Plateau ka matalab hindi me kya hai ( Plateau … Menelek, by means of Count Antonelli, resident in the Shoa country, requested Italy to execute a di version in his favor by occupying Asmar and other points on the high plateau. The city stands on a rocky plateau, which projects southwards from the main line of hills. French translation of 'plateau'. Hyde Park is a plateau almost in the centre of the city, which in the early days of Sydney was used as a race-course. A typical feature of the north-eastern border of the high plateau is a succession of broad longitudinal 5 valleys along its outer base, ' The wide area between the middle Lena and the Amur, as well as the hilly tracts west of Lake Baikal, and the Yeniseisk mining region are in this condition. 2 plateau /plæ ˈ toʊ/ verb The c nquest of the peninsula was undertaken in 1527 by Francisco de Montejo, who en-, countered a more vigorous opposition than Cortes had on the high plateau of Anahuac. They do not represent the opinions of American plateau in Brazil from Pernambuco to Rio de Janeiro, at a height of 3000 to 5000 ft. Like other plateaus, the great plateau of the centre of Asia, stretching from the Himalayas to Bering Strait, 2 has on its surface a number of gentle eminences (angehaufte Gebirge of K. On the margins of the plateau there are several gaps or indentations, which can best be likened to gigantic trenches, like railway cuttings, as with an insensible gradient they climb to a higher level. The helo hovered near the edge of the plateau. Lemberg is situated on the small river Peltew, an affluent of the Bug, in a valley in the Sarmatian plateau, and is surrounded by hills. Prices have pretty much plateaued for now. Farmers of the Piedmont Plateau formerly kept large numbers of horses and cattle from April to November in ranges in the Mountain Region, but with the opening of portions of that country to cultivation the business of pasturage declined, except as the cotton plantations demanded an increased supply of mules; there were 25,259 mules in 1850, 110,011 in 1890, 138,786 in 1900, and 181,000 in 1910. portion of the Piedmont Plateau and in a few counties along or near the W. portion of the Piedmont Plateau and in the central and N.W. The village is picturesquely situated on a plateau within a rampart of hills on the E. The harbour town is Adamanta; from this there is an ascent to the plateau above the harbour, on which are situated Plaka, the chief town, and Kastro, rising on a hill above it, and other villages. ; for the Piedmont Plateau Region, 48 in. To the south of the Usambara hills, and on the eastern edge of the plateau, are the mountainous regions of Nguru (otherwise Unguru), Useguha and Usagara. The overthrust came from the south-east, and the Palaeozoic beds were crushed and crumpled against the ancient massif of the central plateau. The city of Ayacucho, capital of the department of that name and of the province of Guamanga, is situated on an elevated plateau, 8911 ft. On the lower plateau, in Transbaikalia, grain is successfully raised in the Nerchinsk region, with serious risks, however, from early frosts in the valleys. The state lies on the borderland between the Prairie Plains and the Alleghany Plateau. In the north the plateau is overlain by red and purple unfossiliferous sandstones, capped near its edge by a cherty limestone also unfossiliferous but possibly of Lower Cretaceous age. Plateau: (intransitive verb) to reach a level, period, or condition of stability or maximum attainment. After acquiring the northern edge of the Armenian plateau, partly from Persia in 1828 and partly from Turkey in 1829, Russia crushed a rising which had broken out in the Caspian coast districts of Daghestan on the north of the Caucasus. Its semi-arid character is due to the mountain ranges on its northern frontier, which extract the moisture from the north-east trades and leave the Brazilian plateau behind them with a very limited rainfall, except near the Atlantic coast. More Sentences… Plateau in a sentence 1. (M-W) Usage examples: The 2016 paper in Nature found that the maximum reported age of death … Such lakes (in common with all the plateau hamuns of south-west Baluchistan and Persia) change their form and extent from season to season, and many of them are impregnated with saline deposits from the underlying strata. In the Valdai plateau there are only a few beds of mediocre coal. It naturally falls into two divisions, the northern being more or less mountainous, while the southern is flat and marshy; the near approach of the two rivers to one another, at a spot where the undulating plateau of the north sinks suddenly into the Babylonian alluvium, tends to separate them still more completely. Notice how we need the preposition TO after FALL but we don’t use TO after the verb HIT. The development of railway construction in Brazil has been impeded to a great extent by two unfavourable conditions-by the chain of mountains or plateau escarpments which follow the coast line and obstruct communication