Thank you for sharing that. Difficulties that can arise for owners include housing, registration fees, costs associated with other requirements (such as the cost to buy a muzzle), and in some cases even harassment. “Any large dog can be a danger” is not the same thing as saying ANY large dog IS a danger. However, and I can tell you from personal experience, having pit bulls in your life can be one of the most rewarding experiences. Pet keeping is a serious responsibility, but so is lawmaking, and both actions should be conducted with care. B. S. L. IS. Additionally, get involved in the community! Additionally, while those bringing pit bulls inside city limits, but live outside city limits, are not required to register, they are expected to muzzle. Search and compare thousands of words and phrases in British Sign Language (BSL). This resulted in a few high profile dog attacks. That is what makes them so dangerous! Why BSL is Bad for Everyone. We have WAYYYYY too many examples of that happening. Not to disturb non-pit bull owning annual financial donors. Despite the voters’ voices being heard in August regarding Question 1, Springfield DOES continue to have the decade-old BSL targeting pit bulls since 2006. This is unfair, it is not true that pit bulls attack when unprovoked. ] – Two people are injured by pit bulls every day. When they loaded me up I was able to get them to put up a sheet and let him ride in the front. It’s shameful. Why BSL? I got to know the subtle signs, she was a great loving dog most of the time, yet very capable of being dangerous in a heart beat. Not only is that illogical, but it's wrong on so many levels. My mother too had one lab for years (he was over 100 lbs and lived to be almost 15! My black adorable lab was 100 times more likely to be the one to bite, even attack. PETA knows the real meaning of LOVE for all animals. Milk eventually go "bad" after pasteurization due to the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms in it. You need to be there for them, giving them lots of love and attention, exercise, and training. With that kind of owner, these dogs don’t stand a chance. Pit bulls are bred, fought, abused, neglected, and used as guards specifically because of their breed. no it doesn't! Over 700 cities in the United States, including Springfield, have BSL (ASPCA), including 75 banned or restricted breeds (American Kennel Club). In fact, there is no breed known as a pit bull, and many pit-bull type dogs are of mixed ancestry. I am currently doing my teacher training and I feel like sign language will help me to communicate with deaf students. (ASPCA). He ripped my bicep open, my forearm my hands each finger. What breed specific legislation does achieve is to take dogs with good behavior away from loving families. 0 replies; 26 views; Sophie Kitson; January 16; Why I am learning BSL By ZoeW, January 14. But she turned on a dime without warning. I cannot work. Breeds do not determine what is expected. it’s not the breed itself the dogs are all innocent, may sound dumb but that’s how it is in the wild. And what does that mean for your financial future? Thank you for doing so! Marie, please consider this. Specific dogs and people. I have a german shepherd as well, I don’t hate the breed. © 2021 The Humane Society of the United States. The penalties for violating this BSL is severe, with a MINIMUM of “$500 fine or one year of probation and 100 hours of community service. I walk my dog daily and now carry a weapon to protect both me and my beloved dog. No, you are wrong with your delusional ways of thinking. They do not respond to pain or commands. It came out of nowhere, and my dog did not bite back or instigate it. You can’t slap a pink vest on a dog and call it a flamingo. Breed-specific legislation (BSL), also called breed-discriminatory legislation (BDL), affecting pit bull terriers, is ineffective at keeping communities safe because such laws target the wrong thing and ignore the real issue. Pit bulls are very affectionate and loyal to their people. I like that term. July 29, 2010 by z3admin 1 Comment. One side of my face had already been torn from eye to chin the other from cheek to chin and my chin was ripped open as well. WARNING – The video contains graphic material. Why would you not want to stop their abuse? That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.” [clear] [clear] The bandage was wound around the wound. When is the last time there has been a goat related fatality? The answer to your question is too many dogs have been taken away from their families because of this useless and harsh law! I now will be my own animal control when they come back in my yard. Pitbulls are not mean dogs, it is the owners that make them mean and fight them with other dogs. They kill pets, wildlife and livestock. unfortunately this surgery did not replace my lip and deal with the massive scars on my face. I agree with regulations that deal with that. I knew if I grabbed Briar the dog would grab his legs and we would be in a tug of war for my Briar. What is senseless, is all of this advocating for dogs bred for bloodsport. Why do you like BSL? People do by treatment, bad breeding, abuse. That information is readily available and EASY to corroborate with actual victims. You should be arrested for that! We now have created a great resource to assist you if you want to fight against breed bans and work on “dangerous dog” ordinances in their place: a toolkit specifically designed to provide comprehensive information on this issue, giving you the confidence to challenge BSL in your community, making it a safer place for both dogs and people. Shame on you HSUS! Jail time is possible.” If you have any questions, please visit the government’s webpage or call 417-833-3592. Though since they are easily trained and they have they are very strong, powerful breeds, it is very easy to assume that if they are trained that way. This is just my own person thought though. Humane advocacy shouldn’t blame victims. They let their dogs run loose, mingle with little children and other dogs. What does HSUS get out of encouraging the breeding of pit bulls? 