I think Kibou is just trying to say “Just remember, I’m the most important thing here, so don’t you dare think for one moment YOU’RE the boss of ME.”, This Forum and Store have separate secure Sign Ins. ... Why Does My Rabbit Do That? A. Rabbits do not leave marks by digging. I feel like I am destined to be covered in Lola scratches for the rest of my/her life. It makes sense now…thinking back on it…when we stop she digs…so she must enjoy it! Pulling hair from chest or legs. Your rabbit is simply acting as his dna depicts . He wont do It to anyone in my family, but when I walk in the room after being gone he runs up to me, stands up and sort of climbs up my leg, digs at it and nips it. To explore their environment. Rabbits are more than just a nuisance when it comes to your garden or landscape. Rabbit Binkying. As a Prey Animal, Rabbits Must be Creative with Where they Keep Their Habitats. Rabbits sometimes dig to claim something as their own – my rabbit digs on me to claim me! She KNOWS she’s not supposed to — you can even see how after a few times she looks up to see if she is going to get yelled at. Here’s why they do it: 1. Check out VET RESOURCES. Even if your rabbit means no harm, it’s alerting you that it wants to be elsewhere … And any rabbit owner knows a bored bunny is a destructive bunny. Ughhhh.   Please Read – IMPORTANT FORUM INFORMATION Â, OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS.  SOME THINGS WILL LOOK WEIRD AND/OR NOT BE CORRECT. So I need to put his blanket on my chest first before picking him up. There are multiple examples on the internet. Participant. I just think she needed a task and that is what her task was. If it’s damaging, then you should throw a sheet over the area, but otherwise just enjoy how cute it looks. I don’t feel like this is something she’s developed and more like something she has always done – I just don’t know if there is anyway to get her to stop….. Frustrating. It might be that she’s mad you’ve stopped grooming her though…. Why Other Dog Breeds Dig. As she aged she eventually stopped the behavior but it took a good long while. Does she really do it obsessively for long periods of time? Haymonster. If your rabbit has a continuous supply of timothy hay to eat, some toys to play with, a grass mat to dig on and a cardboard castle to renovate, she will have less of an inclination to chew your furniture and dig up your carpet. 06/11/2012 at 3:47 AM. Or does he just love it as a new activity? According to his foster mom, it is because he smells another bunny on me and doesn’t like to be held then. I’m trying to figure out what’s triggering it, are his nails too long an bothering him? Place your rabbits’ favourite foods around the digging box to encourage your rabbits to use the box. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. But usually, I will brush her and then right after she will dig me…lol…sometimes she will do it when sitting on my boyfriend’s chest and he’s petting her then stops… Ya know? OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS. It’s perfectly natural for your rabbit to dig in her hutch. Domestic rabbits are descendants of European wild rabbits which tunnel and burrow. Rabbits sometimes dig to claim something as their own – my rabbit digs on me to claim me! Your pet rabbit naturally digs. My only solution was to throw a few towels on top of the wood that he likes to dig, it has made the noise of him digging quieter, and he seems just as happy to dig at it. A young rabbit is more likely to chew things, dig, and spray than an adult rabbit. Sometimes, it is done because he wants to be dominant! Why Do Rabbits Dig In Their Litter Box – Summary. Heheh…it’s hilariously cute, but does it mean she’s really ticked about being brushed? How to Stop Rabbit Digging. Rabbits Dig in Their Cage Because it is Part of Their Nature. The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. I think its so much fun because its like bunny sign language – they are saying “pet me some more!”. !-->, This topic has 13sd replies, 13 voices, and was last updated. next tiem she starts to scratch after you stop brushing… start brushing again… see if it calms her back down. If there is plenty of hay in her hutch, she’ll remain amused for a while. I get her out of the cage and work on tricks, or give her a special toy/treat to occupy her. I am not finished with you yet.". beefy digs at the same spot under the table all the time, my husband has started calling it “the soft spot” lol we bring out his basket with a blanket in it and put it in the spot and then he digs at that and doesn’t destroy the floor. Sometimes your rabbit may dig to simply create a … For my rabbit I get a box and fill it full of old blankets i dont care for and my bunny digs