans, Lesson Notes, Scheme of work, Examination Questions and Other Resources Today, there are many options for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction. Positive Peace is a useful overarching measure of progress in society. To simply answer these two questions, I would say; peace is important because it gives us freedom, strength and hope to live. Inner peace is the most necessary thing that is required to do this. Living in peace is an ability we should not take for granted. Search. Why peace of mind is really important for us? There is another reason it's important to have Christ's peace. It begins with raising children in a positive way, resolving differences with a mutually beneficial solution, and rooting out problems before they grow. Enlightenment Inner peace facilitates serenity and such a person or soul founds himself more connected to the beauty of nature and all the wonderful creations of God rather than just being a complicated part of the … create and nurture peace for their individual selves as well as for the world they belong to. all decreases in the community. This mini-documentary explores how Bridgewater, MA residents and Bridgewater State University staff, faculty and students think we can create a world characterized by peace… Your rating: None. If one wants there to be peace in the nations, then there should be peace in the regions of the nation. In an essay on the importance of peace and harmony, one might use the natural world as an example or a metaphor. For example, when there is conflict between siblings in a home; if not checked, they might continue this conflict on a much greater scale, and it might end up in either one of them dying. These things can actually happen to anyone because of lack of peace and harmony. Topics such as “pill organizer” or “buy pill splitters” are very popular now. Health care is dear, that’s why few families cannot buy the medicines they need. The idea that peace is important is exemplified by the large number of organizations like the Peace Education Network that strive for peace across the world. The wave of globalization has been connecting all the countries of the world into a community to an unprecedented extent, which implies that a mankind society in its true sense is taking shape. Peace is a civil right of every individual. See all Articles by Remez Sasson See Remez Sasson's Expert Page Get Updates on Peace Get Updates on Remez Sasson. Then, I began to realize that peace and harmony are the long-lasting values and are required for the survival and growth of mankind. Hi there! Nurture your attitude of living in peace. It is an ongoing process that requires nurturing and maintenance. This being the 21st century and in a world where many people from different religions and social lives have come together religious harmony is key to world peace. For me this source is Jesus Christ. Peace and Harmony as the Choice for Mankind ——The significance of peace and harmony. Human rights are not violated. Also, conflicts that can prevent peace from being possible are conflicts between different ethnic groups, different religions, different races, and so on, which are quite frequent in today’s society. Why is peace important? The root of the word Islam is “silm”, refers to “making peace”, being in a mutually peaceful environment, finding peace, reaching salvation and well being or being far from danger, attaining goodness, comfort and favor, keeping away from troubles and disasters, submitting the self and obeying, respect, being far from wrong. Mental peace helps one in handling the toughest situations and makes life easy. It makes me lead my day-to-day life without getting bogged down with worries and anxieties. To achieve this kind of movement I believe that it is important to know the source of where peace comes from. I felt worried, nervous and depressed due to my work culture and way of living. I couldn’t do any physical workout. Inner peace is the most necessary thing that is required to do this. Promoting peace in a community is an extraordinary challenge, and it often requires the work and dedication of many community members. Mental peace helps one in handling the toughest situations and makes life easy. It took me a little time and effort, but I learned to overcome my extreme anger and improve my inner peace by removing all my worries, stress and negative thoughts. When reviewing my work at the end of the day, I wonder how I missed out or forgot those jobs. If I want to take a crucial decision, it is essential to analyze various aspects of the problem clearly from various perspectives. Israel and Palestine living in peace peaceful life is yours when you make peace with them. ” -Proverb importance... Living harmoniously with yourself, others, and all sentient beings around you should peace... From physical wellness and a relaxed sober mind is still hope for us but rather, it is essential our... 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