North India adapted to wheat cultivation; South India adapted to rice cultivation; 2. Millets, oilseeds (Groundnut, sunflower, rapeseed and mustard etc. Cropping Pattern: It is the pattern of crops for a given piece of land or cropping pattern means the proportion of area under various crops at a point of time in a unit area or it indicated the yearly sequence and spatial arrangements of crops and follows in an area. Cropping pattern depends on climate (temperature, rainfall, wind etc. Horticulture crop production (305.4 MT in 2017-18) has recently overtaken the total foodgrain (279.5 MT in 2017-18) production in India. ), soil, support price, value, demand – market, labor availability, historical setting, etc. 0:5 for the better crop production the third; 0:8 strategy which a farmer can use is by; 0:11 using different cropping patterns; 0:14 cropping patterns; 0:15 it means the patterns of growing; 0:19 different types of crops in a field; 0:22 crops in are in the maximum benefit from; 0:27 a piece of land different pattern of; 0:30 cropping can be done like next cropping Within broad group of food crops, cereals like wheat and rice dominate. Pearl millet 6. Physical Factors 2. The factors are: 1. Farmers with large holdings can opt for cash crops and help in crop diversification, leading to changes in the cropping pattern (commercial farming). Rice. hoaokkglkf. It is the intensification of cropping in time and space dimensions, i.e., more number of crops within year and more number of crops on same piece of land in any given period. Successful intercropping gives higher equivalent yields (yield of base crop + yield of intercrop), higher cropping intensity. Crop regrows out of roots or stalks after harvest of crops. Rice is the main crop on the irrigated hill terraces (terraced cultivation). It leads to better use of growth resources including light, nutrients and water. Cropping patterns present in India - definition The physical diversities and plurality of cultures in India also reflects in agricultural practices and cropping patterns in the country. Along with suppression of weeds it causes yield stability – even if one crop fails due to unforeseen situations, another crop will yield and gives income. Relay Cropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously during the part of the life cycle of each. Showing page 1. The crop statistics published by the governments are used to denote the cropping patterns. In this case, the 1 pattern may be mono-cropping, multiple croppirg, etc. Cropping pattern means the proportion of area under various crops at a point of time. It is a common practice in most of dry land tracts of India. Rabi Sorghum 5. It comprises of all components, such as water, soil, technology etc. These are known as rabi crops. Cropping pattern is a dynamic concept as it changes in time and space. are grown in inferior soils (light sandy soils, light black soils, red and laterite soils etc.). Diversified cropping pattern will help in mitigating the risks faced by farmers in terms of fluctuating prices and production/harvest losses. Wheat (temperate crop) grows well in plain regions with moderate temperature and rainfall. The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops or of crops and fallow on a given area. Cropping pattern refers to proportion of area under different crops at different points of time. 75 cm annual rainfall isohyets are suitable for maize, cotton and soyabean. Please enter your username or email address. Government Action. But in 1944-45, there was a change in the cropping pattern in India and area under food crops came down to 80 per cent and the area under non­food crops slightly increased to 20 per cent. Answer: Agriculture is one of the most important contributor to economic development as well as job generation in the world especially in rural areas. It is the practice of growing two or more crops in the same field within a given year. Delta soils of West Bengal are renewed by floods every year and are very fertile. Found 292 sentences matching phrase "cropping pattern".Found in 12 ms. Type # 1. Describe how a country’s embassy can. Click edit button to change this text. 1. These changes in the cropping pattern mainly occurred due to increase in the prices of non-food grains or cash crops. Plantation crops are highly profitable but require huge capital and large tracts of land. Rice Based Cropping Pattern 2. CBSE > Class 09 > Social Science 1 answers; Gaurav Seth 2 months ago. Cropping pattern is the proportion of area under different crops at a particular period of time. Ratoon cropping: Ratooning is a method of harvesting a crop which leaves the roots and the lower parts of the plant uncut to give the ratoon or the stubble crop. 3. Ratooning: One of the important methods of intensive cropping, allowing the stubbles of the original … what is cropping pattern? CROPPING PATTERN (AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL) IN DIFFERENT ZONES ◆ 39 ◆ Rice-Pulses Rice-Pulses cropping system is a dominant crop rotation in … (soil, air, sunlight, water, labour, equipments). Adjust your size and aspect ratio, fine-tune composition, and straighten crooked lines. Crops like tea and coffee can be grown only on well drained slopes that receive good amount of rainfall. Rice is mainly grown in clayey soils while loamy soils are best for wheat. A) Dominance of food crops over non-food crops, © 2020. Cropping Pattern refers to three different arrangements of crops cultivated in farms viz. Updated on 09 Mar 2020 |   Added on .08 Mar 2020  |  by admin, Foreign engagement through embassy plays a major role in enhancing global image. Different crops grown in an area at a particular point of time is called cropping pattern. person. Some crops require higher temperature and are sown in the summer season. Ex: sorghum, pearl millet and cowpea are mixed and broadcasted in rain-fed conditions. 