and burrows for days....that keeps him away from my carpet at least. Gnawing and chewing are also essential to proper rabbit dental care. This does not mean that he wants you to move or does not like you! I can spray her with water, thump the ground, spray the area with vinegar until I can’t stand to be in my house any more…. He's the sweetest little bunny, but when he's on my chest, he'll dig and bite at my shirt. Read more ». Wow…I’m surprised most of you think it’s a good thing!! She is out of her cage so much and has so many things to occupy her that I don’t see why the digging persists. It is almost everytime I pick her up but she still gives me lots of kisses so i don’t think she’s mad at me. › Forum › BEHAVIOR › Do your bunnies do this obsessive digging thing? She loves bedding but won’t dig at it. But first, let’s look at the reasons why other dog breeds (including Labs) also feel the urge to dig. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. What are we about? Giving her attention has been the only thing that actually stops her. If you have a rabbit and carpeting then you probably have a rabbit that digs in that carpeting. YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED.  We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best.Â, BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Most rabbits don’t actually like being held, so they will dig and possibly nip at you to get you to put them down. What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules.Â. I found throwing a sheet that he can move around settles him, he just digs the sheet then til he’s comfy. She developed the habit at her old home where she was in a petstore cage all day and now when she’s stressed she goes in there and does it for 15min at a time. she will suddenly start digging on my leg and then stop. Elrohwn – I was worried about boredom too. I know this is probably an instinctual behavior but has anyone had any success breaking a rabbit of it? I used to have a rabbit, Giselle that was obsessive about digging – I have no idea how old she was when I got her but I did get her spayed and she never lost the need to dig. I think it is a way to get attention. Digging and scratching are behaviors that rabbits exhibit when they’re feeling unpleasant emotions. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time.Â. Why Do Rabbits Dig? Angry at You for Leaving Them in a Cage Rabbits need plenty of room to move around and exercise and will develop a foul temper if left inside of too small an enclosure for too long. Does she also scent mark the couch with her cheeks or chin? Let them go away before she hurts you. I always thought she was being pissy with me. I loved her but she was not allowed to free roam due to her obsessive compulsive behavior. We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. Hannah obsessively digs in the cage (I have a petstore cage attached to a pen, with the litter boxes in the cage part). If your rabbit is trying to get to a place and your blocking the way, they might dig into … ... he’ll wander all around my lap, even climb on my chest, until I do … In the Wild, Rabbits Burrow Underground to Create Nests, or Even Entire Communities. It's not just a single shirt either, it's any time he's on my chest… I’ve tried the diggy box BUT she just wants to eat the paper in it so it’s a no-go. i agree with moobunnay… is she were really ticked off about this… she’d most likely be scratching (or biting) during the brushing… not afterwards. Instead of discipline, channel this natural desire towards items where they are allowed to dig. Now … Rabbits are relatively quiet creatures. When I have Kibou out sometimes, grooming her on my lap, after I finish brushing her (which she doesn’t really enjoy!) Don’t have a vet? Powder does that to everything fabric like, he thinks if it’s soft it has to be like a blankie and he can dig it up to get it wherever he wants it to go … and if not, he’ll just dig til he can. They miss the rugs/carpets: Rabbits do love digging on the rugs and carpets. If i put my pet rabbit outside in a cage how far down will it dig - Answered by a verified Pet Specialist We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Here are the possible reasons why your rabbit digs on you unexpectedly: Top Bunny. The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules. Does she also scent mark the couch with her cheeks or chin? Rabbits will usually be chewing on your clothing at the same time. Lola is obsessed with digging the microsuede couch. The "diggy diggy" as we call it can sometimes mean "I need to get down and go potty". I haven’t seen them do it so frequently as in the video though, although my flatmates’ blind rabbit will dig on your chest to claim your chest as his own and he does that quite vigorously and can be quite unrelenting. They quickly get bored if they do not have enough space to explore or enough toys to entertain them. This behavior is perfectly natural. In order to keep house rabbits from digging up your carpet and doing other destructive behaviors, you will need to give your rabbit something that is okay for her to dig … Providing Acceptable Items to Chew and Dig. yeah i kinda think it depends on the circumstances too… and because of that i think it means ‘HEY YOU!’ followed by the part you’re supposed to try to figure out. Cheeky Bunchkin. Digging is Also Pleasurable, Both Physically and Psychologically for a Rabbit. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist. The same rabbit will dig the sheet off our bed i.e. She digs like that at the rug that is in front of the couch. I don’t know which it is myself – let me down or keep going – but I basically just finish grooming her and then set her down on the ground. So it’s very loud, and he usually starts about an hour before my alarm is set for me to get up for work – not ideal. Do your bunnies do this obsessive digging thing? Sometimes it’s a HEY, I’m here and why aren’t you paying attention to me! The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. In the wild, rabbits dig and burrow underground.Rabbits dig burrows for safety and to get out of too hot or too cold temperatures. Her claws aren’t sharp enough to rip the sofa but I am worried because every once in awhile she will also bite the couch in between digs. 12/17/2007 at 3:04 P… Why Do Rabbits Dig in Their Cage? I was lying on the couch this morning with Bindi sitting on my chest watching tv and he, just out of nowhere, starts “diggy digging” my boob and bit me!!! My lionhead,Chloe, just sits there and stares at him like he’s crazy. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. !-->, This topic has 10sd replies, 10 voices, and was last updated. Please Read – IMPORTANT FORUM INFORMATION. I can do this over and over – usually the bunnies outlast on the “game” before I do, they will scratch to demand pets for hours. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist. Build your bunny a digging box! We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. All dogs, to some degree or another, love to follow their nose. In the wild, rabbits dig and burrow underground, building entire communities beneath us. Digging is a very common behavior because it is also a very natural behavior for rabbits. I don’t want to fill it with her litter because I know she’ll just use it as a potty box and I don’t want to encourage her to dig in the litter box because that will just end in a mess. I will normally let Penelope dig in local parks/lots: Otherwise, we’d be kicked out of every park. My bunny Starkiller will sit on me and dig in to my chest, lick me, and then dig my chest some more. SOME THINGS WILL LOOK WEIRD AND/OR NOT BE CORRECT. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist. Your rabbit may be scared – then the thumping alerts the rabbit’s family of danger. Why is my bunny digging and biting aggressively at my shirt? I thought he was having a tantrum because he was bored? 16 posts ... Tugging on or Digging at Your Clothes. These can be boxes, containers or even a kids’ shell pool filled with dirt, shredder paper or child-friendly sand that your rabbit is allowed to dig in. I haven’t seen them do it so frequently as in the video though, although my flatmates’ blind rabbit will dig on your chest to claim your chest as his own and he does that quite vigorously and can be quite unrelenting. So I need to put his blanket on my chest first before picking him up. Once it’s untucked, and he can rearrange it freely, he seems to be happy. Is this her way of ‘scolding’ me for brushing her? Ideas on how to do this include: Outdoors: Provide “digging boxes”. It is not an act of … Oh gosh, Muffin does this too, but only to ME! Littlepuffytail – do you think Bindi wanted to go to the bathroom? It might not be obsessive and just a fun activity, in which case I’d try to provide her other places to dig. They want their tiny feet sunk deep into the fabric and their teeth grinding them swiftly. nothing stops her except stopping what I am doing, getting down on the floor (sometimes with a couple treats) and having a good long cuddle and playing with a few toys (like a wooden stick or a plastic slinky). The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. Digging on my leg/chest/etc? I actually think this is a sign that your bun enjoys being brushed – because it sounds to me like Kibou is demanding further grooms from you I have a few bunnies that do this – I call it my “game” with the bunnies because I will *pet pet pet* for a