1st ranger battalion ww2 roster

472nd 963rd Engineer Maintenance Company WW2. ), the rest went to various Canadian units. He was the head of the 34th Infantry Division in Ireland at the time and was chosen by Truscott to create the first Ranger Battalion. Darby stated that with El Guettar in hand, General Allen [the 1st Infantry Division commander] could develop his plan of attack against the heights to the east and southeast. In December 2001, after the terrorists attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, elements of Headquarters and Headquarters Company and Company A deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. WebThe 1st Ranger Battalion was formed with volunteers from the following units: 281 from the 34th Infantry Division, 104 from the 1st Armored Division, 43 from the Antiaircraft Artillery units, 48 from the V Corps Special Troops, and 44 from the Northern Ireland base troops. Members from the unit were the first American The 2nd Canadian Division was to assault directly across the beach into the town of Dieppe. General Truscott (US Army Photos Public Domain) States Army Rangers of WWII"Database. They are based at Fort Benning in Georgia in the United States and are often in the frontline fight against terrorism. Concurrently, the 2nd and 3rd Battalions were also consolidated with other past Ranger battalions and the regiment as a whole was redesignated the 75th Ranger Regiment. The two men most noted with this anniversary are General Truscott and then Captain William Darby. The change of the 75th Infantry to the 75th Ranger Regiment occurred March 1986 when the 75th Ranger Regiment received the World War II and Korean War Lineage and Honors consolidated and assigned, which caused the battalion to be re-designated as 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. The battery and the nearby fort were captured.33 The successful Ranger missions helped to open the way for the 1st Infantry Division to capture Oran.34, The Rangers remained in Arzew for the next two months. 290 Rangers from 1/75th and 2/75th distinguished themselves during the successful rescue of prisoner-of-war, PFC Jessica Lynch. Darby could only retain 473 (26 officers and 447 men). This site contains a list of those who served in this Company, along with pictures. 381st Combat Engineers Battalion of World War II. WebThe 1st Ranger Battalion was formed with volunteers from the following units: 281 from the 34th Infantry Division, 104 from the 1st Armored Division, 43 from the Antiaircraft Artillery units, 48 from the V Corps Special Troops, and 44 from the Northern Ireland base troops. For the latest USASOC guidance and news, please click here. Forty-four soldiers and six officers were the first to join the war when members of the 1 st Ranger Battalion joined with Canadian and British Commandos for the Dieppe Raid on the coast of France on August 19, 1942. The enemy installation was later identified by a prisoner as the headquarters of the 12th North Korean Division. The U.S. Army did not have special operations units in 1941. Most of the troops in the tanks were killed or taken prisoner. [2], In Tunisia in 1943, the 1st Battalion executed the first Ranger behind-enemy-lines night raid for the purpose of gaining information and terrorizing the enemy. WebThis site remembers the contributions and sacrifices made by members of this Australian WW2 battalion. 1946-1991 Wikipedia Facebook; Post-9/11. The British General Staff and U.S. Army Major General Lucian K. Truscott submitted ideas to General George Marshall in 1942, and in the June of 1942, the 1stRanger Battalion was born. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Major General Lucian Truscott, U.S. Army, in liaison with the British General Staff, submitted proposals to General George Marshall that "we undertake immediately an American unit along the lines of the British Commandos" in 1942. With the demise of the 29th Rangers, the first large-scale Ranger participation in combat would occur during the invasion of North Africa. 75th Ranger Regiment, 1st Battalion Alpha Company HQ. The 1st, 3rd, and 4th Battalions were known as Darby's Rangers. Because of the change in temperature and the wind outside, it would move the ornaments and make them twinkle and shine. The 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion was a Ranger battalion activated during World War II on 1 September 1943 at Camp Forrest, Tennessee. These records have been accessioned into the National Archives and are open to the public. in the LAST name of the Ranger in the "Search For" box. 1939-1946 34thInfantry.com; Viking Division. Within weeks he was promoted to major for his efforts in organizing the unit. These records have been accessioned into the National Archives and are open to the public. A brief History of the 472nd Engineer Maintenance Company. After getting off the train in the town of Fort William, the recruits began an exhausting seven-mile forced march to their camp in the shadow of Achnacarry Castle. Brigadier General Lucian K. Truscott Jr., the U.S. Army liaison with the British Combined Operations Headquarters, proposed to Army Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall on 26 May 1942 that we undertake immediately the organization of an American unit along [British] Commando lines.1 A cable quickly followed from the War Department to Major General Russell P. Hartle, who was commanding the U.S. Army Forces in Northern Ireland, authorizing the activation of the 1st Ranger unit.2, The original idea was that the 1st Ranger Battalion would be a temporary organization to disseminate combat experience to new American troop units.3 The battalion would have detachments temporarily attached to British Commando units when they raided German-held countries in Europe. (There is no explanation for the discrepancy in the date.). In 2002, the entire battalion returned to Afghanistan to support the continuing Global War on Terrorism. The Germans had emplaced coastal artillery batteries on both flanks of the city and built defensive positions within the town itself. 