with the interior, and by the detached positions of the settlements along the Atlantic, which compel 1 The areas are reduced from the planimetrical calculations made at Gotha and used by A. Cruls's exploration of a section of the Goyaz plateau in 1892 in search of a site for the future capital of the republic, and from some of the river and railway surveys. MORELOS, an inland state of Mexico on the southern slope of the great Mexican plateau, lying S. The same idea had, however, occurred to Ladmirault, and he had called on the two nearest French cavalry divisions to put it into execution, and as the Prussians began to reach the plateau west of Mars-la-Tour and the Yron brook from the south, the French were deploying across it some two thousand yards to the north. YAK, the wild (and domesticated) ox of the Tibetan plateau; a species nearly allied to the bison group. 28 sqq., led southwards from Ai over an undulating plateau to Michmash. 0. But after a while, stagnation sets in and sales plateau. Little, The Far East (Oxford, 1905); Captain Rawling, The Great Plateau (London, 1905); Journal of the Royal Geogl. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Viewed from the floor of the ocean the continental block would thus appear as a great plateau rising to a height of 14,360 ft. troughs and basins in the middle of the ocean, (2) the steeply sloping ridge which interposes a narrower barrier between two depressions, and (3) the plateau or wide elevation rising steeply on all sides from a depression. HOLGUIN, a town of the high plateau country in the interior of Oriente province, Cuba, about 65 m. The town is near the Maranon and Jigue rivers, on a plain from which hills rise on all sides except the E., on which side it is open to the winds of the plateau. South and east of the Palaeozoic plateau is an extensive area consisting chiefly of Archean rocks, and including the greater part of Mongolia north of the Tian-shan. Plateau definition, a land area having a relatively level surface considerably raised above adjoining land on at least one side, and often cut by deep canyons. There is no absolutely dry season in this part of the great Brazilian plateau, though the year is customarily divided into a dry and wet season, the latter running from September to April in Goyaz, and from November to April in Matto Grosso. sentence examples. The picturesque Bureya Mountains above the Amur, the forest-clad Sikhota-alin on the Pacific, and the volcanic chains of Kamchatka belong, however, to quite another orographical construction, being the border-ridges of the terraces by which the great plateau formation descends to the depths of the Pacific Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Armagnac is a region of hills ranging to a height of 1000 ft., watered by the river Gers and other rivers which descend fanwise from the plateau of Lannemezan. The plateau portion of West Virginia is largely covered by hardwood forests, but along the Ohio river and its principal tributaries the valuable timber has been removed and considerable areas have been wholly cleared for farming and pasture lands. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Translate Plateau. The western part of the range, which received the name of Paropamisus Mons from the ancients, diminishes in height west of the 65th meridian and constitutes the northern face of the Afghan and Persian plateau, rising abruptly from the plains of the Turkoman desert, which lies between the Oxus and the Caspian. A little south of Samarra the stony plateau of Mesopotamia ends, and the alluvial plain of Irak, ancient Babylonia, begins. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The latter almost at once encountered the heads of the 6th cavalry division, at that moment just clearing the defile leading up to the Rezonville plateau from Gorze. Sentence with the word plateau. Kutusovwaspursuing this march to the southwest when he was surprised by the swift advance of Soult's men on the plateau itself. The last verb in a finite verb phrase is the main verb: it belongs to the open-class set of verbs .All the verbs preceding the main verb come from the closed-class set of auxiliary verbs. above the sea, still filled by Lakes Peipus, Ladoga, Onega, Byelo-ozero, Lacha, Vozhe, and many thousands of smaller lakes, skirts the central plateau on the N., and follows the same E.N.E. to reach a plateau in one's career. plateau. In general the climate is dry and bracing all over the plateau. On reaching the Tibetan plateau, with the increased dryness the flora assumes many features of the Siberian type. - The Somaliland plateau is chiefly composed of gneiss and schist. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. by the Ante and the Aisne, which rises in its southern plateau. Its general slope is to the north-east from the volcanic plateau of the Harra south of J. Hejaz, if we except the Taif district in the south, which is properly a part of the Yemen plateau, forms a well-marked physical division, Hejaz. The Sierra Madre crosses the southern part of the state parallel with the coast, separating the low, humid, forested districts on the frontier of Tabasco from the hot, drier, coastal plain on the Pacific. Eastward the plateau becomes still more sterile, and its elevation probably falls more rapidly till it reaches the level of the Jauf and Nejran valleys on the borders of the desert. No further attempt was made on the plateau, which was held by the French from Pratzen to the Olmiitz road. A Roman fortlet was located by excavation in 1977 on the small plateau at the west end of Seabegs Wood. In general terms, it is a tropical country, with sub-tropical and temperate areas covering its three southern states and a great part of the elevated central plateau. During the great migrations in Asia from east to west many populations were probably driven to the northern borders of the great plateau and thence compelled to descend into Siberia; succeeding waves of immigration forced them still farther towards the barren grounds of the north, where they melted away. From Manchuria and China it is separated by the border ridge of the plateau - the Great Khingan, while in the south-west it runs up to the foot of the high northern border ridges of the Tibetan plateau - an artificial frontier separating it from east Turkestan and Dzungaria. The greater part of the state belongs to the western extension of the Brazilian plateau, across which, between the 14th and 16th parallels, runs the water-shed which separates the drainage basins of the Amazon and La Plata. … In the canyons of the Edwards Plateau grow the pecan, live oak, sycamore, elm, walnut and cypress; on the hilly dissected borders of the same plateau are cedars, dwarf and scrubby oak, and higher up are occasional patches of stunted oak, called "shinneries.". South of the Golis the ground falls gradually to the central plateau known as the Haud, a waterless but not unfertile district. It defines the action. The sea does not appear to have extended completely across Australia, breaking it into halves, for a projection from the Archean plateau of Western Australia extended as far east as the South Australian highlands, and thence probably continued eastward, till it joined the Victorian highlands. Unlike an action verb (intransitive), a transitive action verb … On an average the coast-belt temperatures are some 10 0 higher than those of the plateau. It stands on a narrow plateau of ground supported on the south-east by a terrace wall. It lies in the north-east trade winds belt, but the mountain chain on its northern frontier robs these winds of their moisture and leaves the greater part of the Brazilian plateau rainless. SELENGA-ORKHON, a river of Central Asia, which rises in two principal head-streams, the Selenga and the Orkhon, on the plateau of N.W. The plateau, the discouragement, is a part of it. The surface of the plateau is generally open campo and scrubby arboreal growth called caatingas, but the streams are generally bordered with forest, especially in the deeper valleys. In the north and west the clay is interspersed with patches of plateau gravel in the direction of Finchley (where boulder clay also appears), Enfield and Barnet; and of Bagshot sands on Hampstead Heath and Harrow Hill. The wild seringa (Burkea africana) is also characteristic of the low veld and, extends up the slopes of the plateau. There are also indications of another series of faults roughly parallel to the south-east coast, which point to the islands being fragments of a former extensive plateau. From this a gently-sloping plateau extends to almost due north of Spencer Gulf, at which point its height has fallen almost to sealevel. This is the British English definition of plateau.View American English definition of plateau… until it is merged in the great Central American plateau. Its southern extremity penetrates into the high plateau of Asia, and the lake lies entirely in the Alpine zone which fringes that plateau on the north-west. Tasmania and Victoria were separated by the foundering of Bass Strait, and at the same time the formation of the rift valley of Spencer Gulf, and Lake Torrens, isolated the South Australian highlands from the Eyre Peninsula and the Westralian plateau. All the words of a finite verb phrase are verbs. By their means the plains of the central plateau - the very heart of Russia, whose natural outlet was the Caspian - were brought into water-communication with the Baltic, and the Volga basin was connected with the Gulf of Finland. Information provided about Plateau : Plateau meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Plateau in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages. They are also preserved in basins on the western plateau, as shown by brown coal deposits passed through in the Lake Phillipson bore. at this point, three-fourths of which is a comparatively level alluvial plain, and the remainder an arid plateau broken by mountain ranges. Thus the Ektagh Altai is a true border-rangethat is, a lofty and steep escarpment facing the Dzungarian depression, with a gentle and relatively short slope towards the plateau. The western escarpment of the plateau rises steeply from the Red Sea littoral to a height of from 4000 to 8000 ft., leaving a narrow belt of lowland rarely exceeding 30 m. On the north-east and east the plateau shelves gradually to the Euphrates and the Persian Gulf; only in the extreme east is this general easterly slope arrested by the lofty range of Jebel Akhdar, which from Ras Musandan to Ras el Had borders the coast of Oman. The climate of the plateau is usually described as temperate, but it is essentially sub-tropical. 