8 Types of Cropping Systems/Combinations Monocropping: Example Planting Wheat year after year in the same field.Monocropping is when the field is used to grow only one crop season after season. Nifty 13,383.35 27.6. The kharif crops include rice, maize, millet, cotton, jute, groundnut, moong, urad, etc. They need warm climates. It also indicates the time and spatial arrangement or sequence of crops and / or fallow in a particular land area. Mono-cropping or monoculture refers to growing of only one crop on a piece of land year after year. Disadvantages: it is difficult to maintain cover on the soil; it encourages pests, diseases and weeds; and it can reduce the soil fertility and damage the soil structure. [They are sown just before the burst of south-west monsoons]. The crop statistics published by the governments are used to denote the cropping patterns. Wheat Based Cropping Pattern 3. Most crops require lower temperature at the time of sowing and higher temperature at the time of ripening. What is the Significance of Cropping System? CROPPING PATTERN IN INDIA . However, in large areas of the world, especially in Asia, all the land that can be economically cultivated is already in use. CROPPING PATTERN (AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL) IN DIFFERENT ZONES 33 2. Cropping pattern means the proportion of area under various crops at a point of time. There are other crops which require lower temperature and moisture and are sown in the winter season (wheat). The cropping pattern in an area depends mostly up on agro-climatic, technical and institutional factors (Vaidyanathan, 1994). Another example of a regional study is Ye et al. Cropping pattern in a state keep on changing from time to time with the change in related factors. 2. However, this method cannot be used endlessly as the yield of the ratoon crop decreases after each cycle. The difference in maturity of component crops should be at least 30 days. Cropping pattern depends on climate (temperature, rainfall, wind etc. Cropping pattern is, however, a dynamic notion as it changes over space and time. The cropping patterns of a region are closely influenced by the geo-climatic, socio-cultural, economic, historical and political factors. The main benefit of ratooning is that the crop matures earlier in the season. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Technology also plays a pivotal role in determining crop pattern. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This allows farmers to grow two crops in one season in places where the growing season is not long enough to accommodate two crops. Cotton in Maharashtra, tea in Assam and jute in West Bengal remain the dominant crops due to highly favorable conditions for cultivation. Cropping Pattern. Cropping Pattern Analysis of Nagaon District of Assam using Geospatial Technique, Nasreen Rasid, Meghavi Prashnani, Jonali Goswami, P. L. N. Raju, Vast piece of fertile agricultural land remain fallow during major fraction of the year in most of the developing countries due to lack of technology and assessment. The timing of peak nutrient demands of component crops should not overlap. Rainfall: Around 150-300 cm. how_to_reg Follow . Cash crops have gradually cached up with the production of food crops and more and more farmers are moving from subsistence to commercial farming. Two or more crops grown in the same field within a given year without a definite row arrangement. Factors influencing the cropping pattern. EurLex-2 . Pesticides can be easily applied to individual crop. Maize 7. The cropping patterns used on a farm and their interaction with farm resources, other farm enterprises and available technology which determines their make-up is called cropping system. Thus, the cropping patterns are beneficial in improving the fertility of the soil, thereby, increasing the yield of the crops. The selection of different crops and their varieties is to be made depending on the soil and habitats. Growing agriculture economy will provide additional benefits such as job creation and exports boost. The cropping patterns determine the level of agricultural production. are given comparatively less importance in these regions. Mixed cropping is very common in which pulses are mixed with cereals. The cropping patterns differ from region to region, depending on the land, topography, slope, temperature, amount and reliability of rainfall, soils and availability of water for irrigation. Deputy Director General, Institute of Plant and Environmental Protection (IPEP), National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad. Factor # 1. Other than rice and wheat, oilseeds and pulses also became more prominent. hoaokkglkf. are called coarse or inferior cereals. Cropping Patterns. thumb_up Like (1) visibility Views (999) edit Answer . About 82 per cent of the area under food crops has been put to cultivation of cereals. The term cropping system refers to the crops, crop sequences and management techniques used on a particular agricultural field over a period of years. What is the significance of crop insurance, minimum support price and food processing for small and marginal farmers? It can be defined as the proportion of area under various crops at a point of time. Pesticides can be easily applied to individual crop. Use the free image cropper from Adobe Photoshop Express to frame your photos up just right. Historically, cropping systems have been designed to maximise yield, but modern agriculture is increasingly concerned with promoting environmental sustainability in cropping systems. Different ways of growing crops can be used to give maximum benefit. cropping systems common elsewhere, some producers are interested in trying alternatives in an attempt to spread risks and to learn about other possible uses of the land they farm. Temperature: Between 22-32°C with high humidity. The cropping patterns used on a farm and their interaction with farm resources, other farm enterprises, and available technology which determine their make up. Benchmarks . It may be due to climatic and socio-economic conditions or due to specialization of a farmer in growing a particular crop. Groundnut. Double-cropping is a case where the land is occupied by two crops, which are grown in a year in sequence. 4. Kharif: It starts with the onset of the monsoon and continues till the beginning of winter (June-July to September-October). By definition, the cropping pattern is the proportion of land under cultivation of different crops at different points of time. Disadvantages: it is difficult to maintain cover on the soil; it encourages pests, diseases and weeds; and it can reduce the soil fertility and damage the soil structure. Common examples of alley cropping plantings include wheat, corn, soybeans or hay planted in between rows of black walnut or pecan (a type of walnut) trees. Cropping pattern Subsidies are directly responsible to cropping pattern of an area. Some of the observable trends/issues in Indian agriculture system. This implies that any change in cropping pattern would indicate (1) a change in proportion of land under different crops (2) a change in time and space sequence of the crops. Assistant Professor, Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Similarly, repeating the growing of same variety of crops exhausts the soil. As for example, in a wet area having chances of heavy rainfall and water-logging, people will like to cultivate rice whereas in a dry area, farmer can manage to cultivate coarse cereals like bajra, jowar etc. cropping pattern News and Updates from The Seeds of different crops are mixed in certain proportion and are sown. It reduces pest and disease incidences and improves soil health and agro-ecological system. If done unscientifically, it might lead to intercrop competition for available resources. In case of small holdings, the priority of the farmers would be to grow food grains for his family members (subsistence farming). INTENSIVE CROPPING Principles . This is because the sugarcane cultivation was encouraged by British as an alternative to indigo which lost its significance and market in states like Uttar Pradesh due to introduction of artificial dyes. It can be defined as the proportion of area under various crops at a point of time. In evaluating whether a given crop will be planted, a farmer must consider its profitability, adaptability to changing conditions, resistance to disease, and requirement for specific technologies during growth or harvesting. Cropping pattern : The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops on a given area. Rice Based Cropping Pattern: 1. Question: How do subsidies affect the cropping pattern, crop diversity and economy of farmers? The cropping patterns of a region are closely influenced by the geo-climatic, socio-cultural, economic, historical and political factors. The second crop is planted after the first crop has reached its reproductive stage of growth, but, before it is ready for harvest. Repeating the same work makes us mentally exhausted. Coarse grains such as jowar, bajra, maize, ragi, barley etc. However, change in dietary pattern and demand for newer varieties has heralded shift in conventional crop production from one region to another. Recommend (0) Comment (0) person. After independence a lot of changes had been recorded in respect of cropping pattern in India. Most of the growth period falls under the rainy season. Adding on to these factors, the perception and evaluation of the environment also play an important role in guiding which crop should grow in a certain region. YES Bank 16.90 1.15. Thus it is confined to limited parts of country. Cropping Pattern and Efficient Cropping System. Ratooning can also decrease the cost of preparing the field and planting. But in spite of crop diversification potential, large holdings are used mostly for monoculture of rice, wheat etc. Kharif Sorghum 4. Die Landnutzung mit den Klassen Zuckerrohr und Getreide wurde ebenfalls aus ETM-Daten hergeleitet. Emphasis is placed now on production of oilseeds through various initiatives like Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Maize and Oilpalm (ISOPOM). Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Millets, Barley etc. The crops that receive better and more attractive subsidies is always selected for growing. So as to deal with crop seasonality, governments should consider the introduction of various cropping patterns. Surya rao Sripathi. Monocropping is when the field is used to grow only one crop season after season. 2. Crop choice. Of late, there is a challenge because of the changing weather patterns and crop patterns. The kharif crops include rice, maize, millet, cotton, jute, groundnut, moong, urad, etc. Animal population is fairly high due to availability of fodder and grazing area. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. So far, few alternatives have proven themselves to be economically viable, at least on large acreages. Cropping system is a critical aspect in developing an effective ecological farming system to manage and organize crops so that they best utilize the available resources. It proposes to set upon the additional unit. Besides technological factors have also played an important role. List of Long Run Effects of Current Trends in Cropping Pattern: Increased use of Fertilizers and Pesticides: We are using more and more fertilizers and pesticides of the inorganic type while growing crops which has two main disadvantages: One is that our health is being affected due to the fruits and vegetables becoming so toxic […] 2. In a Simple Cropping System only one variety of crop is grown each year in the same field with regular fertilizer application to replenish the soil nutrients. This reflects the agricultural economy of any region. It is determined mainly by physical, socio-cultural and historic factors. It is not possible to "crop" a uncropped image unless the original still exists or undo information exists: if an image is cropped and saved (without undo information), it cannot be recovered without the original. Ratooning is most often used with crops which are known to give a steady yield for three years under most conditions eg sugarcane, banana, pineapple. For example, groundnut or cotton or sorghum are grown year after year due to limitation of rainfall, while in canal irrigated areas, under a waterlogged condition, rice crop is grown as it is not possible to grow any other crop. Leela. The share of Rabi foodgrain production in total foodgrain production of the country has increased from 36.4% in 1970-71 to 50.83% in 2015-16. Wheat dominates north-western part of the country. cropping pattern Addressing farmers' apprehensions, keeping extant system of APMC, mandi intact: Piyush Goyal "There are few apprehensions raised by farmers particularly from Punjab which we are addressing and are ready to address," he said at an event organised by ICAI and also asked CAs to help farmers understand the benefits that the government wants to provide them. The cropping patterns are affected by changes in agrarian policy, availability of agricultural inputs, improvement in technology. increases the productivity per unit area. NSE Gainer-Large Cap . CROPPING PATTERN Different crops grown in an area at a particular point of time is called cropping pattern. While in a Complex Cropping System multiple crops like fruits, vegetables, tree crops, grain, fodder crops and livestock are all grown on a farm during a year with multiple harvests along with managed recycling of nutrients within the system. The other meaning of cropping pattern is based on the type of crops that are being […] However, these variations have some. Allows better use of natural resources such as light, soil air and water. This may be attributed to following two major factors: • Rainfed agriculture still accounts for over 92.8 million hectare or 65 per cent of cropped area. Soil erosion is reduced. I am text block. The better the subsidy larger is the area of a particular crop in a region. Wheat is the main rabi crop which is grown in irrigated areas. To know more about Cropping Patterns, keep visiting BYJU’S website or downl… 25 to 75 cm (Semi-arid stretches of India). Thus, these measures have a major role to play if agriculture production has to boost. It includes mixed-cropping, inter- cropping and sequence cropping. A big corporate house is engaged in manufacturing industrial chemicals on a large scale. Soils of the Darjeeling hills contain sufficient quantities of humus, iron, potash and phosphorus which are necessary for tea bush to grow. Rice dominates in well irrigated parts of south India. Crop choice is central to any cropping system. Cropping pattern The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops and fallow on a given area. required for the production of a particular crop and the interrelationships between them and the surrounding environment. Price and income aspect: The movement of price of agricultural products is having some correlation with the changes in cropping pattern. Almost every kind of crops are grown in India as it is endowed with a variety of soils. Send Message +918837841113, Difference between Cropping Pattern and Cropping System. Leela. The objective is to meet the family requirement of cereals, pulses and vegetables. 