2. Science shows us that a dog’s breed and how he or she looks does not necessarily predict the dog’s behavior, or provide any insight into the animal’s propensity to harm someone. Example: In Aurora, Colorado, officials reported that after nine years of enforcing an ordinance that bans pit bulls in the city, bites involving the breed were down 73 percent, complaints and requests related to them were down 50 percent, and euthanasia of pit bulls was down a whopping 93 percent. Enter your email address below to receive updates each time we publish new content. BSL is not the answer. You can’t lump them together and day they are all that way. It is just a category for about eight dog breeds. Sie suchen nach Bsl in Bad Kreuznach? These deaths will be your fault for allowing these potentially dangerous dogs stay as a pet like they are just another normal dog. Peta has a more humane stance on this issue. Did you know that pit bulls were once considered “nanny dogs” due to their loving nature and gentleness with children? Don’t follow them you can’t have a dangerous breed. Unfortunately, too many pit bull owners do not comply, which is why some cities choose to make these laws mandatory for pit bull owners. You can explore this new resource at 's Adoption Center! The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. BSL saves lives. 13 Reasons Instagram is bad for your Mental Health. These laws go a long way toward protecting not only the public but also the dogs themselves. By participating on this page, you are agreeing to our. Kitty Block is President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States and CEO of Humane Society International, the international affiliate of the HSUS. No! Oakland. The dog turned back to me again and began to try and tear my throat out. We’ve listed five reasons why BSL is just plain BS, and why there are much better options out there. It provides a false sense of security, because…. It is not how they are raised. The new in depth FAQ explains what breed-specific legislation (BSL) encompasses, why it primarily involves pit bulls, how cities and counties enforce breed-specific laws and examples of ordinances that produced strong results. In addition, the advocacy cost calculator fails to address the costs of dozens or hundreds of life-flight evacuations each year, which range in cost from $15k to $50k. By Sophie Kitson, January 16. I’m worried about the dog in the first case, but not the second. I am so very sorry. The report (included) concludes, “These breeds should be regulated in the same way in which other dangerous species, such as leopards, are regulated. I’ve seen videos of pits with broken legs, still continuing to fight. Furthermore, BSL actually tends to make communities LESS safe. You may be wondering…“these ordinances have been in place since 2006, so what can I actually do?” Easy. It takes a lot of money to enforce these programs, increase costs for shelters as surrender rates increase, and many animals are euthanized. A Humane World. This just isn’t true. I knew how bad it was. Instantly a knowledge took over; I swear I have no idea from where. That dog could miss out on proper medical care, socialization, exercise, etc. I cannot go a single day without seeing a pit bull attack. American pit bull advocates are constantly trying to browbeat Canadian politicians into ceding our BSL regulations – animal advocate groups and SPCAs should not have input into public safety mandates unless they are connected to the animal side of zoonose. oh. So let’s say we take pit bull types away from bad owners? I got her from the humane society who assured she had a good temperment. I stand behind PETA. If you every shot a animal you would go to JAIL! Pit bulls are the most neglected and abused. Out of the 31 maulers found in the illegal Chatham warehouse along with guns, a steroid needle injection and stapling kit, breeding rape stand, 7 were puppies were rehabilitated and saved. – One body part is severed and lost every 5.4 days as a result of pit-bull attacks. In January 2004, BSL was recognised by the Welsh Assembly Government as a language in its own right. Think of it this way, if a toddler was running around a restaurant, screaming and the parent is just sitting there letting it happen; you are not going to blame the child, they don’t know any better, they weren’t taught any better. What is BSL (British Sign Language) and why would I want to learn? Luckily my dog was only left with wounds that did not require much treatment, and I had bites that did require stitches. www.pinnacleadvisory.comWhy is it that money seems to be worth less as time passes? Tweet. Had an irresistable cute happy face. I’ve seen three and a half of the Twilight movies and read none of the books. If you are involved in the national, state, or local fight to end BSL, or would like to be, please join us for a day of strategic planning and training. Dogs Suffer. Monday, 15 September 2014. How are the breed determinations being made? And certain dogs, regardless of breed, can be a “bad apple”. AWS-BSL Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH in Bielefelder Str. Leading? How unfortunate that an otherwise decent organization is on the wrong side of the Pit Bull problem, and that Wayne Pacelle will be remembered for failing to grasp the Pit Bull problem and act accordingly. When animal control resources are being used to enforce BSL, those resources are not being used in ways that have actually been proven effective in enhancing public safety. My dog was charged at the dog park by a lab, whose owner profusely apologized as he tackled his dog and dragged him out. A dog nipping at or lunging towards you or your animal isn’t enough to justify shooting it dead in of most areas where BSL is enforced. NEW View all these signs in the Sign BSL Android App. He was simply doing his run as fast as I can in circles around the park…it must have triggered some wierd prey drive in the lab. ANSWER! The most controversial type of BSL completely bans all dogs within a certain breed. How did these dogs once known as loving protectors get this reputation? They found that attacks by pit bulls were associated with a higher risk of death, caused more serious injuries, were more likely to require hospitalization, and resulted in higher medical-care costs than attacks by other breeds. The scar on the front of my throat is a daily reminder of how close we came to death. Isn’t that a wee bit hypocritical or just plain nonsense? Pit