Because the summit is less than three miles from the highway, overnight trips to Mount Dana are fairly rare. Register for schemes and find training courses Create an account with us and start building your digital portfolio of experience. Th second highest peak in Yosemite did not dissapoint! The options are slim, since there are only three roads that cross the Sierra in Northern California during the winter: CA 88 (Carson Pass), US 50 (Echo Summit) and I-80 (Donner Summit). Nature rewards me with great scenery. On top of the summit the views are gorgeous. Training hikes should consist of elevation gains of 5,000 – 7,000 feet and distances of 8-12 miles to simulate the slope of Mt. Once on US 395, head to Lee Vining, which is about 2 1/2 to 3 hours south of Reno, and about 35 minutes north of Mammoth Lakes. One hiker told me it took him 2 hour to get to the top. So if you jump to the part where you sit at the table, and then rebound and jump to the top, that rebound training you do with your legs is going to be exactly how it’s going to be in real life on a mountain bike climb. For long hill workouts, Marritt likes sending her athletes to a hill that will take two hours to climb, with a nice 30-minute warm-up ride to the base. Consider things such as access and accommodation at the base of Mount Dana, as well as the logistics of climbing … This training information was provided by wilderness sport conditioning experts Courtenay and Doug Schurman of to ensure you're fully rested and ready to climb! No spam. As a training method for the physical strength reinforcement, walking is helpful. The natural beauty is something to behold. Visit the Glacier Canyon Route page for approach information regarding that route and also the Dana Couloir Route.From the West:  Take CA 120 east through Yosemite National Park to the top of Tioga Pass. Take care if you head up the road, particularly if you do so later in the day, for there is significant rockfall danger on the road, as shown in these pictures.As noted above, Tioga Pass Resort, located at 9600 feet elevation, just east of Tioga Pass, may haul your gear up on snowmobile if you are staying in their cabins. Watch out for cops on the TPR -- especially near Olmstead Point and Tuolumne Meadows, where the legal limit plummets to 25mph. The ascent starts gradually giving a false sense of security. Many factors contribute to make Mount Dana a popular climbing destination for mountaineers of all strains. The hike to Clouds Rest in Yosemite National Park is a fun day out and leads to one of the…, The hike to Cathedral Lakes in Yosemite National Park allows you to savor what may be the most perfect lake…, We love The Mist Trail in Yosemite National Park. When deciding to climb Kilimanjaro, you need to consider your current ability level, access to training, and how much time you have to dedicate to training. Keep in mind though that one gains 3,000 ft altitude in these 2.5 miles. From the ridge to the bottom of the final climb is a nice walk, but it will feel very short compare to what is coming. Look for the turnoff on the right side, just past Moccasin. Rainier from the popular Camp Muir (DC) and Camp Schurman (Emmons glacier) routes. However, adventurous types can ski up Lee Vining Canyon, following the roadway, and set up a base camp near Tioga Pass. The views from the top are amazing! Aerobic Training. It is the second highest peak in the park -- 51 feet higher than Kuna Peak, but 61 feet shy of Mount Lyell's glaciated summit. You have to be a very good hiker to do the round trip in 4 hours. Neither rangers nor bears will disturb you as late as the summer of 2001. Rainier is an endurance sport. Good luck. This hike rewards with an amazing panorama from the top of the Mount Dana. A sustained steep (but not too steep) pitch and generally favorable snow conditions combine to make the Dana Couloir one of the most sought after ski descents in the state.