1st Ranger Battalion; 2nd Armored Division; 34th Infantry Division; 3rd Infantry Division; 3rd Ranger Battalion; 4th Ranger Battalion; 7th Army (US) 8th Army (UK) Achnacarry; Agrigento; Algeria; Brolo; Cap Passero; Capt William O. Darby; Carrickfergus; Cisterna di Littoria; Col Charles Vaughan; Corleone; Dieppe Raid; Djebel Ank; Djebel el Before they could go, however, the raid was canceled.29 That disappointment was followed by a bigger bombshell: the 29th Infantry Division commander, Major General Charles H. Gerhardt, ordered the unit disbanded on 15 October 1943. However, all earned the respect of the Commandos.24 The hard lessons learned at Dieppe proved invaluable to the success of Operation OVERLORD in Normandy two years later.25 Following the raid, the 1st Ranger Battalion was alerted to prepare for the invasion of North Africa. Forty-four soldiers and six officers were the first to join the war when members of the 1 st Ranger Battalion joined with Canadian and British Commandos for the Dieppe Raid on the coast of France on August 19, 1942. Forty-four soldiers and six officers were the first to join the war when members of the 1stRanger Battalion joined with Canadian and British Commandos for the Dieppe Raid on the coast of France on August 19, 1942. Just before midnight, the Ranger companies attacked with fixed bayonets. Miller, Alvah N., Capt. "United The site contains a list of battalion members, and some information on many of them. Manning, Jacob, Capt. that page. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, An Overview of Military Service Records at NARA, Standard Form (SF) 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records, potential independent researchers for hire, Army Morning Reports and Unit Rosters, dated 1960-1974, are non-archival. S-2 Head of Intelligence. General Truscott (US Army Photos Public Domain) There were two times in my 15 months at Oflag 64 Prison Camp, that I cried. and 21 months at Espirito Santos N.H. As this was a beach landing, some refer to the raid as a practice run for D-Day. Only a fraction of the force made it ashore.21 A group of Commandos engaged the Germans, preventing the battery from firing on the Allied fleet. The company served 30 months in Guadal Canal S.I. The six other Ranger Battalions were organized in the same manner. We put the Christmas tree in the window. IX Engineer Command These early Rangers were put through grueling training and 25 mile speed marches every morning. See the story below, an account of Christmas at Oflag 64 by one of the officers captured at Cisterna. General Truscott (US Army Photos Public Domain) I got to feeling kind of blue- kind of lonesome. Company Commanding Officer: CPT J. Prescott: Company Executive Officer: Sua Sponte (Of Their Own Accord): (75th Ranger Regiment) Alpha Company 1/75th Arma III Realism Unit NA, Eastern Timezone [12], In December 2001, following the events of 9/11, elements of Headquarters Company and Company A deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. So the tanks stayed on the beach, and they got knocked out.22. This article incorporates public domain material from .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}Lineage and Honors 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. It served in the Middle East (Tobruk, El Alamein), New Guinea and Borneo from 1940 to 1946. That night I cried myself to sleep. Dammer, Herman L., Capt. The battalion conducted a night landing with LCAs (landing craftassault) at the Algerian port of Arzew on 8 November 1942. That quickly changed when America declared war on the Axis and entered WWII. S-5 Event Liaison. not, click on the "Back" button in your browser to take you make a Christmas tree out of the Red Cross parcel boxes. Then afterwards, we went back to our barracks. [10], After the Vietnam War, division and brigade commanders determined that the U.S. Army needed an elite, rapid deployment, light infantry, so in 1974 General Creighton Abrams charged General Kenneth C. Leuer with the task of activating, organizing, training, and leading the first battalion sized Ranger unit since World War II. Just over two thousand Canadians lived to tell the story of Dieppe, and most of them had been wounded. It was originally formed shortly after the United States' entry into World War II and was modelled upon the British Commandos. The modern Ranger battalions were first called upon in 1980, as Company C, 1st Battalion (Ranger), 75th Infantry participated in the Iranian hostage rescue attempts. It served there until it was inactivated on 4 January 1950. Northern Ireland, If you have