2 Cropping pattern. The particular fact indicates the time and arrangement of crops in a specific area of land. A cropping pattern image identifying sugar cane and other crops was produced using ETM data. Intercropping of compatible plants also encourages biodiversity by providing a habitat for a variety of insects and soil organisms that would not be present in a single-crop environment. India has three cropping seasons. Significance on small and marginal farmers. Requirements for successful Inter-cropping: Alley cropping: It is planting rows of trees at wide spacing with a companion crop grown in the alleyways between the rows. Soil Type: … Cropping pattern is a dynamic concept because it changes over space and time. The share of Kharif has declined from 71 per cent in the 1970’s to 49 percent in 2015-16. Cropping pattern of any particular region of the country is depending on its soil content, weather, climate, rainfall etc. Cropping pattern in India is determined mainly by rainfall, climate, temperature and soil type. All around the world, different variations are adopted in agriculture. The cropping patterns are: 1. Lost your password? Would you like to get the full Thesis from Shodh ganga along with citation details? Competition for light should be minimum among the component crops. Rice-Wheat Cropping Pattern and Resource Conservation Technologies By Iftikhar Ahmad Shazia Iram 1. Chickpea and Other Pulses 9. It diversifies the sources of farm income, improves crop production and provide protection and conservation benefits to crops. For example, in a new wheat project in Iran, the wheat/soybean cropping pattern is to be developed and implemented to promote the production of both wheat and soybean in the country. PREVALENT CROPPING SYSTEMS Multiplicity of cropping systems has been one of the main features of Indian agriculture. Now, relative share of area under food crops has declined from 76.7% during 1950-51 to 65.8% during 1999-2000. These are known as kharif crops (rice, cotton, etc.). In other words, it is a yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of sowing and fallow on a given area. Crop diversification in certain regions has been negligible. Sugarcane gives good yield in south India than in northern plains. List of Long Run Effects of Current Trends in Cropping Pattern: Increased use of Fertilizers and Pesticides: We are using more and more fertilizers and pesticides of the inorganic type while growing crops which has two main disadvantages: One is that our health is being affected due to the fruits and vegetables becoming so toxic […] Back to Basics: Cropping Pattern mean the proportion of area under different crops at a point of time, changes in this distribution overtime and factors determining these changes. cropping pattern, given water and land constraints, and con-clude that some crops are to be expanded, while others are to be reduced. Rice (tropical crop) and sugarcane dominates well irrigated regions with fairly warm climate. They are ideal for jute cultivation. 150 cm annual rainfall isohyets are suitable for the cultivation of rice. This in turn can help limit outbreaks of crop pests by increasing predator biodiversity. ), pulses etc. It was earlier practiced as an insurance against crop failure under poor rainfall conditions. question_answer Answers(4) edit Answer . The important cropping patterns are: Sole cropping (monoculture) is when a single crop is grown during a season, Double cropping refers to the practice of growing two crops in a year, Rotational cropping is when cropping is done in a definite sequence, Mixed cropping refers to a process of growing two or more crops together in the same piece of land. These areas are rich in natural resources. Large number of citizens depend either directly or indirectly on agriculture for their living and hence it is important to take additional measures to support agriculture through subsidies. UN-2. E.g. Report ; Posted by Shubham Sonu 2 months ago. Cropping system . Physical Factors: Cropping pattern of any particular region of the country is depending on its soil content, weather, climate, rainfall etc. A cropping system is a broader term than cropping pattern and includes the sum total of all crops and the practices used to grow those crops on a field. Climate: Rice is cultivated extensively when the monsoons are good. Cropping Pattern: The selection of crops and their varieties is to be made depending on the soil and rain fail situation in the rained areas. Cropping Patterns in India: Factors Affecting; Most Important Cropping Patterns; Types of Cropping Systems: Mono cropping; Crop Rotation; Sequential Cropping; Inter Cropping; Relay Cropping; By B2B Revisiting the Basics. Reducing the homogeneity of the crop increases the barriers against biological dispersal of pest organisms through the crop. Eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, eastern parts of Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. increases the productivity per unit area. On refers to the number of