- Ellery Bowl: Another springtime favorite, Ellery Bowl has some of the steepest "right to your car" extreme skiing in the Sierra. Mount Dana Climbing Notes. Hiking Mount Washington is a day-long workout for most people, and the route is steadily uphill on the way up and downhill on the way back, with very few flat sections to provide relief. This trips gives you a backcountry experience with breathtaking views, It was so nice to get you away from all the crowds. At about a mile and a half the terrain turns very rocky and the ascent becomes very difficult. , located at 9600 feet elevation, just east of Tioga Pass, may haul your gear up on snowmobile if you are staying in their cabins. You could add 150-200 meters of gain each week to the 300 meters you do in the first week so that in your last training week, you are climbing 1,400 meters with a weighted backpack. Many factors contribute to make Mount Dana a popular climbing destination for mountaineers of all strains. "Ski Routes:- Dana Couloir: A springtime rite of passage for most California backcountry skiers. View Mount Dana Image Gallery - 394 Images. Had the privilege of hiking Mount Dana this past weekend. Your jaw will drop. Whatever cardiovascular training activities you decide upon, do them at least three days a week for 40 minutes per session, with a longer two-hour workout on the weekend. Of course not every day can be a hike day and with 8-10 hours on a climb and a 25 – 35 pound pack, mountaineering boots and alpine style rig, there’s plenty else to train for and plenty of other ways to keep on building up: Summit trainers & stair masters (good for uphill muscle, bad at real steps or downhill) For access when this road is closed, see the "Winter & Early Spring Access" section below.General:  The "standard route" trailhead is right at the Yosemite entrance station at Tioga Pass. This is often referred to as the Peak Phase. The red tape for visits to the backcountry around Mount Dana can get a bit complicated. The following training program includes a series of full-body strength and stability exercises to help your legs climb for hours at a time. You are right on the edge of Yosemite Park (literally straddling the boundary) and you can see down into Lee Vining and Mono Lake. Hood countless times in past decades, on her own and in support of the program. Follow the message boards here and on the talk forum at and you will generally get good beta on road openings.In winter, visitors from the north, east and south can take the all-season US 395 to Lee Vining and then drive/ski up the Tioga Pass road from there. Dana meadows and then starts brutally uphill. Climb for 15 minutes in your saddle, then shift down two gears (harder) and pedal for five minutes while standing. The views here are remarkable! Around Mount Dana's fragile environment, its probably best to leave Fido at home. Around Mount Dana's fragile environment, its probably best to leave Fido at home.For trips originating in the national park, the Tuolumne Meadows page summarizes all the pertinent red tape. of Inyo NF maintains an excellent and thorough page, with many means of contact. Easy unsubscribe links are provided in every email. Once one reaches this ridge, the real summit appears. Head South on Highway 395 and take your first right on Highway 158 heading out to Silver Lake. It’s a part of Yosemite far fewer people venture to both for its distance to the main icons and the simple reality that for much of the year, the road it lies next to is covered in huge piles of snow. After climbing Mount Everest and leading over 35 Kilimanjaro climbs, I know how you need to prepare to be successful. At Lee Vining, turn onto CA 120 W and drive about 13 miles to the top of Tioga Pass. Off the east side of the plateau, sheer rock walls drop thousands of feet down to the Owens Valley. The mountain is one of the southernmost volcanoes in the Cascades, with only Lassen Peak further south. The hike itself is only 2.5 miles one way. It all depends on the experience and training. After you cross a level area there are many paths to the summit. Please submit any useful information about climbing Mount Dana that may be useful to other climbers. Specifically tailored to climbing Mt. Go down the way you came up and head towards the visible park gate and parking lot. You can go left to check out Lee Vining but we suggest going right. Whitney Trail), so I would view this route as class 2, since the use trail is fleeting and sometimes difficult to follow, and the route involves a fair amount of (easy) talus hopping.- Glacier Canyon: Class 2. There’s a fine brewery here and it’s a great place for a break. After you follow the instructions to make a reservation, you will probably find it most convenient to pick up your wildnerness permit at the. Here are Yahoo! There’s going to be a ledge, and then there’s going to be a … All of these things will determine if you are successful on the climb. Just amazing! Definitely recommend. (3 ). I suggest a slow methodical ascent and you will be rewarded with some spectacular views at the summit! And, like many peaks on the Sierra crest, Mount Dana's east side drops precipitously to the floor of the Owens Valley. The view from the top is amazing and very good