something to offer the timeline, please Contact Us. Captain William Orlando Darby, 31-year-old graduate of West Point with amphibious training, was chosen as its commanding officer. (per Ranger Memorial Fort Benning, GA). [3] To provide command and control for these three Ranger Battalions, the 6615th Ranger Force (Provisional) was established. Maj. Thomas Payne Will Be 1st Living Delta Force Member to Receive Medal of Honor", "Soldier to Steeler: NFL Star Shares Insight to Military Service", "The back story of the former Ranger held captive by Islamic State", "U.S. An artillery officer, Darby had cavalry and infantry operational experience as well as amphibious training. S-3 Operations Officer. (Rank Held at Time of Activation) Darby, William C., Major Basil, Albert E., Capt. The early successes of the 1st Ranger Battalion precipitated the creation of the 3rd and 4th Battalions. Memorial website to the crew of RAF Lancaster bomber ED627 (EM-N) of 207 Squadron who died when they were shot down over Germany on August 28, 1943. Army Morning Reports and Unit Rosters, dated 1912-1959, and all Air Force Morning Reports, are archival records. Major General Lucian K. Truscott, U.S. Army, in liaison with the British General Staff, submitted proposals to General George Marshal that "we undertake immediately an American unit along the lines of the British Commandos" in 1942. And I stood there looking at it. We even had made little Santa Clauses out of cardboard and hung them on the branches. search will immediately produce a listing of all pages in the data base Ian Harvey is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE. However, the unit has lived on in one form or another since then, serving in the Korean and Vietnam Wars before being consolidated into the 75th Ranger Regiment of which it is a part today. The heaviest concentration of living Rangers from the 1st Battalion, still resides in this area. Sergeant Merss. It served in the Middle East (Tobruk, El Alamein), New Guinea and Borneo from 1940 to 1946. During this raid, he took command after the British Captain leading the assault was killed. WebInfantry Unit Rosters and Unit Photos. 1939-1946 34thInfantry.com; Viking Division. Army Morning Reports and Unit Rosters, dated 1912-1959, and all Air Force Morning Reports, are archival records. The real reason was to test the defenses of the port. Back to all Army units 1st Infantry Division Big Red One 2nd Infantry Division The Indianhead Division 3rd Infantry Division Rock of the Marne 4th Infantry Division Ivy Division 5th Infantry Division Red Diamond 6th Infantry Division Red Star Division WebS-1 Personnel Officer. Technical Sergeant Byrne. The photographs of former Ranger Phil Stern, who documented their training with his camera, are found in Snapdragon: The World War II Exploits of Darbys Ranger and Combat Photographer Phil Stern. Web1st Ranger Battalion Original First Ranger Battalion Roster, June 19, 1942 at the Commando Training Depot, Achnacarry, Scotland. The other time was at Christmas. in Ranger Force Headquarters: Type not, continue clicking on the "Back" button until you locate the search results page with the information on your The 1st Ranger Battalion, though not a part of the 34th Inf Div, was activated in 1942 with 80% of its personnel coming from this Division. Allied tanks received heavy fire and were mostly unable to move into the town of Dieppe. Sixty years ago on June 19 1942, the 1st Ranger Battalion was officially activated. The museum noted in the left margin is in memory of this infamous group of men officially activated 19 June 42. And since we were supposedly going in quietly, we found at the last minute it had been decided that aircraft would go in with just using their machine guns five minutes before we attacked. In Remembrance of the AIF's 2/15th Battalion. They learned stealth fighting at night and practiced with live ammunition. that contain the last name of the searched This was accomplished by executing a surprise night landing, silencing two gun batteries, and opening the way for the capture of Oran. Your When the United States entered World War II in December of 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt decided that he needed a specialized unit similar to the British Commandos. Bagpipes sounded the morning wakeup call and twenty-mile marches kept the troops in shape. First Lieutenant Bankert. Within weeks he was promoted to major for his efforts in organizing the unit. The 1st Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne) opened with an extraordinary example of land navigation, then executed a daring night raid 9 miles (14km) behind enemy lines destroying an enemy complex. Most of the Ranger recruits joined because they wanted to be part of an elite force. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. The 1st Ranger Battalion, though not a part of the 34th Inf Div, was activated in 1942 with 80% of its personnel coming from this Division. During the mission, the British Captain leading the assault was killed. In March 2002, during Operation Anaconda, 35 Rangers from the battalion had been assigned as QRF for all Task Force 11 operations, but only half of the platoon was available for the Battle of Takur Ghar. As a result of budgetary considerations, the US Army spent much of the 1950s and 1960s consolidating and redesignating units that were on inactive status. Mountain Warfare Training Centre, Cedars, Lebanon, WW2. They received weapons training with individual and crew-served weapons, hand-to-hand combat, street fighting, and patrolling. Korean WarVietnam WarOperation Eagle ClawOperation Urgent FuryOperation Just CauseGulf WarWar on terror. These Rangers would be the first American ground soldiers to see action against the Germans in occupied Europe. Members from the unit were the first American S-2 Head of Intelligence. 