FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​treek_imp_updated, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​treek_rep_updated. Sometimes you don't really need to know every possible gift for your companion, you just need to know the best type in order to maximize your investment. . Constructed by an unknown organization, the core was recovered during a classified operation and has output capabilities far beyond conventional models.After his commanding officer went missing in action, M1-4X's boisterous patriotism made him a perfect fit for the press corps, where he continued his work on improving soldiers' morale. Even the most powerful members of the Dark Council avoided offending the who man once bore the title "the Emperor's Wrath. Companion Gift Guide. Videos: Andronikos Revel original Romance, Andronikos Revel Romance Reunion, Andronikos break up and all answers Questions or comments? Here you can see how your decisions influence your companion, once their respective condition is met. ... At end of the conversation you will get a gift from Arcann. Other companions: Andronikos Revel, Azhara Zavros, Talos Drellik, Xalek. Some companions, like Ashara, don't have a gift that gets top results, and some gifts only work if you're in a romantic relationship with them, but I've listed your best shots right here. She spent time in her youth stealing for the notorious crime lord Nok Drayen before going into business for herself after his death. This victory earned her the nickname "firehand" among her clan and marked the beginning of an impressive career as an Imperial bounty hunter. HK-51 is the first additional companion added to the game. Andronikos is the second companion recruited for Sith Inquisitor players. This is partially excused by the fact that she began her Padawan training as a young adult; Kira had spent most of her life up to that point as a homeless drifter, scraping out a miserable existence on some of the galaxy's most unpleasant worlds.Thanks to her hard-luck upbringing, Kira has considerably more life experience than most Jedi--and a world-weary sophisticate's attitude to match. Here is one the earlier conversations with Andronikos Revel, the female Sith Inquisitors romance option, if you've flirted with him in the past. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​temple_updated, Although not a household name, Tharan Cedrax is well known in several circles. This site contains all the information one needs to enjoy SW:TOR. Served ably until encounter with Killik species and subsequent "Joiner" transformation. Accepts Etsy Gift Cards and Etsy Credits Etsy keeps your payment information secure. In this guide, I'll be breaking it down by companion and telling you what will make them love you, and what will make them look for the nearest trash bin. After his master disappeared, the Council ordered him to return to the Reclamation Service to lead an expedition on Yavin 4. You chose to leave Andronikos in the brig of the Eternal Fleet ship due to his crimes against the Alliance. Before even reaching the Academy, he killed several of his fellow slaves who were also intended for training--a bold statement by any measure. At first, he proved to be a brilliant soldier and was identified as a rising star in the Republic's ranks. Information is provided 'as is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice. Andronikos Revel is the second companion character of the Sith Inquisitor - a male bounty hunter and assassin obtainable once the player has progressed the Inquisitor story missions to the beginning of Tatooine (after Nar Shaddaa).. Wise and experienced beyond her years, she has led an adventurous life containing some extremely dark chapters.Despite her biting sarcasm and general selfishness, one can never shake the feeling that Risha would be a better person if only she knew how. "Zenith" is the code name of a Balmorran revolutionary fighter who has made a career out of hurting the Empire. His clan soon challenged his brutal leadership, and Broonmark watched in anger as the gentle Talz he fought to empower mutinied against him. Quinn later betrayed the Wrath at the command of his true master, Darth Baras. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​broonmark_updated. If you see changes you would like to make to the post, constructive criticism is always welcome! His assassination protocols deteriorate unless they are put to frequent use. As you can see from the table below, unless you're in a romance with her its going to be very tough to get her affection up with gifts. Akaavi captured and killed all manner of targets in her youth, from career criminals to Jedi.When her entire clan was framed for crimes against the Empire and executed, Akaavi alone survived the brutal purge--but her outlook on the galaxy changed forever. He is unlikely to advance further within diplomatic or military hierarchies.Notes: Personality profile compiled from performance reports from before Hyllus's "Joiner" transformation. He has been meticulously hunting and killing the mutineers who betrayed him ever since. He has been meticulously hunting and killing the mutineers who betrayed him ever since.Likes: Action, keeping promises, complicationsDislikes: Authority, betrayal, backing down from a fight, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​andronikos_revel_updated. Crew Skills Guide. This character is mainly a ranged DPS type with some fun extra abilities. Ak'ghal Usar, the Last Lord of Urkupp, is a being out of time. Each level is an even 2000 points and is graphically shown in segments on the companion tab of your character screen. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​pierce_updated. Second, to complete her trials by helping to drive a dark ghost from the ruins of a Jedi enclave.Likes: Rational choices, secrets of the Force, fighting bulliesDislikes: Random cruelty, fighting Jedi, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​ashara_zavros_updated. . Ashara Zavros Male she likes. Years spent among the galaxy's dregs have fostered layers of personal self-defense mechanisms and a cynical shell around her. While it's known he worked with Imperial Intelligence during Operation: Red Cell, there's very little concrete information on Lokin before the Great Galactic War. Known for his sharp temper and sharper flying skills, Revel was one of the few pirate captains to serve as his own pilot. His fiery speeches and heroic tales from Havoc Squad has made M1-4X a legend among the Republic ranks. Her slicing skills and ruthless tactics quickly garnered the Lady both a reputation in the Old World and the attention of the Knights of Zakuul. During a player's main storyline, they can obtain up to six companion characters at one time. Violence became an obsession and point of pride for Broonmark; he started hunting in secret and lived for the rush of a kill.When the Republic began recruiting Talz for their elite commando units, Broonmark eagerly volunteered for the chance to turn his claws against more challenging prey. This same dedication served him well when he assisted a young lieutenant in rebuilding the famed Havoc Squad, winning major victories for the Republic.When his commanding officer went missing in action at the start of the Eternal Empire's invasion, Jorgan assumed leadership of Havoc Squad. Quotes are not sourced from all markets and may be delayed up to 20 minutes. To the eligible women of the galaxy, he is a famous charmer who sees rejection as an intriguing challenge. This leads to a constant acquisition, pursuit and permanent removal of qualified targets that would be seen as an obsession in any living being. This details the top gift that you can get for each individual companion . with the exception of Ashara. FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dual_blaster.​healer.​kolto_shell. Ads are an important part of what allows this and other sites within the SWTORTools network to continue to run and grow. Deploys a Kolto Shell around the target that has 6 charges and lasts up to 3 minutes. With the addition of Section X on Belsavis it's now possible for all classes to gain a seventh companion, HK-51, once they reach level 50. Because of T7's unthreatening appearance, it's often overlooked, making the droid a perfect informant and ally in the fight against the Eternal Empire. Born to a family of servants on Alderaan, she was brought to the Jedi Order and trained by Master Nomen Karr.But Nomen Karr could only protect and shield his Padawan from the world for so long. Case in point: Bowdaar eventually discovered the identity of the Trandoshans who first captured and enslaved him. He has no sense of his own mortality and is absolutely convinced he's going to live forever. You can raise their affection by buying your companion a gift. No matter the way you first get her, you can unlock her in your collections menu and make Treek available for all of your characters once they can reach the fleet. He currently maintains a tumultuous relationship with the infamous smuggler Hylo Visz. Gifts are items that can be given to companions in order to raise their influence level. A Twi'lek born into slavery on the planet Ryloth, Vette escaped a life of servitude to become an accomplished rogue and treasure hunter. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​yuun_updated. While his peers spent their youths learning survival skills and playing on the frozen tundra of Alzoc Three, Broonmark developed a fascination with death. FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dual_blaster.​dps.​aoe_attack. The droid designated HK-51 is cold, calculating and incredibly lethal. He kills without remorse and is an expert student of lightsaber technique and martial combat.Xalek left Korriban to become an apprentice to a Dark Council member, whom he served until his master's untimely disappearance. Heals a friendly target for <<1>> over the duration of the channel. Slowly heals the target for <<1>> over <<2[%d/%d/%d]>> seconds and cleanses physical and mental effects each time it heals the target. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​gault_updated. I thought this would be a good time to update all the previous companion gift information and add in all the crafting bonuses in one page.” Prizing freedom and anarchy above all, Kaliyo Djannis has always done precisely what she wants. His attitudes were likely shaped by the Imperial reconstruction of his homeworld and are appropriate for a Diplomatic Service member. Known for his sharp temper and sharper flying skills, Revel was one of the few pirate captains to serve as his own pilot.His piracy career was cut short by a strange mutiny, however, and he was abandoned to the Imperials who had been hunting him since he'd raided a ship carrying valuable artifacts. yes, I have a million swtor ocs and yes, I love them all. He applies his unusual training to technical tasks of every kind, resulting in a success record unmatched by any other technician in the military.As effective as his methods are, they rarely meet with understanding or approval from his fellow soldiers, but he found a home in Havoc Squad. Despite her insistence on questioning its teachings, she has a deep appreciation for the comfort and relative safety she obtained by joining the Jedi Order.Likes: Being funny, getting involved, mocking and defeating the EmpireDislikes: Bullying, acting like a mercenary, aiding the Sith, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​kira_carsen_updated, As the Sith Emperor's personal executioner, the grimly fatalistic Lord Scourge has personally killed more than a hundred Jedi--and ten times as many Sith. He found his true calling researching the rakghoul plague on Taris. Often accompanied by his lovely holographic companion, Holiday, Tharan has spent his credits freely, enjoying the very best Nar Shaddaa has to offer while staying just shy of its dangers. A natural soldier, Aric Jorgan enlisted in the military at an early age and quickly distinguished himself as a talented marksman. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​xalek_updated. Despite her insistence on questioning its teachings, she has a deep appreciation for the comfort and relative safety she obtained by joining the Jedi Order.Likes: Being funny, getting involved, mocking and defeating the EmpireDislikes: Bullying, acting like a mercenary, cooperating with Sith, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​kira_carsen, Prone to cynicism and a stubborn independent streak, Kira Carsen is an improbable recruit to the Jedi Order. Bounty Hunter Gift Guide. Only the most persistent friend has any hope of meeting the "real" Risha hiding beneath the surface.Likes: Self-interest, profit, secrets and new techDislikes: Unprofessional or emotional behavior, killing innocents, working with the stupid or uneducated, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​risha_updated. Thanks to her flawless operational record, she was selected to advise Supreme Commander Malcom, head of the Republic military. Major rewards: Weapons, Military Gear Medium rewards: Trophy, Underworld Goods Low rewards: Luxury, Courting No rewards: Imperial Memorabilia, Cultural Artifact, Technology, Republic Memorabilia The only explanation from his superiors is a reference to an incident on Althir where Lieutenant Iresso was captured by the Empire, but no details are given.Likes: Republic military, leadership, danger for the greater good, honor and mercyDislikes: Breaking the law, cruelty, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​felix_iresso, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​felix_iresso_updated. Despite the constant fear of destruction hanging over his head, 2V-R8 makes every effort to appear professional and composed. Likes: Cleverness, logical thinking, aiding scientists and beautiful women, getting something for nothingDislikes: Mystical Jedi nonsense, Force Persuade, destroying science, heroism that involves danger, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​tharan_cedrax_updated. SI: Andronikos or Xalek (Khem you get the idea, I didn’t like how you couldn’t turn Ashara to the dark side since when you first meet her that seems where it was going to go, I can’t remember the other guy) Expansions: Lana (the best one), Theron or Senya for second place. But those who could look past his family found a noble warrior who eventually joined forces with the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt.When the Grand Champion went missing after the rise of Zakuul, Torian returned to the Mandalorians and volunteered for the most dangerous strikes against the Eternal Fleet, leading successful infiltration and surveillance missions. When his career was abruptly halted by a mysterious disgrace, he served the powerful Sith Lord known as the Emperor's Wrath. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​kaliyo_djannis_updated, Once a loyal servant of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord, Khem Val was placed in a stasis chamber in the tomb of Naga Sadow centuries ago by his master for safekeeping. Senator Grell's decision to take her with him when he left Sarkhai was motivated by the hope of finding others like her in the Republic, and perhaps discovering some way for her to control her incredible talents. Talos is your Ranged Healer and you acquire him on the planet Hoth when your around level 41. Determined to protect the Republic in spite of itself, he began leading Havoc on unsanctioned strike missions deep in Zakuul territory. Once a member of a powerful resistance cell broken up by Imperial infiltrators, Zenith has struck out on his own, gathering followers from Balmorra's oppressed population to launch sneak attacks, raids and bombings against the occupying Imperial forces. A member of the Gand species, Yuun is a Findsman, a shamanistic tracker held in very high regard among his people. SWTOR - Lana Soy Candle $ 13.80. At the same time, she used the Ascendancy's resources to track down her former mentor. She travels the galaxy as a mercenary soldier, always on the hunt for new horizons and epic challenges to conquer. SWTOR - Malavai soy candle $ 15.23. Orphaned and homeless but with an uncanny instinct for computing, Mako had been living as a