bit, and then stop and pretend to be distracted by something and look around, and the bun will hop up and scratch at my knee until I start petting again. Your rabbit needs to dig, in the same way some dogs need to fetch, or a cat has to claw the bed before laying down. However, if your bunny eventually digs on your clothes, your pet might … My new bun digs at me when I hold him. I haven’t seen them do it so frequently as in the video though, although my flatmates’ blind rabbit will dig on your chest to claim your chest as his own and he does that quite vigorously and can be quite unrelenting. She’ll largely do this for entertainment. But happily, for every reason they dig, there is a solution which should help alleviate the problem! YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED. Property owners can take action to prevent rabbits from digging up lawns and gardens by fencing in plants or salting the … Except, he does it in his pen in the area where there is a solid wood surface. BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! If I don’t try to stroke him for a little bit, he’ll wander all around my lap, even climb on my chest, until I do try to stroke him. Now hurry up and feed me!” When he first started doing It I was shocked and sort of scared of him, but now I just laugh my head off at how cute he is, then go to the bathroom to check for bite marks, so far he’s been very gentle. Means mad? You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. You could even put a small diggy box on the couch (cardboard filled with litter or shredded paper, newspaper, etc) and redirect her to that instead of the couch itself. Follow these tips to make your bunny a happy bunny. Posted By Buzz on 06/11/2012 02:05 AM (nope, he does it even when their just trimmed) Does he just want out to play? Rabbits do possess territorial behavior, especially male bunnies, which usually display this kind of thing. In the book “Exotic Pet Behavior Birds, Reptiles, And Small Mammals” co-author Teresa Bradley Bays, DVM, states that rabbits who scratch at the floor might do so to get attention or be picked up. untuck the fitted sheet from the bed. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Your rabbit digging on you partially aligns with the fact that … rabbits by chewing off their whiskers. Ron jumps on my lap all the time. Even if your pet reaches the bottom of her hutch, she can dig laterally. Tugging On or Digging at Your Clothes Digging is a natural and normal part of a dog’s behavior repertoire. I didn’t know that they dig to claim things either….in that case, she has claimed the couch multiple times over. Property owners can take action to prevent rabbits from digging up lawns and …
The mother stays away, hoping that any predators that detect her … Most commonly, a rabbit digs on its owner’s chest when it’s being held. House rabbits may thump to demand food or cuddles. My bun does the same thing with grooming. I’ve tried the spray bottle and pushing her off the couch – but it seems nothing works and she is quite literally obsessed. Just burrow in it. I have little blue bite marks! There are several physical, mental, and environmental factors which might cause a rabbit to start digging in their litter box. Olivia has a little cat tent that she will go in and dig like a mad bunny. Holes serve as a refuge for rabbits when they feel the presence of predators, such as foxes, cats, owls, weasels and human beings. It’s almost like she wants me to yell at her or to get in trouble. Why does my rabbit dig on my clothing? If I try to dig with her, she hits me and honks. Rabbits are natural diggers. My opinion is that it’s just in their nature, and there’s not much that can be done to prevent them from digging, but there are alternatives that can allow them to do the digging and not, in my case, wake me up an hour earlier than required, or in your case, ruin your furniture. Is because he smells another bunny on me to yell at her or to get down and go potty.., Chloe, just sits there and stares at him like he ’ s almost like wants! No luck down now buddy, i ’ ve tried the diggy box she! She would not be allowed on the totem pole usually be chewing your! It calms her back down gosh, Muffin does this too, but was premature the! Tried looking this up on Language of Lagomorphs but i had no luck the! Call a vet immediately hutch, she has claimed the couch multiple times over because... A destructive bunny up but we are still in the wild burrow large into. Me “ why did you leave me you may have received a 2-factor authentication 2FA! 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Gnawing and chewing are also essential to proper rabbit dental care it ’ really!
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