3rd Ranger Battalion was activated on 21 May 1943 at Nemours, Morocco, while 4th Ranger Battalion was activated on 29 May 1943 in Tunisia. The Battalion along with Task Force elements distinguished itself during the successful rescue of prisoner of war, Private-First-Class Jessica Lynch. Technical Sergeant Byrne. Meade, Stephen J., Capt. Loustalot took command and, with his men, attacked a clifftop machine gun nest. S-3 Operations Officer. Of the 1500 men to volunteer for the original Ranger Battalion, only 600 were chosen and on June 19, 1942 at Sunnylands Camp in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland, the 1st Ranger Battalion was officially activated. By this time, while in maneuvers on the United States, they Sixty years ago on June 19 1942, the 1st Ranger Battalion was officially activated. [14], As of March 2019[update], the battalion has made 22 deployments during the Global War on Terrorism. They had fit some branches in and had used the opener ribbons from the Wooly Beef Cans for decorations. 1st Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne) inherited its lineage from Company A, 1st Infantry Battalion[8] and departed from Ft. Benning, Georgia on 15 November 1950, and arrived in Korea on 17 December 1950, where it was attached to the 2nd Infantry Division. or Members from the unit were the first American soldiers to see combat in the European theater when they participated in the failed raid on Dieppe in France in 1942, during which three Rangers were killed and several more were captured. Additional Ranger battalions were created and continued on to fight in Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Iraq. In about fifteen minutes, Dammer Force had captured the fort and had sixty surprised French prisoners, including the commandant in his pajamas.31 Darby Force, consisting of C, D, and E companies headed for the Batterie du Nord, whose four 105mm cannons overlooked the harbor approach. 1946-1991 Wikipedia Facebook; Post-9/11. By this time, while in maneuvers on the United States, they Speedmarch at Achnacarry (US Army Photo Public Domain). Deployments have included operations in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan as part of the wider global war on terrorism. The site includes rosters, photos, memoirs and unit histories. Archived from the original on 8 October 2020. Copyright 1996-2023 Cyndi Ingle, CyndisList.com. Operation TORCH: The Rangers in North Africa. Later, in March, American units were shot to pieces, time after time, trying to break through the critical mountain pass at Djbel Ank. Rankin Fulmer I thought of home and what they were doing for Christmas. (Rank Held at Time of Activation) Darby, William C., Major Basil, Albert E., Capt. Almost five thousand of the Allied participants were Canadians who were supported by the Rangers and almost one thousand British Commandos along with seventy-four Allied air squadrons and eight Allied destroyers. The battle seasoned 1st Battalion moved into their newly assigned positions and trained their Ranger colleagues. Jenniffer Teets, have turned their love for horses into a passion for the rodeo. The 1st Company was in the middle of the major battle of Chipyong-Ni and the "May Massacre." In July 1942, Darby and the 1st Ranger Battalion started three months of training at the famed Commando Training Center in Scotland. Roster, reunion information of U.S. Army 931st Signal Battalion (Avn) (Sp), World War II China-Burma-India Theatre. Promoted to major within a few weeks of receiving this assignment, Darby performed the impossible by organizing the unit. The Battalion conducted missions across the entire country of Iraq. In efforts to prevent German occupation of seaports in North Africa, the 1st Ranger Battalion spearheaded an invasion at the Port of Arzew in Algeria. Dammer, Herman L., Capt. On Dec. 20, 1989, the entire 75th Ranger Regiment along with 1st Battalion was again committed to combat operations in "Operation Just Cause." The intent of this and future articles is not to provide an all-encompassing history of the Ranger battalions. Colonel John Gibson Van Houten was selected by the Army Chief of Staff to head the Ranger training program at Ft. Benning, Georgia. As your Commanding Officer I am justly proud to have led such an outstanding group of American fighting men. Active from 19 June, 1942 to 15 August, 1944 Second Lieutenant May. 13 After a strenuous selection program to weed out unfit soldiers, The Rangers returned to their original units and fought with the 29th Infantry Division from D-Day until the end of the war.30 In some respects, the 29th Rangers fulfilled the original intent for creating a Ranger battalionto spread experience and training throughout the division. During a raid on a German radar station on the island of Ile dOuessant off the coast of France, the 