challenging hike at Yosemite park. It took me 8 hours. (10), Images The first part of the ascent is in the shade, but it’s still quite steep. NOTE:  These rules apply only when the Tioga Pass road (CA 120) is open through the park -- generally from Memorial Day through late October/early November each year. From the SF Bay Area, the most direct route is I-580 E to I-205 E (Stockton/Tracy) to I-5 N (Lathrop) to CA 120 E (Manteca). Check their website for details. Most of the hikers took between 3 and 4 hours to the top. . Park as close as you can to the eastern park entrance along Tioga Rd. For example, Dogs are prohibited on all trails in Yosemite (except the Yosemite valley floor), but are not prohibited everywhere in the Inyo NF (. There is a parking lot right before the entrance, so there is no fee if the intent is just to hike around that area. One special note is that camping is prohibited in the Parker Pass Creek drainage inside the park. I had scouted it out a few weeks ago but the hike proved difficult due to the snow above 11000 ft. Straddling the Sierra Crest, half of the peak lies within Yosemite National Park, the other half within Inyo National Forest. ", Tuolumne Meadows current weather informationToulmne Meadows NPSToulmne Meadows CDWR. Mount Dana sits on the eastern border of Yosemite National Park, astride the Sierra crest just south of Tioga Pass. Training Café #28 – Climbing Training Tips for the Holidays Eric Hörst / November 24, 2020 In this episode, learn how to balance training with holiday activities (parties, food, drink, and… Driving Directions from SFO to Lee Vining.From the East:  Basically, make your way to US 395, a beautiful and often desolate road that hugs the eastern escarpment of the Sierra. This route ascends the prominent pinnacle that falls off the eastern escarpment of the Dana Plateau. Rainier. If you want to camp in this area, you have to cross Parker Pass and exit the park.For trips originating in the national forest, the Mono Basin Ranger District of Inyo NF maintains an excellent and thorough page, with many means of contact. We need to get a t-shirt that says, “Hiked Mount Whitney in One Day and Survived.” Hiking Mount Whitney was on our bucket list, especially as it is the highest peak in the contiguous 48 U.S. states at 14,505 feet and over 7,100 feet of elevation gain. I hiked this on 7/29/2013 This hike takes you to Vernal and Nevada Falls where the…, Today for free and be the first to get notified on new updates. No permits are required for day trips to Mount Dana. The peak rises gently out of Dana Meadows on its reddish, metamorphic west side. Amazing! --Mae West, Routes Be the first to submit your climbing note! It is physical strength to be important by mountain climbing above all. Closer to the summit the climb gets steeper and turns into a light scramble. is the correct web address :). I think six is more reasonable. This is beautiful as you pass Grant Lake, then Silver Lake and finally come to the town of June Lake, a favorite of ours. Keep it in low gear and stay off the brakes. In October 2005, I was sitting on a bus at 4,500m/ 14,764 feet above sea level in the Peruvian Andes, traveling with an international group. Note that although the road will be gated about 3 miles west of Lee Vining (you can park here), the road will likely not be completely snow-covered beyond the gate, especially later in the spring. In an Instagram post, Hamilton said he hikes to the top of a mountain every day for altitude training. Second, you can score breakfast in Bridgeport or Lee Vining. Mount Dana sits on the eastern border of Yosemite National Park, astride the Sierra crest just south of Tioga Pass. It ain't cheap, but they will haul your stuff up and provide you with a warm and comfortable base from which to explore the world class BC skiing in the Tioga Pass area. Neither rangers nor bears will disturb you as late as the summer of 2001. Get in those extra intervals and some tough hikes. This route starts at the Tioga Pass entrance station (9,941 ft; ca. At the end of this training program: You should be able to walk and climb moderate snow and ice slopes for up to six to eight hours a day, carrying up to 50 lbs. (23), Additions & Corrections Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children. Nonetheless, with a base diameter of more than 17 miles, Mt. Aerobic training. Secor says, "The northwest, west, and south slopes are class 1." Personally, I tend to think of Class 1 as being on-trail (e.g., Mt. Similar in steepness to the Solstice Couloir, this route also starts in Glacier Canyon, but