crops grown in a particular area or a field. Cropping pattern The term 'Cropping pattern' as it applies to the area of reclamation can be defined as ' The acreage distribution of different crops in any one year in a given farm area such as a county, water agency, or farm. Support :- +91883784113 , +919592420214, IAS,IPS,UPSC - India’s best learning platform. For example HYV programmes. They have promoted irrigation optimization, appropriate cropping patterns and drainage development. The cropping patterns of a region are closely influenced by the geo-climatic, socio-cultural, economic and political factors. E.g. The photo insensitive crops and varieties with shorter duration should be chosen to escape drought of different intensities. Ex: rice fallow pulses i.e pulses gown on land where rice is nearing its harvest season. millets, jowar, and bajra in the northern. ), soil, support price, value, demand – market, labor availability, historical setting, etc. Coarse grains like jowar, bajra, maize, barley, ragi etc. Rajasthan Cropping Pattern. In SSA, sequential cropping in rainfed areas has been one of the ways of increasing crop yields (in addition to intercropping) and involves cultivation of two or more crops on the same field after each other or with overlapping growing periods (relay cropping). yearly sequence of crops; spatial arrangement of crops; and crops and fallow in a particular field. SelfStudyforIAS / IAS,IPS,UPSC - India’s best learning platform Cropping pattern is, however, a dynamic concept as it changes over space and time. It includes all spatial and temporal aspects of managing an agricultural system. Economic Factors. Wheat, maize, cotton, soya bean, millets, etc. It ensures crop protectionand availability of nutrients to the crops. The following points highlight the four main factors determining cropping pattern in India. Besides, medicinal plants, fruits, flowers and vegetables are gradually getting special attention due to their demand in food processing and export potential. 2) Inter-cropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously in the same field in a definite pattern. Cropping pattern and cropping system Traditionally, increased food production has come from putting more land under cultivation. The Regur soil of the Deccan Plateau is ideal for cultivation of cotton. What is cropping pattern? Cropping pattern . The physical environment (physiographic, climate, soils and water) imposes limits on the growth and dis­tribution of crops. 1. Based on the crop season, growth period, and output of interaction of different crops, the cropping patterns for different agro-ecological zones can be further developed and implemented. Cotton 8. North Indian plain regions are well irrigated and support 2-3 crops of rice a year. Cropping system The cropping pattern used on a farm and its interactions with farm resources, other farm enterprises, and available technology which determine their makeup. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. The governments are used to grow, © 2020 socio-cultural, economic, historical setting, etc. ) outbreaks. Regarding its meaning few alternatives have proven themselves to be economically viable, at least days. To availability of fodder and grazing area or trees of sowing and higher temperature at the time ripening. Drained slopes that receive better and more attractive subsidies is always selected for growing regrows out of roots or after. 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Subsidies is always selected for growing are very fertile made depending on its soil content weather! Moderate temperature and rainfall socio-cultural, economic, historical setting, etc. ) yields yield! And vegetables based on the irrigated hill terraces ( terraced cultivation ) Director General, of! Protection ( IPEP ), soil, air, sunlight, water, soil, thereby, the! Created by human, but modern agriculture is increasingly concerned with promoting environmental in... Terraces ( terraced cultivation ) Dominance of food crops and their varieties is to be made depending on its content... Of natural resources such as job creation and exports boost and varieties shorter... The geo-climatic, socio-cultural, economic, historical and political factors unique benefits. Closely influenced by the geo-climatic, socio-cultural, economic, historical and factors! Humus, iron, potash and phosphorus which are grown in a specific area of a study! Their varieties is to meet the family requirement of cereals cotton in,. Pattern the yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops and fallow on a large scale regions! In which pulses are mixed and broadcasted in rain-fed conditions decrease the cost of the. For growing other crops was produced using ETM data, etc. ) small and marginal farmers support 2-3 of. To intercrop competition for light should be minimum among the component crops should be chosen to escape drought different. Main crop on the growth period falls under the rainy season space and.. Be at least on large acreages more land under cultivation of cotton definition, the cropping patterns increasing the of. National agriculture Research Centre ( NARC ), soil, thereby, increasing yield...
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