29th Rangers acquitted themselves well.28 On 20 September 1943, one Ranger company moved to Dover to participate in a 100-man raid in the Pas de Calais area of France. After completing five weeks of rigorous training, the battalion was attached to Lord Lovats No. It was deadly serious again. Second Lieutenant May. We were standing in an appel formation and the orchestra came out. The combat effectiveness of the battalion led to its deployment to Grenada, October 25, 1983; along with 2D Battalion 75th (Ranger) Infantry to rescue United States students of the True Blue Medical Campus and restore democracy. He wanted a more fitting American moniker. The battalion next moved to Dundee where the Rangers were billeted in private homes. On the night of 12 February, Companies A, E, and F, marched across eight miles of difficult terrain, each Ranger carrying a C ration, a canteen of water, and a shelter half.41 The Rangers then camouflaged themselves with shelter halves and brush during the day to blend into the terrain. The 6th Battalion carried on in the Pacific Theater as they fought in the jungles of the Philippines. The battalion received the Meritorious Unit Citation and Bravo Company, in particular, the Valorous Unit Award, for actions in support of Operation Enduring Freedom between 15 May 28 August 2011 that included: conducting continuous combat operations, including time sensitive raids and deliberate movement to contact operations while in enemy held terrain out of reach by other friendly forces, in places like Khost, Paktika, and Nangarhar Province. ", - William O. Darby UNLESS CONTACTED BY YOUR CHAIN OF COMMAND, USASOC OPERATES FROM THE FORT BRAGG INSTALLATION STATUS. Former Ranger James J. Altieri, a former president of the WWII Rangers Remembrance Society and a member of the U.S. Army Ranger Hall of Fame, published The Spearheaders: A Personal History of Darbys Rangers, which documents the Rangers from the very beginning to the end of the war. Box 38757, St. Louis, MO It received its colors and lineage from the Vietnam War Company C, 75th Infantry, which traced back through Company C, 475th back to the 5307th Composite unit, also known as Merrill's Marauders. eadquarters, Forces Command, issued General Order 127, directing the activation of the 1st Battalion (Ranger), 75th Infantry, with an effective date of January 31, 1974. While the 1st Ranger Battalion was in training, fifty-one Rangers were chosen for a special missionthe Dieppe Raid. Captain William Orlando Darby of the 1st Ranger Battalion. States Army Rangers of WWII" Database Copyright The 1st Battalion was reconstituted with the original A and B Companies, the core of the 3rd Battalion came from C and D Companies, and the core of the 4th Battalion came from E and F Companies.47 Darby, his officers, and his noncommissioned officers received hundreds of combat-tested soldiers from the Seventh Army units. At about 0100 hours, the landing craft carrying two Ranger companies (A and B) under the battalion executive officer, Major Herman Dammer, stealthily entered the inner harbor. Snipers had some luck delaying the German assault on Allied ships, but some never reached the shore to offload the Allied troops. Martin, William E., Capt. Then, the combat-tested, or blooded, soldiers would return to their units to share their experiences.4 Soldiers would be cycled through Commando training and return to the United States to train additional troops.5, Lieutenant General Truscott selected the title Ranger because the title Commando belonged to the British. 4 Commando for additional unit training.27. This force was rounded out with the addition of the 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion, and the 2/509th Parachute Infantry Regiment. They were our icicles for the Christmas tree. Web1/75th Public Roster. J. Ronald Hudnell, (Click WebBattle of Huertgen Forest. [4][5], A select team of four officers toured the existing commando training camps and selected the center at Achnacarry, Scotland for the Rangers. The main attack at the beach, however, was ill-timed, and the Germans were lying in wait when the Allies landed and attempted to breach the high seawall. [11][8], The 1st Ranger Battalion has participated in the following operations: Operation Eagle Claw, the 1980 rescue attempt of American hostages in Tehran, Iran; Operation Urgent Fury, the invasion of Grenada in 1983; Operation Just Cause, the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989; Bravo Company was deployed in the First Persian Gulf War (Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield) in 1991; all three battalions were to be deployed to Haiti in 1994 (before the operation's cancellation only 5 miles (8.0km) from the Haitian coast). And the cliffs on either side of Dieppe had many German machine gun emplacements, and they had mortars in the center of town. The 75th Ranger Regiment, consisting of three battalions and the regimental headquarters, evolved from the experiences of the U.S. Army in World War II. [3], Attempting to prevent German occupation of seaports in North Africa, the 1st Ranger Battalion spearheaded an invasion at the Port of Arzew in Algeria. Five hundred of the six hundred volunteers that accompanied Darby to Achnacarry completed the Commando training with flying colors.

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