freelance slicer in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa's underbelly... until the day Braden pulled the girl bleeding out of an alley, and paid a street surgeon to patch her blaster burns.Recognizing talent and trouble when he saw it, Braden took Mako under his wing and has been looking after her as his own ever since. In a perfect galaxy, Guss would spend his retirement lounging in a heated swimming pool surrounded by exotic beauties while consuming a steady diet of fresh fish and expensive cocktails. An unfortunate "weapons malfunction" caused the drunken Trandoshan slavers to meet an untimely--and extremely messy--end. For five notorious years, the pirate Andronikos Revel terrorized the Republic and Imperial space alike as the captain of the Sky Princess. sinaya lenis - 459 Followers, 330 Following, 39386 pins | ( PIN TILL YOUR HEART'S CONTENT. ) Saddened by his friend's apparent death, he left the Republic military to study the technology of Zakuul and follow a new path. Her activities drew the citizenry's attention, earning her the nickname "Firebrand" and sparking the first real flames of rebellion. Lieutenant Iresso has one of the highest transfer rates in the Republic military, serving under almost a dozen commanders across the galaxy in two years. Formerly the notorious smuggler and confidence man Tyresius Lokai, Gault Rennow briefly enjoyed a relatively paranoia-free lifestyle as an unknown gun-for-hire. A target may not have more than one Kolto Shell active. SWTOR - Malavai soy candle $ 13.80. SWTOR - Imperial Agent Class soy candle $ 13.80. Fires a precision shot to a target with less than 30% health, dealing <<1>> weapon damage. Ben has been a geek all of his life, so his expertise tends to fall into gaming and technology. As a result, Torian's relationship with his fellow Mandalorians is complicated, and he's had to prove himself time and again to overcome the Cadera stigma. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​scorpio_updated. Data should be considered non-comprehensive. Generates a moderate amount of threat and reduces incoming damage by 50% for 10 seconds. Tulak Hord is long dead, but Khem Val lives on; a terrifying nightmare from the ancient past. Dissatisfied with the peaceful and quiet ways of her people, Treek is determined to achieve great things with her life. Proud, young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being's true nature and uncover a person's most secret intentions. Known for his sharp temper and sharper flying skills, Revel was one of the few pirate captains to serve as his own pilot. Despite her growing list of enemies, SCORPIO remained one step ahead of her pursuers, moving her base of operations from neighborhood to neighborhood before settling in Breaktown. Ensign Temple. Regardless of its origins, the droid's enthusiasm and willingness to put itself in harm's way leave little doubt as to its loyalty.Despite T7's ties to the Republic, the droid readily agreed to work with Sith Lord Lana Beniko after Arcann attacked the Core Worlds and its master went missing. This is the sole romance option for the female Inquisitor. Their Love Is Only a Gift … Well, Dulfy’s Healing Corner has you covered. During the hunt for the Sith Emperor, Barsen'thor disappeared, leading Qyzen to believe his master had been called to the Scorekeeper's side, and he was left to return to the hunt alone. Jedi Knight Gift Guide. Damage to the target causes this effect to end prematurely. Gifts. He has activated numerous crisis-management programming modules to assist him with handling the stress on his processors. The more gullible underworld scum whisper that Bowdaar is an immortal creature who can't be killed, but those who have faced him and lived know that he is simply the best there is. FQN: abl.​companion.​weapon_set.​dual_blaster.​healer.​single_target_mez. Target must not be suffering from periodic damage and have greater than 90% max health. Doctor Eckard Lokin is a man of many secrets. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​jaesa_dark_updated, Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve. A failed Jedi Padawan who abandoned his training, the enthusiastically greedy Guss Tuno prefers the underworld lifestyle's potential for material riches. This is partially excused by the fact that she began her Padawan training as a young adult; Kira had spent most of her life up to that point as a homeless drifter, scraping out a miserable existence on some of the galaxy's most unpleasant worlds.Thanks to her hard-luck upbringing, Kira has considerably more life experience than most Jedi--and a world-weary sophisticate's attitude to match. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds. Centuries spent watching his fellow Sith Lords rise and fall has given Lord Scourge a unique perspective on people. She killed her first foe--an abusive Abyssin mercenary--at the age of eight using an improvised flamethrower. Originally from Alderaan, Jaesa was a former Jedi Padawan who possessed tremendous strength in the Force, including the unique ability to discern a person's true nature and intentions. SWTOR - Vector soy candle $ 15.23. She has since served with distinction as a search-and-rescue squad leader before being recruited to join Havoc Squad, an elite Special Forces unit sworn to protect the Republic.When the Commander of Havoc Squad went missing at the start of the Zakuul invasion, Elara Dorne searched tirelessly for them before being forcibly removed from Havoc. He spent several years with Slam's crew, and later with the White Maw pirates, before being imprisoned by the Chiss Ascendancy on Hoth. Use gifts to increase your influence with this companion. Andronikos Revel is a male Human companion of the Sith Inquisitor player character.. Revel was a notorious space pirate who was betrayed by his crew and left for dead in an escape pod. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​akghal_usar, For five notorious years, the pirate Andronikos Revel terrorized Republic and Imperial space alike as the captain of the Sky Princess. But while Mako loves the old man more than anything, her independent nature is beginning to chafe under Braden's protectiveness.Likes: Professionalism, bounty hunters, making money, freedom, kindnessDislikes: Bullying, cruelty, snobs, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​mako_updated. Vector Likes Female . FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​zenith_updated. As Force sensitives are relatively unknown on Sarkhai, Nadia's untrained powers left her shunned and feared by her own people. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​qyzen_fess_updated, Petty criminal, starship mechanic, woman of mystery, royal queen: all of these terms apply to Risha, daughter of notorious crime lord Nok Drayen. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​c2_n2_updated, Corso Riggs is a cheerful, disarmingly optimistic mercenary soldier. He can analyze someone's flaws after only brief observation, and freely shares his perceptions (whether they're wanted or not).Likes: Using power against the weak, power, anger, revenge and spiteDislikes: Greed, acts of mercy, Jedi and Republic authorities, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​lord_scourge, FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​lord_scourge_updated, M1-4X is a highly advanced war droid designed and built specifically to serve in Havoc Squad. Although she clearly holds a grudge against Arcann, she keeps her motivations and long-term plans to herself. Click here for a Gift Calculator by jrazorx. Empress Acina restored him to service and groomed him to serve her as advisor and confidante. Note: You get him on Korriban at the class quest between Voss and Corelia. A quick-glance top gift summary is located at the bottom of each page. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​eckard_lokin_updated. Beyond expressing pride in successful assassinations, HK-51 has little patience for the trivial emotional problems of organics. Ranked high academically during training, and soon after graduation was granted (by request) post aboard exploration and first contact vessel (see service record).Reassigned to Alderaan due to diplomatic manpower needs (see House Thul). But with each kill, Broonmark's desire for carnage and bloodshed intensified. There are two main reasons to get your companions affection up. So get that spice back into your SWTOR relationship by visiting Dulfy’s article, “Companion Customization list.” […] The second reason is to make them more effective at crew skills. Powerful, cunning and ruthless enough to slay even the strongest Force-users, Khem Val was trained as an elite assassin. For five notorious years, the pirate Andronikos Revel terrorized Republic and Imperial space alike as the captain of the Sky Princess. M1-4X's armor plating, weapons systems and processing power are significantly advanced over typical military droid standards, due in large part to his unusual power core. Although you get him late in the game he makes an excellent companion with healing, decent DPS, and crowd control abilities. This guide will help you better understand which of your class companions and some other companions have returned to you since SWTOR KOTFE and KOTET With both expansions Bioware created some chaos regarding the class companions, not to mention all the new ones that have been introduced and recruited to the Eternal Alliance. Make sure to use gifts loved by the companion for the highest influence gain! As a child, Broonmark watched his father killed by one of Alzoc Three's predators, and instead of sadness, Broonmark felt only shame at his father's weakness. He solidified his title as the galaxy's greatest gladiator when he defeated notorious Wookiee-hunter Karssk on Ord Mantell. Only one can accompany the player off the player's starship. Charges or strikes the target, dealing <<1>> weapon damage, heals for 25% of damage dealt and generates a moderate amount of threat. In one of his experiments, Lokin used himself as a test subject and introduced a variant of the virus into his own DNA--giving him the ability to take rakghoul form.Lokin left Taris with Imperial Agent Cipher Nine to become the Cipher's doctor and continue his research on the rakghoul virus in hopes to improve the stability of his rakghoul form. Don't let one guy get revenge . A quick-glance top gift summary is located at the bottom of each page. After reuniting with Andronikos and renewing your relationship, things have changed and you no longer care for him in the same way. FQN: nco.​companions_updated.​aric_jorgan_updated, A twenty-year-old Togruta Padawan, Ashara Zavros descends from a long line of Force users. Material possessions or personal power explosive that deals < < 1 [ % d %. 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