bulls are inherently dangerous. Breed specific laws are very difficult to enforce, given that many dogs are mixed breeds and aren’t readily classed by breed type. Our fight against discriminatory, breed-specific legislation (BSL) is likely to gain momentum with a raft of states considering legislation to remove and prevent restrictions on pet owners keeping certain breeds and types of dogs. 1. Saturday, 10 January 2015. The Citizens Against BSL local group did an amazing job of raising awareness and got over 7,800 petition signatures within a month (Springfield News-Leader, 2018). Any large dog badly raised is a danger. They are grieving, and they worry about other dogs replicating that behavior. You need to be there for them, giving them lots of love and attention, exercise, and training. However, over a million were fighting dog breeds due to these breeds not being banned when dog fighting was outlawed. AWS-BSL Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Bielefelder Straße 53 in Bad Laer, ☎ Telefon 04954 248020 mit Anfahrtsplan Other breeds may include German Shepherds, Chow Chows, Presa Canarios, Dobermans, Cane Corsos, Huskies, Boxers, and mixes of these. It also turns law-abiding people into lawbreakers. Most of the fatalities for 2016 and I believe ALL of 2017 fatal attacks thus far :/ on humans were exacted by spayed/neutered bullys. How much longer! The fact that over 500 people are dead because of a type of dog called the “pit bull” is more than enough cause to have these animals put out of the category of being a pet ASAP simply because it will save one more life. Then we’ll be trying to ban rotties, shepherds … you get the picture. x BSL encourages bans such as Montreal, therefore YES it does take the dogs away from their families, unless those families are willing to move to another area where BSL has not been implemented, they must surrender the dog unfortunately. It’s critical that the issues of pit-bull overpopulation, abuse, and attacks be urgently addressed in a humane, sensible way. You are NOT in the minority. For everyone castigating the breed (which really isn’t a breed), think about it: if you’re a thug who wants a big dog to scare others or to fight other dogs, you’ll pick a pit bull type dog. Fighting breeds are not suitable family neighborhood pets and are often surrendered when their inherent, instinctual, killer genetics kick in even when neutered, spayed, professionally trained and pampered. There are 1,052 U.S. cities and 43 countries which enact breed specific ordinances because pit bull type-dogs present an unreasonable risk to health and public safety. Why BSL Doesn’t Work. Some people learn BSL as part of their job, either because they regularly work with people who use BSL or because they work in a public facing position and wish to be prepared to be able to communicate with any BSL users that they may come into contact with. It took 2 more shots to kill him. The American Kennel Club provides a very sound argument for why BSL is ineffective and often fails at its core goal: It is time consuming and difficult to enforce fairly. She was 8. This week we will be exploring what breeds are called pit bulls and why Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is wrong. They are very intelligent, strong, and need lots of exercise. My pit would love it, my lab depended, but likely to be the one to bite. So I say BSL Protection laws with Grandfathering clause that allows responsible owners to keep their Pit bulls and eventually leads to a reduction in population and popularity through attrition. I was holding my face in my hands to keep it from the dirt. Paragraph 2: AWS-BSL Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH finden Sie am Standort Bielefelder Str. I am a firm believer now! That is why we need high licensing fees and fines for these Potentially dangerous dogs to discourage a vicious breeding cycle for vicious fighting dogs that should have been banned when dog fighting was outlawed. Large-scale problems cannot be solved with surgical precision. Paragraph 3: There are laws (rights, protections, etc. As we walked over from my place, her pit bull attacked my grandson, knocking him down. The question doesn't optimize for the good answers as it is currently written (this doesn't mean a good answer can't be written). Pit-bull bites are far more severe than those of other dog breeds. Please enter your name and email address below before commenting. So……I’ll go ahead and pick apart your argument by paragraphs. I’ll just end this by saying, “and SO much more.”. You carry a gun!? What is senseless, is the needless blood shed, and life lost. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed. Well said, while we’re at it, lets ban zoos. The largest collection online. In the UK, a worrying number of bad owners abused their pit bull dogs and the other breeds that have subsequently been made illegal. :yep: The docs tell me with the severity of my injuries that Briar would have been killed had the dog been able to get to him. True, a pit bull is not for everyone. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed. Unless there’s a legitimate action that warrants murder, it’t not only uncalled for but also unjust (depending on your definition of justice), illogical, and punishable by law. I didn’t want Briar to see that. People not watching there own kids will let them crawl into an animal enclosure and end up dead or badly injured. Table of Contents 1.) Promoting pit bulls as safe family pets and opposing any measures to ensure that only people who understand the risks, can ensure that they can’t “somehow” escape, and afford the liability should they fail (usually themselves or a family member will be the victim) is not empathetic, nor is it HUMANE. Therefore incumbent … 1 were those hanging out with FP ( a.k.a fight them other... Humane, sensible way this: I am not alone in that.. Should not be solved with surgical precision a false sense of security,.! Owning a dog and I had to learn that she was capable of this useless and harsh law imagine to... Mental and physical health of these dogs no idea from where looks somewhat similar a. Creating and leading that momentum why bsl is bad not jumping on its coat tails after the fact been into. 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