3. The Mongols (less than 300,000) extend into West Siberia from the high plateau - nearly 20,000 Kalmucks living in the eastern Altai. It formerly abounded in sandalwood, and consists of a central plateau surrounded by a belt of cultivation. Or is the economy about to plateau and then climb again? In the eastern part of the plateau snow occasionally falls, and frost at night is common during winter. The Brazilian Guiana plateau, lying immediately north of the equator, is in great part a hot, stony desert. The continental plateau might for purposes of detailed study be divided into the continental shelf from - 660 ft. on the other, the higher enclosing a plateau shut in by tinents mountains. Snows are frequent during the winter, … in 1900, 4163) in Randolph is noted for its manufacture of furniture. The general slope of the plateau is toward the N., and the drainage of the state is chiefly through the above-named rivers - the principal tributaries of the Araguaya being the Grande and Vermelho, and of the Upper Tocantins, the Manoel Alves Grande, Somno, Paranan and Maranhao. On the whole, we may say that the arctic and boreal faunas of Europe extend over Siberia, with a few additional species in the Ural and Baraba region - a number of new species also appearing in East Siberia, some spreading along the high plateau and others along the lower plateau from the steppes of the Gobi. There are wide areas on the plains of West Siberia and on the high plateau of East Siberia, which, virtually, are still passing through the Lacustrine period; but the total area now under water bears but a trifling proportion to the vast surface .which the lakes covered even at a very recent period, when Neolithic man inhabited Siberia. to stop developing or increasing, especially after a period of rapid growth: Analysts believe the market will plateau within the next five years in line with demographic trends. Dictionary ! 1900, 15,488), attractively situated on a small plateau 2 9 50 ft. in the Stavropol "plateau," which stretches northwards, separating the tributaries of the Kuban from those of the Terek and the Kuma. Farther south, in the Chinese provinces of Shansi and Shensi, the geological succession is similar in some respects to that of the Siberian Palaeozoic plateau, but the sequence is more complete. ARGONNE, a rocky forest-clad plateau in the north-east of France, extending along the borders of Lorraine and Champagne, and forming part of the departments of Ardennes, Meuse and Marne. Topics Money c2 This elevated region is known as the plateau of Matto Grosso, and its elevations so far as known rarely exceed 3000 ft. The value per acre of land, which exceeds 48 in the departments of Seine, Rhne and those fringing the north-west coast from Nord to Manche inclusive, is on the average about 29, though it drops to 16 and less in Morbihan, Landes, Basses-Pyrnes, and parts of the Alps and the central plateau. on both the Coastal Plain and the Piedmont Plateau and 74° F. For the Coastal Plain Region it is 54 in. Beginning with the Aptian and Albian the sea again gradually spread over the country and attained its maximum in the early part of the Senonian epoch, when once more the ancient massifs of the Central Plateau, Brittany and the Ardennes, alone rose above the waves. , Ellen knew she had reached her plateau at her company when she failed to get promoted after five years of hard work. West and north of the Drakensberg the general level of the low veld is not much below that of the lowest altitudes of the middle veld, though the climatic 1 By the Boers the western and less elevated part of the plateau is known as the middle veld. , but it hovered near the edge of the high plateau - nearly 20,000 Kalmucks living in the plateau. Alleghany plateau backwards into a round-topped hill a finite verb phrase are verbs sandalwood... The bison Group the city of Arcadia, situated on a plateau—the particular point that I mean—a of! Online English dictionary from Macmillan Education ( Burkea africana ) is also characteristic of the Piedmont,... North of Spencer Gulf, at which point its height has fallen almost to sealevel as the Haud a. Is crowned by a terrace wall third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how use! Miles the price of gas seems to have ascended from Kabul to the same alpine belt that the... 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