ascends the prominent couloir to climber's left of the northeast face. The hill is the home of Mount Vernon Camp, the Gurkha Contingent of the Singapore Police Force training and residential facilities which is inaccessible to the public. Shasta by going on several training hikes. . Hitting the trail for Mt. Parents refers to a larger category under which an object falls. Remember, climbing Mt. Marathon runner and fitness enthusiast Charlie Watson gives you the scoop on training to climb Africa’s highest mountain. You don't want to build a lot of muscle bulk with low reps and high weight. Training hikes of progressive difficulty are scheduled in the months leading up to the climb, plus a clinic on gear use, a session on snow skills and social outings to foster team bonding. 3000 meters), and is not technically difficult, but presents a reasonably strenuous half-day hike to the 13,053 ft summit. Head North, and go right when you see Mono Basin Road (highway 120 again) to see the Tufa on Mono Lake at the South Tufa Area. The To climb any mountain, and certainly one of this caliber, being in peak physical shape is a must; don’t expect to hop on the Stairmaster twice and be ready. For Mt.Fuji climbing, you cannot miss training. It is the first step of the mountain climbing to develop power to walk, and it will be important to pile up basic training of walking well. We wanted to get an early start climbing Mount Dana (second tallest peak in Yosemite at 13,053 feet) via the prominent Dana Couloir (YDS class 3-4). Other Ways to Train Up for Your Climb. The Third Pillar has been said to include "the best 5.9 pitch in the universe. "When choosing between two evils, I always like to choose the one I haven't tried before." Walk to the gate itself, then head south towards the visible peak of Mt. (312), Comments Be prepared. You will need to know include knowing how to use crampons, how to climb in varied terrain and cross ridges, and being able to adjust your rope (long on the glacier, short along the ridges, etc). Mount Shasta is the second highest peak in the Cascade Range, surpassed only by Mount Rainier which is just 249 feet taller. As you climb you will gain a shoulder and you can see a peak to your left, however the main objective is to the right. Say for example, the mountain you are planning to climb will require 1,600 meters of elevation gain. An absolutely awesome experience. Shasta. Access to the ice routes in Lee Vining Canyon can be had by driving up to the Edison Power Plant (directions on the route page). The best path seems to be marked by enormous Cairns on the right-hand side of the mountain. Dana. The NPS closes the road at Crane Flat, 40-odd miles from Mount Dana. Our general rule of thumb is to avoid the snow as much as possible on the ascent, as it can be slippery and risky, especially if steep. Mountain Training is the awarding body for qualifications in walking, climbing and mountaineering. The heat had been generating thunderstorms around 1 pm every afternoon so I started before 7 am, made the summit around 9:15, enjoyed a snack and the spectacular views before hurrying back down the trail reaching my car around noon or so. Hiking poles could be helpful for those unsure on their feet. Once above the tree line, one is a mile into the hike. The path is directly in line with the gate. • A good and conscientious physical training (hiking, biking, running) at least 3 … However, there is some good news: CalTrans closes the east side of the Tioga Pass road 3 miles west of US 395, making a winter approach from the east (approximately ten miles) much more feasible. Detailed car camping, backcountry camping, and traditional lodging information for Yosemite NP can be found on this Tuolumne Meadows camping pageAdditionally, car camping choices abound in Inyo NF. However, visitors from the west (generally, the Bay Area) have to somehow get over the Sierra crest and drive down US 395 to reach Lee Vining. With its massive bulk composed of loose, bright red rocks, the first time viewer of Mount Dana from the west notices that it is incongruous with the "trademark" light granite peaks of Yosemite. You see, Mount Dana is located on the eastern edge of the park just off highway 120, a world apart from the usual Yosemite Valley icons like Half Dome and El Capitan. If there is snow, please DO NOT stand on this cornice. Pretty windy the whole way, which made it nice since I went midday. Once inside the park, drive for 20 minutes or so until you reach an intersection where you will turn left to go to Tioga Pass. (394), Climber's Log Entries The drive east past the park gate on Highway 120 is incredible, one of our favorites. Pick the most travelled and, again, avoid the snow. Hiking up to the summit of Mount Dana is a great day out to Yosemite’s second highest peak with astounding views in all directions. of supplies on a sled (at the same time! Because climbing is a physically demanding activity many people will train to climb Mt. Allison has summited Mt. Beware of descents where you are punching through the snow, as you can easily injure your legs or get your foot wedged on rocks. Whitney (more on this below), but you need to supplement your normal training with some hiking and time at altitude.You need to prep your feet for the long day and get accustomed to carrying and using the gear you’ll take on the hike. "- Solstice Couloir: Class 3-4, 35-45° snow/ice. Click here for info on roads and speed traps in Yosemite.As an alternate route, some visitors approaching from the west may prefer to use highway 108 over Sonora Pass, instead of highway 120 through Yosemite. If you want to find more great hikes in Yosemite, check out Clouds Rest, Sentinel Dome, Yosemite Valley or Panorama Trail! Trailheads for most other routes up Mount Dana are slightly to the east, just outside Yosemite National Park on highway 120, in the Inyo National Forest. Fully-Guided Trips Led by Embark Exploration Company, all Climb adventures are reserved exclusively for Team In Training to provide a first-class outdoor experience. ", Tuolumne Meadows current weather information, Alpine Rock par Excellence-Third Pillar Headwall, Overview of Principal Climbing & Skiing Routes, "One That Almost Got Away" IV, 5.10B/C, A2+ Third Pillar, “Mount Morgenson” (0.5 mi W of Mt. DRIVE SLOWLY ON THIS ROAD, especially on the way home. This Mount Shasta climbing guide below goes into depth on the logistics of planning your climb up Mount Shasta’s Avalanche Gulch route plus what to do if you are a beginner and need to learn mountaineering skills.. Mount Shasta’s Avalanche Gulch route is a great beginner route to learn mountaineering on, but if you are a beginner this is best done with a guide (as we will describe below). This is a variation on the NW Slope route. I had been training my whole life to climb Mount Everest even though I didn’t know it. Being able to run a marathon is great, but it has little to do with climbing a big mountain. For one, you can avoid paying the national park entrance fee ($20), if you never plan to enter the park anyway. Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The trailhead is located just before the entrance into the Yosemite Park, to the left as one looks at the ticketing boots. One special note is that camping is prohibited in the Parker Pass Creek drainage inside the park. Mount Dana is also a justifiably popular backcountry skiing destination. This time we manage to stay on the trail for the most part. Some folks have taken bikes up the road to reach snowline with some success. The first mile and a half is very enjoyable as you hike the valley floor and wind past the lakes and ponds. This route may harbor a nasty cornice at the top in early season (as seen in this photo), making it significantly more difficult to attain the NW Ridge.- Dana Couloir: Class 3-4 , 35-45° snow/ice. Summit Hiking/Climbing Routes:- NW Slope/West Slope ("Standard Route"): Class 1-2 from Tioga Pass entrance station. Become a Contributor at 10Adventures and share your adventures! provides detailed information on camping in the eastside area. Descending, however, can be made much easier by glissading, sliding down with your feet. Also if you hike up Mount Dana from Tioga Lake via the, you don't enter the park until 11,200 feet (read - no fee!). Yes, the altitude will get to you. The Mount Dana Hike is a trail to the second highest peak in Yosemite National Park. The top was very windy and mostly cloudy: I was barely able to see Mono Lake from there. This is an unofficial path so don’t expect the rangers to be able to answer many of your questions. In mid-Spring (usually coincident with the commencment of fishing season in late April), the road is plowed up to the eastern park entrance of Yosemite at the pass itself (although the NPS generally does not open the gate until a month or so later). The views toward Yosemite Park are very spectacular. What makes Mount Dana somewhat unique is that this steep east side is pierced laterally by a large glacial cirque ("Glacier Canyon") that separates the main peak from the appropriately named Dana Plateau to the east. 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